Difference In RAM?

Dark Auro

Jul 31, 2003
Reaction score
I'm sorry for asking a stupid question like this but I don't know that much about RAM. Anyway, my question is, is there a big difference between PC2100 and PC3200 RAM? If there is what is it and what is faster or whatever? Thanks.
PC3200 is alot faster then PC2100.. yep, thats about it
Right now I got 768 MB PC2100. It is worth trading it for 512 MB PC3200?
No. Not unless your upgrading your whole setup. Because your mobo probly doesnt even support PC3200.

PC2100 is 266mhz, PC3200 is 400MHz. The PC3200 will get things done faster, allowing the CPU to also work quicker
My mobo supports PC3200. I found 512MB DDR PC3200 for $80. Should I get it?
I got:
Soyo Dragon Lite KT400
AMD Athlon XP 2200+ (Might be getting 2600?)
ATI Radeon 9800
And 768MB DDR 2100 RAM.

I don't know. I'm kind of going through that "OMG will HL2 run on my comp?!" I know it will but I want to try and get the best high settings I can on it with a decent frame rate.
Yeah i would upgrade the RAM, but to a decent brand(corsair, kingston, etc.)
The one I was thinking of getting is called Premium. The PC3200 512 Corsair is $120 and the Kingston is $150.
the only real point in pc3200 is that you need it to get 800 mhz out of the fsb on one of those p4s.
Originally posted by Dark Auro
So you think I should just stick with my PC2100?

Yep. Your processor is likely running at an FSB of (133 x2) 266MHz, so keeping your old RAM would be a good idea, keeping the CPU and RAM running in sync.
Yes it would be the best, and you wont feel sugnificant differance between the two kinds. furtheremore its better to have more ram than less of a slightly faster one. With this money you better buy an audigy sound blaster :)