Any noticeable difference, especially with cheap speakers like the Inspire 5.1 5100?
Upgrading tomorrow so I'd really appreciate a quick answer to this.
Also the difference between 91db and 100db
And finally between 48kHz and 96kHz sampling rate.
Oh, very very lastly... EAX 3.0 and 2.0
(Please don't mention Audigy or Audigy 2... they are out of my price range and on top of that, i won't be using this upgrade for long. just a temp. I'd just like to know if the differences on top are noticeable) THANX!
Upgrading tomorrow so I'd really appreciate a quick answer to this.
Also the difference between 91db and 100db
And finally between 48kHz and 96kHz sampling rate.
Oh, very very lastly... EAX 3.0 and 2.0
(Please don't mention Audigy or Audigy 2... they are out of my price range and on top of that, i won't be using this upgrade for long. just a temp. I'd just like to know if the differences on top are noticeable) THANX!