Diff. between 9800NP and 9800Pro?



Just wondering what the EXACT difference is other than "the pro is better than the NP" thanks in advance.
Speed. That's all. The Pro is faster (15% maybe) in many games... The Pro because its greater clock can also sustain speed better in extreme situations (ie, Halflife at max settings without FSAA/AF might yield nearly equal speed, but if you run it at max FSAA/AF the difference would be greater).

But the thing is, in new games, we go toward a very high detail but slower world (50-70 fps instead of 200)... Tomb Raider AOD. Halo. Halflife 2. You see the trend :)
Current graphics card are quite slow for high polygon DX9 games. They cant handle them at very good speeds. So the difference could be like 5 fps... Its nothing you will notice at 50-70 fps. Once you get below 30 it doesnt matter anyway, everything is slow.
allright thanks for helping out, I should be getting my comp. tomorrow with the 9800 np in it :)