Didnt valve say....


Companion Cube
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
1. The itchyasaur would be back
2. The bullsquid would be back
3. We would learn alot more about the gman this time
4. 30+ new monsters
5. 10+ new weapons they just kept hush about
6. Source capable of doing alot more than it does currently mod wise.
7. AI would be incredibly intelligent

Now dont take this the wrong way. HL2 is singlehandedly THE second best game I have ever played (still cant beat ff7). I'm curious as to..what the hell happened to these things?
Thats funny, FF7 was my previous favourite game of all time, HL2 has knocked it off my top spot.
Link to sources where they claimed this?
1) It is back ;)
2) I guess it didn't work out, can't image an area in HL2 where it would fit into place
3) Haven't completely finished HL2 yet, but I've picked up small details. But Valve never said it either, they said they would still shroud him in mystery.
4) PR, probably a combine soldier with a shotgun is considered a different enemy than a combine with an SMG. Or that the Nova Prospekt soldiers are different than regular combine
5) I don't see the point of a huge arsenal, this functions perfectly, no weapon is useless now.
6) What do you mean by this? I can see modders pushing Source as far as modders did with HL1 with mods like NS.
7) Again, PR marketing BS, it's very intelligent, but nothing revolutionary.
It's clear they just ran out of time (possibly money..but I doubt that) and said "screw it, release it"

I'm not saying HL2 is a bad game by any means, but it could have been better, simply with the addition of a few more weapons.
erm no - its called development, you test things (and they were coded fully and working) but they dont work how you wanted so theyre cut.

Whats the point of having 30 guns? I found myself sticking to the combine gun and in a realistic combat I wouldnt need the crappy guns in the leak.
Baal is correct about 'screw it, release it'

Valve is saving all the things they were supposed to put into HL2 for expansions, so they can get more money for less work. Bad Valve.
in late 2003 they cut a lot out, or we wouldnt be seeing the game untill 2005....

i played the leak (not going to bullshit you by saying my "friend" got it), they had lots of new weapons, and the bullsquid was there, coast and canals were a lot longer, and the gunships would crash to the ground dynamically instead of blowing apart (was dissapointed by this)

they cut a LOT out to get the game done by 2004...

Valve delayed the game until they were ready to release it as they wanted to.

If it was just Valve cashing in then they couldve released earlier.
The only reason valve would take something out is for the GOOD of the game. I remember the rifle in the bugbait e3 03 video that was taken out. That looked like a cool gun. And you know that grenade/flare gun in the tunnels e3 03 vid? they changed that to a machine gun type combine thing now.
azz0r said:
How come you havent been banned yet?

You are the biggest troll in existance.

what? hahahah..
all you do in these forums is complaining about my posts..
get a life.

valve say alot of things == dont trust everything you hear. Even if it comes from Valve.
are you playing dumb or are you just a stupid little boy.

How come you havent been banned yet?
do you want to get banned?
This is not a naive question:

Why did it take so long...?

HL2 is really good, but it doesn't seem four years better than other good games.

Parts of it feel rushed, even. The coastline (I didn't play the alpha, but I've seen picks) still looks like its still not quite done, even-- especially looking out at the ocean..still looks kind of rudimentary.

They worked hard on the opening sequence to make it look really good, and much of what's in-between is of a noticably lower quality.

Oh, and the AI is cut and paste right from HL1-- the combine fight exactly like the grunts.
She said:
what? hahahah..
all you do in these forums is complaining about my posts..
get a life.

valve say alot of things == dont trust everything you hear. Even if it comes from Valve.
are you playing dumb or are you just a stupid little boy.

do you want to get banned?

Yeah ok troll :rolleyes:
Rhalle said:
This is not a naive question:

Why did it take so long...?

Have you ever made a game? 4 of those 6 years probubly went into developing Source, one of the best engines I have seen, and look at the detail of the maps! They probubly spent a year or so making the water shader...

Parts of it feel rushed, even. The coastline (I didn't play the alpha, but I've seen picks) still looks like its still not quite done, even-- especially looking out at the ocean..still looks kind of rudimentary.
The ocean probubly looks like it does for performance reasons, and I dont think it felts rushed.

They worked hard on the opening sequence to make it look really good, and much of what's in-between is of a noticably lower quality.

I did not notice that.

Oh, and the AI is cut and paste right from HL1-- the combine fight exactly like the grunts.

What are you smoking? Hl1 grunts took cover much more often, the combine seem to like to expose themselves a bit to much but they do take cover when they reload (Something Hl1 grunts did not even have to do). The combine can shoot while moving, uses grenades more intelligently and has superior pathfinding.
And Allied AI is superb, they never get stuck, they reload when they need to, they back away from burning barrels etc etc
At one point in Entanglement, I place gun turrets on all three exits in the last room, one of them got knocked out so Alyx followed me and covered that particular door instead of the other two which were already plenty covered.
Enemy AI= Above average
Allied AI= Great!
people, don't forget that valve has said to add more things to the game after it has been released.. I think iv read it in the info from valve thread, but im 100% sure iv read it.
azz0r said:
Yeah ok troll :rolleyes:

I'm going to have to agree with Azzor here, She is the troll. Every post I read is a HL2/valve/steam bash.
Raziaar said:
I'm going to have to agree with Azzor here, She is the troll. Every post I read is a HL2/valve/steam bash.

Every damn thread she posts in its just to stir the hive.

Fair enough if you dont like the game (which I doubt youve even played) then stick to off topic otherwise your going to annoy the general crowd who love hl2.
AJ Rimmer said:
And Allied AI is superb, they never get stuck, they reload when they need to, they back away from burning barrels etc etc
At one point in Entanglement, I place gun turrets on all three exits in the last room, one of them got knocked out so Alyx followed me and covered that particular door instead of the other two which were already plenty covered.
Enemy AI= Above average
Allied AI= Great!

One thing I loved about allies is how their comments are always dead on.
I stormed into a room, took out two turrets and was about to storm further, than one guy shouted "behind you!!" and got ripped to shreds by a turret behind me :)
Or when they shout the name of the enemy they encounter, "headcrabs!".

And I'm not really bothered by the fact that they often block your passage, they are aware of it and even apologize for it and move out of the way, more human (ie inexperienced warriors) than bad AI.
But there should have been a "hold your position" button because often they get killed simply because they always follow me around.
I think your all missing the point. Did you have a mind blowing experience playing Half life 2? Don't you feel this is the best game you ever played? Were you not completely entertained? Thats the Point.
FF7 is still my favourite game. HL2 did come close though.

I understand there's a bullsquid model in the cache file, strange...
PvtRyan said:
One thing I loved about allies is how their comments are always dead on.
I stormed into a room, took out two turrets and was about to storm further, than one guy shouted "behind you!!" and got ripped to shreds by a turret behind me :)
Or when they shout the name of the enemy they encounter, "headcrabs!".

And I'm not really bothered by the fact that they often block your passage, they are aware of it and even apologize for it and move out of the way, more human (ie inexperienced warriors) than bad AI.
But there should have been a "hold your position" button because often they get killed simply because they always follow me around.
"Watch out for the headhumpers Gordon!"
Yeah... :E
I was simply amazed by the AI. In HL1, I always wondered where the "incredible AI" is. But when playing HL2,
especially in the coastline section where the dropships bring alot of soldiers and you take cover in the houses.
The AI there was just incredible when compared to other games. I blocked one door, they circled to the another, or came from all the doors by once. I giggled with joy when I realized the tactics and manouvers they had to kill me.

And on to the topic: I dont think we need anymore guns or enemies in HL2. There are no useless weapons in HL2, like in HL1 IMO the gluon gun was pretty useless. The amount of different aliens is nice. The icthyosaurio-thingie would have been nice in some of the water parts, but its fine this way.
Valve absolutely did not say "what the heck, lets release it now". For every gun and type of enemy they cut, Im sure they did have a good reason. And for the "50+ enemies and guns" part, thats just hype.
I noticed a lot was changed from E3 2003 with a lot of the footage from the binks having been removed or changed i.e. no docks, traptown replaced with Ravenholm, Strider sequences changed, Klieners lab hasn't got the same converstions or the Strider breaking in, tunnels changed and hydra removed.