Difficulty Problems


Didn't Get Temp-Banned
Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score
Basically, the server told me it was Advanced.

But it seemed oddly easy.

That was because it was Normal, as we were told after we breezed through the campaign.

So, why is my server lying to me? Is anybody else being lied to by their servers?
If you hold tab during the game, it will tell you the difficulty at the top. It's a known bug when you restart the campaign or start a game from the lobby the game occasionally reverts to normal. Check it on the scoreboard, then 'start a vote' and change it to 'advanced'. It happens to most of us.
This bug was supposedly fixed over a month ago, but apparently not, as I see this happen from time to time too.
It's because your server IS SHIT. Joke, I haven't experienced this though.
Yeah, this will never stop I don't think...drives me crazy when you think you're doing so awesome on Expert when you realize it's Advanced :(
If you hold tab during the game, it will tell you the difficulty at the top. It's a known bug when you restart the campaign or start a game from the lobby the game occasionally reverts to normal. Check it on the scoreboard, then 'start a vote' and change it to 'advanced'. It happens to most of us.

Awrighty, I'll be sure to double-check next campaign. Thanks Glennface.