Did you have an imaginary friend?

Did you have an imaginary friend?

  • Yes

    Votes: 15 23.1%
  • No

    Votes: 36 55.4%
  • Can't remember

    Votes: 7 10.8%
  • i'm not CRAZAY!

    Votes: 7 10.8%

  • Total voters


Jan 7, 2006
Reaction score
I sure did. i forget what his name was. but man, i loved that guy :D Did anyone here have imaginary friends when they were a child?
No, but I do have one now. She is so hawt I wish she was real.

Damn I need a girlfriend...
I always have a imaginary girlfriend, so that I can fap.
Sometimes I conjure up a sad story between me and her, and I cry.
Am I crazy?
I used to have an imaginary girlfriend, but she broke up with me. She also cheated on me and accused me of rape.
Yes I did. His name was Carmen (iirc) and he was really tall and could walk through lava. One time at kindergarten I had to draw a picture of my family and I drew him as well. The teachers got really worried and talked to my parents about getting help for my psychological problems lolz.
I tried to have imaginary friends when I was a little kid, but none of them ever persisted (because I would always be like ... well, why am I talking to air?)
No, imaginary friends are mostly a western culture thing.
I did it was the spirit of hitler

he told me a lot of cool things about killing jews and blonde people ruling the world
I tried to have imaginary friends when I was a little kid, but none of them ever persisted (because I would always be like ... well, why am I talking to air?)

Same with me.
Never understood the imaginary friend shit, that's a thing for speds and drug addicts
Nope, but i speak my thoughts all the time, especially if im thinking of a troubling topic. Could be classed to talking to myself, but hey, who gives a damn.
Nope, but i speak my thoughts all the time, especially if im thinking of a troubling topic. Could be classed to talking to myself, but hey, who gives a damn.

Oh yeah, I talk to myself all the time have since... well forever! But I've never had an imaginary friend.
I didn't have an imaginary friend, but I imagined one of my friends were in the room instead, until about 11, when I grew the **** up.
ya, but he died in my imaginary concentration camp
My little 'blankey' was my imaginary friend. He was awesome. I mean, I spoke FOR him in a squeeky voice.
Mine was a mix between a teddy bear and an imaginary friend. He used to talk in really loud dark voices and watch House.

Wait, ohshi-
I would have gone for the final option, however I don't believe it to be strictly true. :|
*Kads finger starts twitching

'Redrum Redrum!!!'


I had the fortune (or misfortune if you like) to live in a genuinely haunted hotel when I was a child, so there was plenty of fun to be had with the ghost around (it used to loiter around the top floor landing and one of the rooms). Used to creep the shit out of most people (we had a few cancellations), but I got used to it over the years. You could always tell when it was watching you though because the hairs would stand up on the back of your neck, also you couldn't get the dog to come into the room for love or money...
For a dozen years, I have had a stuffed dog named Nipper. He is cute. Really cute. I even talk in his place in order to forge a conversation. Nipper is one of the very few individuals whom I can have an intelligent conversation with. He is so cute, I will keep him forever and ever. FOREVER AND EVER.

But seriously, I really do love him, regardless if he's a toy or not. And he's not just some mass-produced piece-of-shit-made-in-China stuffed dog, he's one of the rare plushie renditions of the RCA mascot, so his icon does bear a modicum of fame.

I truly don't care what anyone thinks, that adorable, little dog will stay with me until the day. I. Die. Placed right in my coffin.

So I guess this borders on "imaginary friend." And incase if anyone is wondering, yes, I do have a real dog and I love her just as much, if not, more.
I might have, but it/he/she got supplanted by an actual friend at the age of 3...

Who moved away when I was 5...

And I've never been able to contact her since.


...I'll be in the corner over there, crying.
I didn't have an imaginary friend, but I had a collection of toys I used to keep with me everywhere I went. Didn't really attach personalities or characters to them though. Just things I thought were looked or felt nice so I kept them with me.

I had a stuffed dog I called "puppy".

A little stuffed duck with a magnet on its stomach and hands, so that you could make it hug stuff, named "ducky"

A little stuffed penguin that was as tall as it was wide, named "duchie" (because I couldn't think of anything better than ducky, and kept getting confused between them).

Eventually when I got older, me and my friend would take our stuffed stuff and sorta "role play" with them.

I remember we made a house out of a shoebox, with wallpaper, tv, fridge, all sorts of stuff, and had an angry lamb bust in and murder my penguin.

Then my duck did a drivebye on the house while the lamb was ****ing a plastic figurine.

Then somehow a monkey/rapper came into the property and turned it into a ho-fest.
*Kads finger starts twitching

'Redrum Redrum!!!'


I had the fortune (or misfortune if you like) to live in a genuinely haunted hotel when I was a child, so there was plenty of fun to be had with the ghost around (it used to loiter around the top floor landing and one of the rooms). Used to creep the shit out of most people (we had a few cancellations), but I got used to it over the years. You could always tell when it was watching you though because the hairs would stand up on the back of your neck, also you couldn't get the dog to come into the room for love or money...

*calls white coated men* Oh shi-
No, but I have full length conversations with myself all the time D:

One side is cold and practical. The other is more whiny and emotional.
I didn't have an imaginary friend, but I had a collection of toys I used to keep with me everywhere I went. Didn't really attach personalities or characters to them though. Just things I thought were looked or felt nice so I kept them with me.

I have a stuffed toy dog called Bingo who's as old as me - my grandpa made him on the day I was born.

I've still got 'im!
I had an imaginary friend. He was named Barny if I recall right, and he was a purple dinosaur with green spots... I wasn't a very creative child. :(

But we weren't friends for long, he was a DICK! And always talked to me like I was retarded. "HUHEAY!!!!" "SHUT THE **** UP YOU EXTINCT PURPLE BASTARD!"

Then I had this guy called bruno kick his imaginary ass, but the guy just walked the other way and swung at the air for some reason... What? I'M NOT CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The walls tell me to stop typing. But I'm gonna keep talking. *whispers* SHHH! They don't know that. I'm trying to blend in. SHIT! They caught me! THEY'RE GETTING MAD! I GOTTA GO!



Hows it goin?

hey? Where are you goin?

