Difficult math problem

hasan said:
How many American soldiers were wounded in Iraq since the beginning of the war?
According to sources of occupation army, the number is about 9,300

but, according to the infamous german hospital, Landstuhl, 17,200 american soldiers have been treated since the beginning of the war.

bare in mind that not every single wounded soldier goes to germany, many of them are treated in Iraq, which means the number is even bigger.

wounded from afgahnistan are treated at landstuhl as well, you seemed to have forgotten to factor that in.

BTW how many people were found in mass graves in iraq again?

http://www.thisislondon.com/news/articles/14004914?source=Evening Standard
and still, how many bustops in isreal do terrorists blow up? how many police stations in Iraqi?
hasan said:
sigh ..
I am one of those people, I am Iraqi.
it's america who is a threat to everybody dude ..

indeed, have to get rid of these people who are willing to nuke another country, or even harm ANYBODY that gets in thier way.. even thier own American people

this is an honest question hasan.

did you/do you support the baath party?
Shad0hawK said:
this is an honest question hasan.

did you/do you support the baath party?

or better yet, does he support bombing bustops and police stations?
I've never been a bathist, never embraced the dogma of the baathists. I grew up in an islamic environment. I am what you call "islamist".

now, for silly kerboros:
Prominent elements of the Iraqi resistance, such as the Shura Council of Fallujah Mujahedeen, condemned the kidnapping and called for her release.

I'm not gonna comment any more cause the argument has been argued to death, if you don't want to accept it, that's your problem.

does he support bombing bustops and police stations?
let me ask you, do you support the establishment of israel on the palestinian land in 1948?

yeah, so can hasan name one isntance where an american officer said, "here, blow that up, that building full of innocent people"?
are you stupid or what? it's not like they're gonna say that in public.
infact, my arguemnt is based on that they are hypocrites.

wounded from afgahnistan are treated at landstuhl as well, you seemed to have forgotten to factor that in.
it seems you don't know how to read. (if you don't get it, go read the section about casulties again (assuming you read it!))

can you tell me ur veiws on the bombing of police stations(in Iraq)
it depends .. there is nothing wrong in general with the police, we need them to provide some security (as much as possible, anything is better than nothing) and keep order in general.
but if they help the americans, then they become a legitimate target(the ones that do so, not everybody). like the so called national guard who are helping the americans with their attack on fallujah.
although I think most of the bombings on police stations are done by either criminals or al-qaeda.

I'm against bombing public places anyway .. even if the target is the american troops.

I actually think that even if some of the police help the americans, we shouldn't attack them because we need to focus on the invader, not on our own people.
the only exception being during the battles, if they are battling alongside the americans.

Oh, im going to have fun with this ... Look below, to see how your logic works against you.
what you fail to see is that there is are official entities that represent the american military and gov't, and they use the collateral damage excuse all the time.
However, there isn't a specific entity that represents the resistance which argues that it's ok to kill alot of innocent people because they are colloteral damage.
on the contrary, almost all political institutions and persons who speak openly against the occupation and for the armed resistance have condemned the kidnaping of innocent people and the irresponsible bomings of public places.

America does'nt kill its own people
Bush does .. or atleast a good big chunck of americans think that bush has no problem sacrificing his people for his plans or whatever.
or well, atleast moore does. and I think he represents alot of people ..

please don't post in public forums while intoxicated. thank you.

BTW how many people were found in mass graves in iraq again?
how is that related to the conversation?
also, if you want, I can ask you about the native indians, hiroshima, vietnam, iraq, etc. millions of people.
yes, i support isreal founding in what you claim is Palastine, along with its defence after being attack by its neighbors. but u have been saying they have massacred the locals, can i yet again get a link to that. and haveing a link to the albainian genocide has no merrit, because they were delt with.

and what bout those bus bombing and police station bombings, there kiling plenty of Iraqis, or is it ok because u are defeating the evil empire?

ive siad i support isreal, do u support bombings of ur own people, most of which want to recreate Iraq, and not get blown up


what bout those bus bombing and police station bombings, there kiling plenty of Iraqis
oh my God ..
eg, when are you goign to learn to read?
your typing, i know, its so diffifcult, always changing subjects and making empty statements. how bout my q?
I've never been a bathist, never embraced the dogma of the baathists. I grew up in an islamic environment. I am what you call "islamist".

Okay, I see your logic now.

I get it. Thanks. But it got through :D

I'm not gonna comment any more cause the argument has been argued to death, if you don't want to accept it, that's your problem.

I was'nt argueing about those who condemned it -- you are right that its been discussed before.

For the point I was trying to make, you do kill your own people, and sometimes indiscrimnately to accomplish your mission of flushing Westerner's out of your country. I dont believe a man whose peaceful from both American or Resistance influence needs to die in a car bombing and be labeled a martyr upon his death, even if he garnered no support to either side.

although I think most of the bombings on police stations are done by either criminals or al-qaeda.

The Al-Qaeda in Iraq are Saddams previous military advisory. They are the Iraqi Resistance inherently, but have declared themselves to be Al-Qaeda once they realized building a new Baathist Nationalism from within Iraq, was hopeless.

At least now, because they dont have the numbers.

what you fail to see is that there is are official entities that represent the american military and gov't, and they use the collateral damage excuse all the time.

However, your post called it out as if Americans were the one's first for this responsibility, which is inherently flawed by, here again, were Car Bombs of your resistance, indiscriminately detonate where-ever their exist an American presence, despite your fellow citizens and children being nearby.

If you wish to legitimize Collateral Damage against your own citizenry, on the compliment at least one American dies, then you flaw any possible sympathies for you, or your resistance.

Bush does .. or atleast a good big chunck of americans think that bush has no problem sacrificing his people for his plans or whatever.
or well, atleast moore does. and I think he represents alot of people ..

Just like every leader of any country, has blood on his hands for what he does with the people living inside of it.

Wether your for the war, or against it, war in itself makes any politican more dirty then previous. For someone like Bush, whose argued to give the war more power then nessecary, it does infact make it worse.

please don't post in public forums while intoxicated. thank you.

Flawing your arguement once again, is you did not address the Iraqi executions against ... Iraqis. Some of these people, again, are killed indiscriminately, then later claimed as matyrs for dying in its causes.

I cannot agree that your country is'int becoming famous for just how its choosing to resist, and I dont think noone cheers, even for Americans, when civilians are killed.
I am convinced now that either you can't read, or I can't express myself well enough for your brain level.
but again, you havent actually said, "no i do not support blowing up bistops and police stations" it also good to mention after i kept badgering u to show links to arab massacres by the isrealis, u stopped
debating people like you is really irritating ..
the political forum is really not your place.
Its only irritating to you, because I provide a challenge to you. I smile everytime you deny it, and I laugh everytime you avoid it.

I giggle like a school girl when you use a retort against it. :cheers: