Dinosaur Twitter

Ingenious! I lol'd.

"whoa I actually understand my math assignments haha"

"I just want to see if I can do it!"
It's amazing how often it makes sense! Says something about the quality of tweets, perhaps?


why does mine constantly update on this page where i posted it??
Because you're linking to the dynamic URL posted in the OP. Look at what you have in the image tags. Does that look like a link to a single unique image to you?

Anyway, this made me laugh:

guys quick...go to google and type "dinosaur twitter" our webpage has it at the 6th place! what do you guys see it as?

They're great pretty much no matter what, but some just work amazingly.

Edit: I did not intend to post this one.
You know, when you are using Firefox, or any other browser for that matter, you can simply copy the image and paste it to Microsoft Paint or whatever. Just Right click + Copy Image.
How many people are going to fail in this thread? Stop linking to http://idefex.net/qwantzfiles/image.php and expecting it to show the exact image you saw. WHAT MAKES YOU THINK THAT IS GOING TO SHOW EVERYONE ELSE THE SAME IMAGE THAT YOU SAW, IT IS CLEARLY A RANDOM GENERATOR URL AS YOU CAN SEE BY THE .PHP EXTENSION AND LACK OF ANY UNIQUE FEATURES ABOUT THE URL THAT WOULD INDICATE IT IS A SPECIFIC IMAGE.

If you want to capture the god damn image you see you need to grab the image data with a printscreen, screencapper, or save the image to your pc.
lol, i goofed too earlier but i guess no one reads the older portions of the thread anymore