Did you guys know Zelda: Skyward Sword comes out 11/20?

"Critics who treat adult as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up."
- C.S. Lewis
Oh god. The GameSpot reviewer who who gave the game a 7.5/10, whole biggest complaint was about how the controls worked, was trying to play the game wrong.

Basically, to aim the bow you must hold the remote vertical as if you're holding a bow-shaft and pull the nunchuck back to draw. He thought you had to point the remote at the screen and use the infra-red sensor to aim and was confused about why Link was pointing the bow at the ground. Basically he didn't pay any attention to the tutorials and tried to play the game like it was Twilight Princess and he refuses to acknowledge he did anything wrong.
Oh god. The GameSpot reviewer who who gave the game a 7.5/10, whole biggest complaint was about how the controls worked, was trying to play the game wrong.

Basically, to aim the bow you must hold the remote vertical as if you're holding a bow-shaft and pull the nunchuck back to draw. He thought you had to point the remote at the screen and use the infra-red sensor to aim and was confused about why Link was pointing the bow at the ground. Basically he didn't pay any attention to the tutorials and tried to play the game like it was Twilight Princess and he refuses to acknowledge he did anything wrong.
Ha. Ha. Ha. Slow clap. What a genius.
Zelda just doesn't appeal to me. In fact video games in general don't appeal to me anymore. All there seems to be now is renewal after renewal of the same f*cking game. In that respect Call of Duty and Zelda are on the same level. But if that's your thing it's your thing.

Also, lol at how offended people get just by saying Zelda is a kids game.

man, you really do suck so hard. it's like all of the things you say are just wrong, or petty, or just f*cking stupid.

wow, it feels good to stand up to an adult

anyway gamespot is lolawful, i cant believe they wouldnt redact the review after that bit of retardedness
man, you really do suck so hard. it's like all of the things you say are just wrong, or petty, or just f*cking stupid.

wow, it feels good to stand up to an adult

Man, I'm glad you can see past what I actually said and just insult me.

All I said was that Zelda doesn't appeal to me because it is, in appearance, a kids game. Not to mention, that Nintendo are still milking franchises that, in my opinion (see what I did there?), should have died a long time ago. I'm having a go at the franchise, not the consumers.
But if that's your thing it's your thing.

So you feel the need to be insulting because I said Zelda is a game designed for children, and I'm the one who's petty? lol.

Also, Knut, I don't deny Crash Bandicoot was an amazing game. But does that mean I still have to lap up new renditions of it? I think not.
If they were still making Crash Bandicoot games with the same level of quality as Zelda, I'd ****in play em.
Man, I'm glad you can see past what I actually said and just insult me.

All I said was that Zelda doesn't appeal to me because it is, in appearance, a kids game. Not to mention, that Nintendo are still milking franchises that, in my opinion (see what I did there?), should have died a long time ago. I'm having a go at the franchise, not the consumers.

So you feel the need to be insulting because I said Zelda is a game designed for children, and I'm the one who's petty? lol.

Also, Knut, I don't deny Crash Bandicoot was an amazing game. But does that mean I still have to lap up new renditions of it? I think not.

sucks to be you, missing out on good quality gaming on the basis that it might look like it's for kids. what gives you the right to say that this franchise should of died a long time ago when you haven't played the latest rendition in the franchise? did you play twilight princess, and the wind waker before that? it's funny that someone should say a zelda game is all over the same thing when it's pretty universal that the zelda games are heralded as always changing up their formula in a time when gaming has become quite stagnant. quite an odd opinion, really - again, one i'm not going to take too seriously if you haven't played the game.
shit i got JUL3 confused with that combine hybrid guy's post. reading back, my response to JUL3's latest post was in the context of combine hybrid's earlier post. so i was too harsh, sorry dude.

i still dont get the "kids game" thing though. what does that mean? maybe it would make sense if the gameplay was extremely oversimplified and the puzzles were easy, so a young kid could easily do them. but that's not true. sure, kids can play them too, but why does that matter at all? the only thing i can come up with is that there are no guns, gore, and sex... and to say that the lack of these things implies a kids game means they are requirement for you. which is ironically a pretty childish requirement to have of a game, or anything...

i also dont understand the rehash thing. every zelda game ive played has a pretty unique take on the definitive aspects of the zelda franchise. saying that is pretty much not true.
****, it's not even like zelda games are easy either. of all the games i've played, zelda is the one that is absolutely unrelentless when it comes to figuring things out for yourself. there have been times where i've walked for hours around a temple after dropping back into it after a week of not playing only to - sadly - sometimes have to resort to a guide to remember what i was doing last.
I played Zelda: OoT for the first time recently. It was probably the most difficult thing I'd played in a while. Kids' game my arse.
I dont like how anime Nintendo got, I didnt play much of their stuff post n64 but with Other M and now this I am seeing them jump into the exact same hole all other Jap media is in
Look at the concept art for Ocarina of Time. That game was intended to look anime styled, they just couldn't get those visuals off an N64.
Look at the concept art for Ocarina of Time. That game was intended to look anime styled, they just couldn't get those visuals off an N64.

Im not a huge fan of big watery eyes but I dont mind the look so much as the *sigh* melodrama. Also the effeminate but dangerous enemy (who catches the heroes sword better than he catches man-batter:P), the ridiculous fat character the game makes you associate with like Tingle in WW. It just has so many familiar symptoms just from the videos ive seen
gotta agree with that last thing, i hate girly anime badguys. but OoT gandondorf was a badass mother****er with a rad red beard that was gonna **** your shit up.

but in TP, there was this girly zod or zed or whatever the hell that was gonna fight you all limp wrist. the cool twist was that he was actually a bitch and then ganondorf came back to rape your dreams.

and again in this one i see a twirly girly piece of androgyny that i want to fight not because it's epic, but because i want to kick his sissy ass.
Ganondorf's part in Twilight Princess was such a terrible ass-pull and Wind Waker Ganondorf was a much better character.
i dunno man, i thought it was a pretty cool surprise when you find out that zant is actually just a stupid bitch and you kick his sissy ass real easy. the swordfight with ganon at the end was pretty epic.

i havent played wind waker although i know i should.
Has anyone even played the damn game yet on these forums? I am about 4 hours in and I think it is a refreshing experience for a Zelda game. The Wii motion plus controls are pretty much living up to what I expected from the Wii when it initially came out. It is a shame that the Wii is practically on it's deathbed,Skyward Sword will most likely go down as it's swan song before the end. Without all the bickering about the Zelda franchise here in this thread, I will happily discuss this game with anyone else who is playing it =)
Yeah, I;ve been playing it since last week. The handholding through the first part was quite annoying, but now I've just done the first temple and I'm getting into the swing of things.
I just ordered TP for $13. It's a bitch finding Wind Waker, lowest is double that amount :X

I do look forward to Skyward one day, damn $60 premiums.
I just ordered TP for $13. It's a bitch finding Wind Waker, lowest is double that amount :X

I do look forward to Skyward one day, damn $60 premiums.

Im looking for the Gamecube version of TP, I heard the wii one is just bad and not meant for the remote at all. The thing is insanely hard and expensive to get with case/booklet
Really? All the reviews on Amazon say the Wii version is better in every way (with the controls being a positive).
getting into the swing of things.
Ho ho ho ho ho.

I was lucky that a retro game shop had only recently opened up when I bought my Wii and I was able to get the pre-order version of Wind Waker (includes OoT Master Quest). Of course I brought it home and started playing, and only then discovered that you need a Gamecube memory card to play Gamecube games! D:

As for TP Wii versus GC, I think it's a matter of taste. I've not played the GC version but the Wii one does have some flaws including the fact that there is pretty much no camera control due to only having one analogue stick to work with on that console. It was designed as a GC game and is pretty much just shoehorned onto the Wii. The motion controls also took me ages to get used to. In TP you don't actually want to swing so much as sudden small flicks with your wrist.
Im looking for the Gamecube version of TP, I heard the wii one is just bad and not meant for the remote at all. The thing is insanely hard and expensive to get with case/booklet

Played through the first few hours of TP and don't recall having any problems with the Wiimote. Maybe someone who played it more can confirm.
I can confirm that anybody who bitches about the Wiimote in TP is just full of shit. Although rather than actually use pointing or emulating movement, you generally just do simple motions with it (like shake it) to do basic attacks.

also i would now love to play skyward sword but i dont have enough money to get it yet, so i guess ill return to this thread on christmas when i get myself a pretty present ;)
Played through the first few hours of TP and don't recall having any problems with the Wiimote. Maybe someone who played it more can confirm.

I played the Wii version entirely and a bit of the GC version. Wii version is definitely the better one, the Wiimote implementation is very subtle but works well(the game isn't entirely focused around motion controls..)
I played the Wii version entirely and a bit of the GC version. Wii version is definitely the better one, the Wiimote implementation is very subtle but works well(the game isn't entirely focused around motion controls..)
Or at all. Motion controls in TP are basically the equivalent of pressing a the attack button. That said, I do like the fact that you can aim in third person with the bow due to the pointer which I much preferred to the first person aiming from the other ones. The lack of camera controls in annoying.
I can confirm that anybody who bitches about the Wiimote in TP is just full of shit. Although rather than actually use pointing or emulating movement, you generally just do simple motions with it (like shake it) to do basic attacks.

also i would now love to play skyward sword but i dont have enough money to get it yet, so i guess ill return to this thread on christmas when i get myself a pretty present ;)

Wait, so it doesnt read up/down vs left/right? Whats the point then? They should have just used the A button.
Wait, so it doesnt read up/down vs left/right? Whats the point then? They should have just used the A button.
It does. There are a few different gestures but basically just it tells the difference between a left/right slash but it still reacts just like a button press. That said one thing made Twilight Princess on the Wii worth it: Shield bashes. It's so fun to punch lizafos in the face with your shield repeatedly.
It does. There are a few different gestures but basically just it tells the difference between a left/right slash but it still reacts just like a button press. That said one thing made Twilight Princess on the Wii worth it: Shield bashes. It's so fun to punch lizafos in the face with your shield repeatedly.

Well yeah its not going to be 1:1 because the tech wasnt nearly ready. I take it the nunchuck acts as the shield? Just rented Skyward and man do they make you work that wiimote. It works out mostly except when they try to make you use it to control Links falling, then its a bitch.
I got this for Christmas and had a very minimal play session of about three hours this morning before the usual traditions.

Points to make:

1. This game is absolutely beautiful. Flying into Skyloft and seeing it's distant watercolour visage is one of the most truly beautiful moments I've had this year in gaming. One of the more unique aesthetics I've seen in some time.
2. The basic plot thus far is rather typical but what always ****ing elevates Legend of Zelda above 90% of other games is just how much personality is invested in every character and place. Skyloft is a treasure trove of meticulously crafted houses (The Bazaar is brilliant) and lively warm characters whose designs are reminiscent (and certainly worthy of) inclusion in a Hayao Miyazaki film. Already Zelda, with her coy facial expressions and (let me place emphasis on this) textual speech is more memorable than any and every single character in the entirety of Skyrim. I'm just stunned how endearing they are without any voiced dialogue.
3. This game seems huge. I wonder if their 50 hour playthrough estimate is bang on the money, as I've only really just gotten out of what I'd call the "Zelda prologue" after three hours. Considering I pretty much wrapped up my playthrough in Skyrim with every questline and dungeon completed in about 80 hours, it'll be interesting to see if it's anti-thesis in design can compete.
4. Swordplay seems solid, needs obviously a fair few more hours to judge. General gameplay wise it looks like there's a lot of interesting things to do.
5. The soundtrack is AMAZING. Cinema quality stuff here, no joke. The orchestra makes the world of difference. Could easily take my vote for soundtrack of the year, though it is still very early in the game.

Nevermind the Skyrim comparisons, it's just because that's what I've been playing for the past few weeks. I have nothing else in my brain to compare to :/

Will try and finish it in the next two weeks for a proper review.
Got it for Christmas too but I don't have a motion+ controller. Oops!
Sounds pretty great from that first impression. Maybe I can convince my sister to get a Wii.
I got this for Christmas and had a very minimal play session of about three hours this morning before the usual traditions.

Points to make:

1. This game is absolutely beautiful. Flying into Skyloft and seeing it's distant watercolour visage is one of the most truly beautiful moments I've had this year in gaming. One of the more unique aesthetics I've seen in some time.
2. The basic plot thus far is rather typical but what always ****ing elevates Legend of Zelda above 90% of other games is just how much personality is invested in every character and place. Skyloft is a treasure trove of meticulously crafted houses (The Bazaar is brilliant) and lively warm characters whose designs are reminiscent (and certainly worthy of) inclusion in a Hayao Miyazaki film. Already Zelda, with her coy facial expressions and (let me place emphasis on this) textual speech is more memorable than any and every single character in the entirety of Skyrim. I'm just stunned how endearing they are without any voiced dialogue.
3. This game seems huge. I wonder if their 50 hour playthrough estimate is bang on the money, as I've only really just gotten out of what I'd call the "Zelda prologue" after three hours. Considering I pretty much wrapped up my playthrough in Skyrim with every questline and dungeon completed in about 80 hours, it'll be interesting to see if it's anti-thesis in design can compete.
4. Swordplay seems solid, needs obviously a fair few more hours to judge. General gameplay wise it looks like there's a lot of interesting things to do.
5. The soundtrack is AMAZING. Cinema quality stuff here, no joke. The orchestra makes the world of difference. Could easily take my vote for soundtrack of the year, though it is still very early in the game.

Nevermind the Skyrim comparisons, it's just because that's what I've been playing for the past few weeks. I have nothing else in my brain to compare to :/

Will try and finish it in the next two weeks for a proper review.

I agree 100% with all of these points. I am 35 hours in and really enjoying the hell out of it. The Zelda series is a very consistent franchise in terms of quality. But yeah, the characters are like Miyazaki creations and the music in the game is phenomenal.
I'm probably a state of overfroth haha, hyperbole is my middle name when it comes to Zelda.