Difficult math problem


May 15, 2004
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How many American soldiers were wounded in Iraq since the beginning of the war?
According to sources of occupation army, the number is about 9,300
The battle for Fallujah brings the number of Americans killed in Iraq since the invasion to at least 1,250, with 9,300 wounded. The number of insurgents killed in Fallujah is not known, but was put by the interim Iraqi government at more than 2,000.
but, according to the infamous german hospital, Landstuhl, 17,200 american soldiers have been treated since the beginning of the war.
Since the beginning of the war in Afghanistan, the staff at Landstuhl has treated 20,330 patients, Shaw said. Of those, more than 95% were Americans. More than 3,000 patients came from the Afghan conflict, and more than 17,200 from Iraq.

bare in mind that not every single wounded soldier goes to germany, many of them are treated in Iraq, which means the number is even bigger.
could have been sent there for things like pneumonia, the flu, or other diseases. doesnt have to be a battlefield wound.
skarrob said:
you scared you might be drafted?
theres not going to be a draft. a lib congressman brought it up covertly, now everyone and their mom thinks there going to be a draft. its bullshit.

now hasan on the other hand... those insurgents need some more flesh to fight the infidel, so he might be drafted.
Jeez, enough with the draft bullshit.

Really, hasan, if you had a choice who would you fight for? :)
GiaOmerta said:
Jeez, enough with the draft bullshit.

Really, hasan, if you had a choice who would you fight for? :)
he'd fight for "his" people, who would probably hack his head off anyway.
yes, 8,000 soldiers were sent to germany because they had flu or some sickness which has nothing to do with the war /sarcasm

a similar conflict of numbers happened during the first few days of the battle of Falluja.
that same link I posted from military.com was reporting the number of wounded soldiers in fallujah who were sent to germany.

Cornum said 419 patients, including one American civilian, have been flown for treatment to Landstuhl since Nov. 8, the day after the offensive began against militants in Fallujah, 40 miles west of Baghdad.

She said 95% of those patients have come from Iraq, and 5% from Afghanistan. Most of those from Iraq were wounded in Fallujah, but Cornum could not say exactly how many.
The number has pased 700 since that post, but the americans admit less than that.
read your own damn article hasan

"More than 50% of incoming patients have had battle wounds"

yeah, so MAYBE ill give you that 4000. whatever it is, its irrelevant.
'All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near. Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder, and crush him.' -Sun Tzu
KoreBolteR said:
hasan, do you watch al-jazeera?
nice try ..

Don't change the topic .. there is another thread.

MAYBE ill give you that 4000. whatever it is, its irrelevant.
indeed it is irrelevant.
what is relevant is the contradiction.
contradiction = lies.
hasan said:
nice try ..

Don't change the topic .. there is another thread.
you dont change the topic either, give me your reply to this.
gh0st said:
"More than 50% of incoming patients have had battle wounds"
tell me what the other 50 is?
I edited ..

also .. GiaOmerta, I know that, I'm trying to convince some people that the Americans lie.
hasan said:
indeed it is irrelevant.
what is relevant is the contradiction.
contradiction = lies.
4000 WOUNDED is not a lie. i imagine its rather difficult to get an accurate estimation on this in a timely fashion. now if there were 4000 casualties underestimated that would be cause for concern, but this isnt the same... and, well, no one cares but you.
what do you mean that I "care"? I'm just trying to wake some people up.
gh0st said:
could have been sent there for things like pneumonia, the flu, or other diseases. doesnt have to be a battlefield wound.

True, it doesn't have to be a battlefield wound, but the likelyhood of it being from disease is highly doubtful. As for the flu, all American Soldiers get a flu shot every year.

However, they could get sent there for such things like broken limbs that are non-combat related or even an eye-exam for a physical (taking into account that they did not have the proper equipment immediatly after the fall Bagdad...)
ok, so only 4000 had battlefield wounds. agreed

we killed like a thousan terrorists while going into Falluja. agreed.

These "freedom fighters" are trying to play ball with the big boys, and are angery that they are getting there ass kicked. agreed.

military math states that anything lower than 25% casulaties is good.

a draft will not happen, because a draft army is not a happy army. an unhappy army kills less effectively
hasan said:
I edited ..

also .. GiaOmerta, I know that, I'm trying to convince some people that the Americans lie.

It's war.

You have access to these numbers am sure these terrorist have access to them. Think man... think.
so hasan wants to prove americans lie, but devotes none of his time to say proving that most arab nations lie or says anything against them.

right now he'll say he does, but wont mention it later. its like i asked him for the links to show when isreal massacred palastinians, but he never answered
To define Hasan, casualties reference into both dead, wounded, or MIA.

To recount, if 17,000 soldiers have been apparently wounded, and you believe a third party point involving a lie about the figure; post all 17,000 injuries abroad.
hasan i know your strongly against the war against terrorism and try to convince people that its wrong, .. but we have to get rid of these people who are willing to nuke another country, or even harm ANYBODY that gets in thier way.. even thier own muslim people.. they sicken me
KoreBolteR said:
hasan i know your strongly against the war against terrorism and try to convince people that its wrong, .. but we have to get rid of these people who are willing to nuke another country, or even harm ANYBODY that gets in thier way.. even thier own muslim people.. they sicken me
sigh ..
I am one of those people, I am Iraqi.
it's america who is a threat to everybody dude ..

indeed, have to get rid of these people who are willing to nuke another country, or even harm ANYBODY that gets in thier way.. even thier own American people
america are only after the terrorists, who seem to make the people of iraq scared. iraqis are scared of the terrorists MORE than american troops. according to 1 iraqi guy living in iraq
and what do the terrorists do, wow i just heard about a suicide bombing of a police station, why would "freedom Fighters" try to bomb their own people?

or better yet, if america does not go around blowing random shit up, y are we the bad guys?
Everyone in the entire world lies, america is just so important that people like hasan try to hold it against them. Please hasan, nothing dumber than trying to prove that americans lie, its already a fact. Along with the fact that Iraqi''s and everyone else lies.
It's human nature to deceive. Especially during war.

Who give's a shit about these numbers, seriously. It's war. Deceive the enemy.
I already stated in other threads that terrorists are notto be mixed with the resistance. yes there are terrorists in iraq, but not only that, there are all kinds of gangs, mafia, drug dealers, bank robbers, kidnappers .. all kinds of shit is free to operate, after they got liberated!! yay for amerian freedom!

You have to distinguish between terrorism and resistance. The guerrilla war is justified, but I am against the kidnapping of civilians

Theere are many different groups, some of them are pure resistance, some of them are just mafias, some are terrirsts, some are mix between terrorism and resistance. they think it's ok to kill 20 iraqis in a bombing if 2 americans get killed in it. collateral damage.
interestingly, americans use the same concept "collateral damage" to justify their killing of innocent people.

if america does not go around blowing random shit up, y are we the bad guys?
isn't "bombing" what America is most famous for?

hasan, nothing dumber than trying to prove that americans lie, its already a fact.
it's not me :/ it's the people who think the statements of american military in iraq are pure facts. aka americans killed 2000 resistane fighters while resistane fighters only killed 70 marines.
hasan said:
isn't "bombing" what America is most famous for?
actually i think "bombing" is what muslim fundamentalist TERRORISTS are famous for. see, they strap bombs to themselves and blow up innocent civilians inside busses, and then have the audacity to tell the world they are being persecuted by the people they are bombing.
actually i think "bombing" is what muslim fundamentalist TERRORISTS are famous for. see, they strap bombs to themselves and blow up innocent civilians inside busses, and then have the audacity to tell the world they are being persecuted by the people they are bombing.
if they had F-16 they would simply drop thousands of tons of bombs - just like america - instead of starpping bombs to their waists.
hasan said:
if they had F-16 they would simply drop thousands of tons of bombs - just like america - instead of starpping bombs to their waists.
only difference is america doesnt purposely target civilians, unlike your monsterous terrorist chums. im sure stern will produce a plethora of links disputing this, blaming us for 9.11, and so on and so forth.
only difference is america doesnt purposely target civilians
so untrue ..
it's not like they bomb a military base and guy who was walking by gets killed. hey bomb homes! (*screams) Homes!
Wither or not Jihadist being equipped with F16s would make no difference.
They'd be easier to deal with exactly. Within seconds of take off the rogue F16 would be detected and blown out of the sky.
hasan said:
so untrue ..
it's not like they bomb a military base and guy who was walking by gets killed. hey bomb homes! (*screams) Homes!
well see, in your vision of war everything is fair game. busses, churches, homes, cafes. we may bomb homes, and mistakes admittedly happen, as in any war, but we do not target civilians. you do. thats the sick difference between you and i my friend.
GiaOmerta said:
Wither or not Jihadist being equipped with F16s would make no difference.
They'd be easier to deal with exactly. Within seconds of take off the rogue F16 would be detected and blown out of the sky.
having F16 implies having advanced military technology. get it?

gh0st said:
well see, in your vision of war everything is fair game. busses, churches, homes, cafes.
actually, that's inYOUR vision, everyone is a target because the situation is tense and soldiers are on their nerve, so it's ok if they shoot anything, because after all these ****ing terrorists hide in busses, churches, homes, cafes etc.
hasan said:
having F16 implies having advanced military technology. get it?
technology > decency? technology cant do a lot of things. it may be able to send a bomb through a window, but that doesnt mean its the right window. it all comes down to human error. ERROR.

in your case it isnt error, its terrorism. meant to kill civilians. you cant justify it. by the way, we are discussing israel right now, yeah?
ok, so you don't get it. I was replying to this quote (as I made it obvious in my post)
Wither or not Jihadist being equipped with F16s would make no difference.
They'd be easier to deal with exactly. Within seconds of take off the rogue F16 would be detected and blown out of the sky.

still don't get it?
Theere are many different groups, some of them are pure resistance, some of them are just mafias, some are terrirsts, some are mix between terrorism and resistance. they think it's ok to kill 20 iraqis in a bombing if 2 americans get killed in it. collateral damage.
interestingly, americans use the same concept "collateral damage" to justify their killing of innocent people.

Oh, im going to have fun with this ... :cheese: Look below, to see how your logic works against you.

Theere are many different soldiers, some of them are pure balances of good and evil, some of them are just reserved and peaceful in their thoughts, some are patriotic, some are mix between patriosm and good. they think it's ok to kill 20 iraqis in a bombing if 2 resistance get killed in it. collateral damage.
interestingly, the Iraqi resistance uses the same concept "collateral damage" to justify their killing of innocent people.

I tried to keep it in your wording. ^

indeed, have to get rid of these people who are willing to nuke another country, or even harm ANYBODY that gets in thier way.. even thier own American people

America does'nt kill its own people -- its not what were famous for. However, the Iraqi Resistance seems to kill its own people. Here, in Baquba ... :rolling:


... Meanwhile, in Samarra ... :rolling:


... somewhere ... in Baghdad ...:rolling:


... Upon my word! Whats this? More?! Oh, those silly Iraqis! :rolling:


... Oh bejesus! Whats this?! ... MORE?!! :rolling:

http://www.ogrish.com/archives/2004/september/OGRISH-dot-com-kidnap and execute driver.wmv

... wait a moment, wait a moment ... what would this arguement be without ... *SNAP* Margaret Hassan! :rolling:


I already stated in other threads that terrorists are notto be mixed with the resistance.

Yes they are, because they've confused themselves! The Iraqi Resistance is the remainder of Saddams Military Advisory. It also includes membership from the remainders of the Political Organization, Baath.

It maintains itself now, to be now known as Al-Qaeda. They are inherently the same thing ... according to them.

yes there are terrorists in iraq, but not only that, there are all kinds of gangs, mafia, drug dealers, bank robbers, kidnappers .. all kinds of shit is free to operate, after they got liberated!! yay for amerian freedom!

Can we expect to see anytime soon the Iraqi version of, "The Godfather", entitled "The Mujahadeen"?

I read your post as Sarcasm, sorry.

isn't "bombing" what America is most famous for?

No. America is famous for Ball-Park Franks, NBA Fights, and the worst Porno's man could purchase.

it's not me :/ it's the people who think the statements of american military in iraq are pure facts. aka americans killed 2000 resistane fighters while resistane fighters only killed 70 marines.

Its no surprise that figure exists -- we were superior in all military aspects with comparison to the resistance.

if they had F-16 they would simply drop thousands of tons of bombs - just like america - instead of starpping bombs to their waists.

Then that would make the Resistance even more dangerous -- either way, it does'nt help the point your trying to clear.

so untrue ..
it's not like they bomb a military base and guy who was walking by gets killed. hey bomb homes! (*screams) Homes!

That was the most confusing sentence ever written. It not only contained incorrectly used examples of Eubonics [hey bomb homes!], but its not like they bomb a military base and a [random] guy who was [randomly] walking by [?] gets killed[?].

Please, make more sense of that.

Wither or not Jihadist being equipped with F16s would make no difference.
They'd be easier to deal with exactly. Within seconds of take off the rogue F16 would be detected and blown out of the sky.

Yea, as it so happens, the Patriot Missle is'int so useless after all.

well see, in your vision of war everything is fair game. busses, churches, homes, cafes. we may bomb homes, and mistakes admittedly happen, as in any war, but we do not target civilians. you do. thats the sick difference between you and i my friend.

Yep. ^^

having F16 implies having advanced military technology. get it?

The F16 is not advanced military technology -- rather, its not the pinnacle. However, having an F16 does'nt imply advanced technological armies (as Sprafa pointed out to me).

Having something that could down an F16, implies your more military superior.

actually, that's inYOUR vision, everyone is a target because the situation is tense and soldiers are on their nerve, so it's ok if they shoot anything, because after all these ****ing terrorists hide in busses, churches, homes, cafes etc.

Wrong. You have no issue with the beheadings, because its only the infidels who are dying -- so, in retort, its no surpise to see you wheep over and specificly so, for dead Iraqis.

Oh, and terrorists do hide in anything. :p Sad, but true. So we have to blow them out ...

technology > decency? technology cant do a lot of things. it may be able to send a bomb through a window, but that doesnt mean its the right window. it all comes down to human error. ERROR.

in your case it isnt error, its terrorism. meant to kill civilians. you cant justify it.

Exactly. Hasan's already justified our people dying on the basis of Collateral Damage -- so either civilians dying is a problem, or is not a problem. Pick one, Hasan.
yeah, so can hasan name one isntance where an american officer said, "here, blow that up, that building full of innocent people"? i mean innocents do get killed, but its by accident. terrorists go around and blow up plenty of innocent iraqis every day.

hasan, can you tell me ur veiws on the bombing of police stations(in Iraq) and bustops (in isreal)?