The "I've completed Minerva and I just HAVE to talk about it" thread (spoilers)

I finished Minerva. It was by far the best HL2 mod out there (Adam Foster should be working at Valve), and most areas were pretty fun, but there were a few big mistakes that made it less enjoyable. There were a lot of "okay, what the hell do I do now" moments in the game, and I really felt the flow from one area to the next was not there a lot of the time. I spent more time trying to figure out how to progress to the next area than fighting the Combine, and a lot of the puzzles were vague and confusing. Maps were a bit large, and there was a bit too much backtracking for my taste.

Other than that, great work. Visually, it was stunning, especially inside the facility. Were it not for the gameplay issues, I would call it the perfect mod. Is it on Valve's level? No. But it's pretty damn close.

Is it just me, or are Overwatch Soldiers more liberal with their grenades in Minerva?
Adam Foster should not be working at Valve. All the experiences I've heard of where someone gets hired by a company, they have no time to poduce any more.
I played through 1 and 2 on Hard mode first, because it's more of a challenge. But I found replaying it through on Normal is more fun because you're not bunny-hopping around being stupid all the time. I really dislike Hard mode on HL2 and HL, it just turns all the enemies into zombies which breaks the suspension of disbelief.
Extremely late to the parteh, but just finished it then and it felt like a very grand achievement, bringing me back to the day I played the first chapter all those years ago.

If I have one minor complaint, it's that I feel you used music perhaps too liberally throughout the last two chapters... felt as if a lot of the stock Half-Life tracks were forced in at times and didn't have the impact that they should have.

On a lighter note, the use of the track "Omnia" (is it?) just after our invisible friend detonates the facility was spot on, the custom tracks are very well done :)

Definitely can't wait for the next chapter, especially since snow has been mentioned ;)
but from what I've heard about Hunters it would be difficult to face them otherwise.

Thats the point.

Its much funnier using light weapons (crowbar/pistol/smg) against hunters than two or three boring radiator punts.
Man this mod is sweeet. Many times i just glanced at screen shouting "cooooool"
especially the portal moment with the cargo ships coming in, that was awesome and the chapter wich you don't have any waepons.
I can say this mod is on many times even better than HL2 and the episodes.

The only comments that i have is that the text messages you get should be spoken text instead this would give more atmospheric (but is alot more difficult...) and like everyone is telling sometimes you don't know what to do. However i don't mind i rather have it this way than puzzles that are to easy.
If i play games i want to be challenged.

So great work Adam...
There's a forcefield with a turret behind it in the middle, near the power downlink shaft. Chuck a grenade or something in and unplug the power socket for the forcefield generator.

An updated version of the map, for release with part three when that's done, will make the puzzle a bit more obvious...


Okay, I'm not sure if you're talking about the same place I'm at right now. I am at an area with a large portal to the combine world that I'm supposed to shut down. I'm in a large two level room with with a control room on the other side of the upper section with a force field, power plug and turret, but this is after the point in the game where all my weapons are taken away from me. I have no grenades to chuck. So now I'm stuck with no idea what to do.