Digital Camera advice from some of you photogoonies



I've been meaning to invest in a nice camera for some time now. I don't really take a lot of pictures, but I find myself wishing I had a camera for special things from time to time, and I think it's about time I just buy one. My phone takes really nice pictures, however it's a bit of an annoyance to use as a primary camera. I have a Nokia 7610 btw.

What I want is a solid camera, doesn't have to be the absolute best quality, but I'd like it to be a rather nice one, and the smaller the better, I really like those tiny ones. Price isn't really a problem, keep it below a grand I guess.

Let me know what you guys think. I have no experience with photography, so I figured I'd ask some people who do.
The Canon SD line is for you. Uber small and as high as 8MP I believe. Takes great pictures.
The Canon powershot series have always been average joe's high quality cams
But check the following sites for all the info you will even need, in a clear and objective package:

from the first link, steve's digicam's, in the section "best camera's"

Ultra Compact - Pocketable
Canon Powershot SD600

Sony Cybershot T5

Casio Exilim EX-S600

Nikon Coolpix S5

Canon Powershot SD400

Sony Cybershot W50
If you don't need zoom and only want a small camera that you can take with you everywhere, I recommend the Panasonic DMC-FX7.
If you want a fancier and bigger camera, I'd take something from Canon.

Smaller = not as good. Harder to change ISO speed (if you can), can't change shutter speed, no manual focus (wtf I don't want to focus on the bird I want to focus on my girlfriend), and you can't keep them steady for shit. Why would you spend a grand on a girly camera?

Get an old Film SLR. Analogue beats Digital hands down in terms of quality.

Not to mention, with a film camera, you're going to have a HUGE selection of lenses that will fit your camera, while with a DSLR, you're going to be stuck with a few telephotos, a fisheye, a pancake, and maybe a couple macros that will fit your camera.

If you ask me, get either a Nikon F3, FM2 (love these), or F6.

I don't know much about the digitals though. I know in the analogue/film world, Nikon is your best bet quality and time-tested wise, while with digital, Canon has the hands down advantage (feature wise).

DON'T GET A REBEL! They are t3h devil.

EDIT: This seems like a nice camera for about a grand
So it's currently between:

I like the look of the SD ones.. I may look into the SD700 IS as well.

sinkoman said:

Smaller = not as good. Harder to change ISO speed (if you can), can't change shutter speed, no manual focus (wtf I don't want to focus on the bird I want to focus on my girlfriend), and you can't keep them steady for shit. Why would you spend a grand on a girly camera?

Get an old Film SLR. Analogue beats Digital hands down in terms of quality.

Not to mention, with a film camera, you're going to have a HUGE selection of lenses that will fit your camera, while with a DSLR, you're going to be stuck with a few telephotos, a fisheye, a pancake, and maybe a couple macros that will fit your camera.

If you ask me, get either a Nikon F3, FM2 (love these), or F6.

I don't know much about the digitals though. I know in the analogue/film world, Nikon is your best bet quality and time-tested wise, while with digital, Canon has the hands down advantage (feature wise).

DON'T GET A REBEL! They are t3h devil.

EDIT: This seems like a nice camera for about a grand

While I appreciate the advice, I would really like digital because I can't be arsed to actually buy and develop film, not to mention I'd actually like to have my photos on my PC. I'd also like a camera that I can fit in my pocket, as the only pictures I'll be taking are probably at parties and such anyways, I'm no photographer.
DreadLord1337 said:
While I appreciate the advice, I would really like digital because I can't be arsed to actually buy and develop film, not to mention I'd actually like to have my photos on my PC. I'd also like a camera that I can fit in my pocket, as the only pictures I'll be taking are probably at parties and such anyways, I'm no photographer.

But why spend a grand on a teeny tiny thingamabober you could swallow???

Well, don't know much about those little tiny rangefinder cameras. Can't help you there :/
sinkoman said:
But why spend a grand on a teeny tiny thingamabober you could swallow???

Well, don't know much about those little tiny rangefinder cameras. Can't help you there :/

Well the one I'm looking at is only $500. Money really isn't an issue. But I need something that can just fit in my pocket at all times really. I'm usually too piss drunk to operate a nice camera when I need one anyways.
Just remember that EVERYBODY needs 8 megapixels. Marketers told me so.
SixThree said:
Just remember that EVERYBODY needs 8 megapixels. Marketers told me so.

Who needs megapixels when you've got millimetres???

HAHAHAH! I can just see you trying to crank a film SLR in a nightclub.

I'm going to go now...
DreadLord1337 said:
But the thing is, pretty much all camera's and especially small ones work very badly at night. The only way you can get one to take a proper picture is to set the shutter to like 10 or 15 seconds and thst doesn't work very well in a club where everybody is moving fast. And they are right about the megapixels, the only thing avrage users would need more then 3 for, is for digital zoom. Other factors are much much more important.
Gray Fox said:
But the thing is, pretty much all camera's and especially small ones work very badly at night.

A compact camera with a decent AF light and a flash solves all clubbing picture woes.
jondy said:
A compact camera with a decent AF light and a flash solves all clubbing picture woes.
A75 powershot has decent AF light and Flash, but to be honest flash usually overbrights or underbrights the picture by to much. Plus it can't reach more then a few meters, and can even make bad picture in rooms that aren't nearly as badly lit as clubs. You need one of those camera's with big lenses and big chips that can capture a lot of light in a fraction of a second.

BTW A75 does kick ass:
jondy said:
A compact camera with a decent AF light and a flash solves all clubbing picture woes.

And produces ugly flash lit photos with black backgrounds and red eyes.
Well I appreciate all the help. It's not like nightclubs are the only place I'll be taking pictures lol, just a decent example. I usually use my phone at parties and such, but as I said, I'm usually too drunk to fumble around with anything too complicated anyways.
MaxiKana said:
And produces ugly flash lit photos with black backgrounds and red eyes.

I'll disregard the redeye as that's all but solved with preflashing and decentralised flashes, but it doesn't matter - AFAIK this guy isn't studying an art course, he wants a quick, small, reliable camera that he can take out with him. You don't need to carry around a D70 for on-the-spot groupshots, and you don't want to make people to stand dead still for ten seconds while your 10-second exposure is cooking, regardless of what ridiculous ISO level fancy DSLR's put out :p
jondy said:
I'll disregard the redeye as that's all but solved with preflashing and decentralised flashes, but it doesn't matter - AFAIK this guy isn't studying an art course, he wants a quick, small, reliable camera that he can take out with him. You don't need to carry around a D70 for on-the-spot groupshots, and you don't want to make people to stand dead still for ten seconds while your 10-second exposure is cooking, regardless of what ridiculous ISO level fancy DSLR's put out :p

I can understand that that type of phone may take better pictures than others, but it cannot compete with any dedicated camera.
secret friend said:
use the flash (I am guessing it comes with a flash)

#1. You're a retard.

#2. No it doesn't, it comes with a Night Vision mode that works excellent.

#3. I don't like you KngHenry, piss off please.

Qonfused said:
I can understand that that type of phone may take better pictures than others, but it cannot compete with any dedicated camera.

That's why I'm buying a camera. :D
My recommendation is to buy a film camera. They take better pictures, are less likely to get stolen or break, and the prints, if you don't wimp out and have a shop develop them for you, can look outstanding and are much more rewarding. The dark room is by far the most fun part of photography for me.

But if you go digital, Canons are always a good choice. (The brand my traditional camera is, as well as my dad's digital)
Infern0 said:
My recommendation is to buy a film camera. They take better pictures, are less likely to get stolen or break, and the prints, if you don't wimp out and have a shop develop them for you, can look outstanding and are much more rewarding. The dark room is by far the most fun part of photography for me.

But if you go digital, Canons are always a good choice. (The brand my traditional camera is, as well as my dad's digital)


Wait, I said i'd leave already D:


*zips pants and runs off*
Infern0 said:
My recommendation is to buy a film camera. They take better pictures, are less likely to get stolen or break, and the prints, if you don't wimp out and have a shop develop them for you, can look outstanding and are much more rewarding. The dark room is by far the most fun part of photography for me.

But if you go digital, Canons are always a good choice. (The brand my traditional camera is, as well as my dad's digital)

Lol @ "wimp out and have the shop develop them for me". Dude, I wouldn't even have the shop develop them for me, nevermind develop them myself haha.
If you are looking for something to throw in a pocket, the Canon SD400 or SD500 would be my pick. I don't think the Sony T series does a very good job with pictures at all. My friend had a T1 (5mp) and it had pretty blury pictures even outside compared with the SD500 he later picked up. The W50 is a good alternative for Sony though. Still pretty small.

It's the same way with digital, the smaller you make a camera (the lens etc) the picture will suffer.
DreadLord1337 said:
I've been meaning to invest in a nice camera for some time now. I don't really take a lot of pictures, but I find myself wishing I had a camera for special things from time to time, and I think it's about time I just buy one. My phone takes really nice pictures, however it's a bit of an annoyance to use as a primary camera. I have a Nokia 7610 btw.

What I want is a solid camera, doesn't have to be the absolute best quality, but I'd like it to be a rather nice one, and the smaller the better, I really like those tiny ones. Price isn't really a problem, keep it below a grand I guess.

Let me know what you guys think. I have no experience with photography, so I figured I'd ask some people who do.

If you want to keep it below a grand then I suggest you buy a Nikon D70s. Those are about $700 now. Maybe a bit less than a grand with the retail lens, but if you already have Nikon SLR lenses, those will still work.

Add another $100 for the memory card.

If you desire a pocket digital camera then I am sure you can get a decent one for less than $400. I bought a Canon with 4MP for less than $150 on newegg.
I purchased the SD700 IS today from Circuit City for $499.99. I appreciate all the help people. :)
DreadLord1337 said:
I purchased the SD700 IS today from Circuit City for $499.99. I appreciate all the help people. :)

Nice camera, but


you wasted $299.99
DreadLord1337 said:

No, what I meant to say is that you could have settled for a $200 Canon 4 MP camera.

It depends on your needs I guess.

Since I won't be printing pictures larger than 4x6, and very rarely 8x10, 4 MP is more than enough for me.

But if you need 6 MP, then you made a good choice.
Money really isn't an object, and I like the higher quality.
DreadLord1337 said:
Well my phone has a really nice camera, but it has problems with movement, everything blurs badly.
You're still going to get motion blur with a compact, as it will no doubt have quite a bit of shutter lag.

To get around this you'de need to buy an slr or a dslr that can take very high speed pictures that freeze the shot.

I'm guessing this would be important in a nightclub where you're going to be drunk and there will be lots of movement anyway.
when ever u go for a didgital camera, don't ever run behind the mega pixel saga. i made a big mistake buying the 'Sony Cybershot T5' 7.1 mega pixel camera. but the truth is that there is hardly any quality difference between the 7.1 mega pixel and the 5.1 mega pixel. i could have save some buck by going for the 5.1 mega pixel. higher mega pixel count dont necessarily improve the quality of image taken.