Digital painting WIP - Roman at War

It looks very good and finished in my eyes :)
Well, its hard to get your own paintings to look perfect, no matter if other people think it is, it´s more important that it looks finished ;) ( thats what I keep telling myself *sigh* )
hmm, I dont think the grass is too green..Its supposed to hit with sunlight isnt it, and the dark cloud in the backround gives the image a certain tension! I like it, can´t see why you should change it more.
But you can always start a new piece and come back to this if you ever want. Thats what I do all the time, heh.
Looks pretty good. I actually like the idea of it being a bit brighter than what people might normally do. Sometimes doing art that is....out of palce can have quite a good effect. Like portraying a war through rose tinted glasses. There are better examples really, but none come to mind :P
Sorze said:
Ok I think this is it... I don't wanna work on this anymore, I'm itching to do something else now!

Roman at War

Thanks for your input, it's really been helpful, and yes, you may crit this one as well! :cheers:

Ohh i like this one!! you done a wonderful coloring! congrats!
But the only thing that is missing imo is the main soldier's helmet.
His face is also very well done! I'm a digital artist too so i know how hard 2 draw a face in this perspective.

*big thumbs up!*
Thanks mate!

I had a look at your things, good stuff! :)
Generals usually ride horses... And have more armour..

That looks more like a... Political figure or something.

Very nicely done though! I really like your excellent shading and lighting.

Only actual complaint would be the shape of the head...
A general/commander wouldn't wear a helmet, but I love that, so much. As I say again, the armour should be a golden colour, but I like it