Die Hard 4.0


Mar 16, 2007
Reaction score
Dam, the movie totally rocked. it's been a long time since hollywood spewed out a, America is Getting Destroyed Movie...

Totally Rocked!! Thoughts?
I thought it was pretty good. It's a film that is all-action and little talk which I like.
Agreed, besides the small but annoying pg 13 rating. It was awesome!
I enjoyed it. A little bit too OTT, but a lot of fun all the same.

"Your girlfriend? The one at the bottom of an elevator shaft with an SUV rammed up her ass?"

I lol'd.
OH yeah, the many explosions, teh over the top stunts, and the one liners.

This movie is made of sex and win.
1-800-Dead Asian Hooker

rofl. Awesome movie...the F-35 scene almost ruined the movie, it was so OTT...my dad thought he was gonna ride it cowboy style...I thought more of Arnold saying "You're Fired!"...
Im the only one I know that liked it :(

Besides you guys. <3
Yea this movie is awesome, and i agree with Ridge about the F-35 scene..
rofl. Awesome movie...the F-35 scene almost ruined the movie, it was so OTT...my dad thought he was gonna ride it cowboy style...I thought more of Arnold saying "You're Fired!"...

The difference is in True Lies the scene with the Harrier jet worked fine considering the entire movie was more of a parody. However, John McClain a NYC policeman flying a F-35..... WTF? :|
The part where he jumps onto the back of the jet was insane.

The best scene would probably be the part in the underground tunnel!

The way the darkness gradually travelled down to the center was very tense and once it was pitch black...my word...all those cars crashing and flying everywhere. ****ING AMAZING! And I thought it couldn't get any better then...he takes down a helicopter with a car! I lol'ed.
"I was out of bullets" - TRAILER.


That would've been so much cooler if it wasn't in the trailer.
I saw it yesterday, was pretty awesome, the special effects and CGI parts were excellent (won't spoil it for those who haven't seen it, but the chase involving the truck = epic). Bruce Willis still kicks ass more than ever :D
I was still depressed about the whole "Yippy Kay yay Mother Fuc*BOOM*"