Direct x 9.0c


May 11, 2004
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Does anyone know what games will support direcxt 9.0c?
FarCry does right now, it has SM3.0 "implimented" in it.

I use the quotes because its not really fully functional.
far cry for one... I don't remember them all, but nvidia had a slide show that listed a bunch.
Ya i knew far cry was one but im wondering if only the games that have the run best on nvidia will support dx 9.0c
While we are on this subject: what is the latest eta and is it still tied to SP2?
What if any improvemnet will this give us in farcry/HL2/D3?
Should we think in terms of more eye candy or more framerate?
SP2 isn't out but if you change your 'windows update' to a v5 instead of v4 in the address bar you can go to the new windows update and grab the SP2's 2nd release candidate.

I believe Stalker will use both DX9.0b and c.
Stalker runs best on nvidia to i think. So its probably the games that have the logo, are going to support dx9.0c. I doubt half life will, and i dont think doom 3 does.
well i found a list. Just some of the games. Im sure more are to come.

Lord of the Rings, Battle For Middle-earth
STALKER: Shadows of Chernobyl
Vampire: Bloodlines
Splinter Cell X
Tiger Woods 2005
Madden 2005
Far Cry

I would like to see more first person shooters up there because thats why I play. When slpinter cell comes out with SM3.0 im sure we will see huge difference in the card because of all the lighting in the game.

Almost makes me want to buy a 6800 gt. THe average overclock for this card is about 425 and 1.5. But I have seen some go to 450 and 1.9 Thats faster then the 6800 ultra.
Yeah I hope I can get a 6800 non gt for xmas. I'm a little worried about my power supply though, I think it's 250 watts but it's a good one, my friend has that much in his Dell 4600 (I have 2350) and he is running an X800 pro. If I can run a 9800 pro should I be able to run a 6800?
Asus said the quality of the image in his wasnt as good as a 9800 pro. That might stop me from getting one. But once overclocked the 6800 GT should be as fast as the x800 xt. But if three is not much support for 9.0c im not going to bother with a 6800 GT. The only thing that really worries me though is the image quality. I have always thought that ATI had better image quality but the reviews for the 6800 made it seem like the was no noticable difference. I would just have to see for myself.
It was not in games like FarCry or UT2004.
I think I noticed it in GTA:VC and BFV though. It could be the quality for AF.
It might bave been a problem with the drivers and could only be for those games. I guess I would have to actually see it for myself though.
Aparantly HL2 will have some DX9.0C support. (SM3.0) I read it in the forums over at hardocp im still trying to see if its accurate or not.

Nvidia poseted some games but I dont know if they all have 9.0C support.
But buy the time more of the main stream games start supporting DX9.0C im wondering if it will be time to upgrade to a new graphics card.
THe website lits joint operations. But i have the game and it only needs 9.0B so I dont think all those games have 9.0C support.

But if HL2 does support SM3.0 im sure we will see the performance level out between the two cards.

Edit:Aparantly SM3.0 will not be in the shipping version of HL2 but well be in a patch after the game ships.

Does anyone think that ATI will make a revision of their cards and add 9.0C support?
No, those game in that link are Nvidia sponsered games. They may not have SM 3.0. I know for a fact that Battlefield Vietnam does not have SM 3.0 and they do not plan on incorporating it into a patch either.

As for ATI cards and SM 3.0, I expect we will have to wait till the R500 for that and if rumors are to be believed the R500 may support DX 10.

To be honest about SM 3.0, I don't want to see speed improvements from it. I want to see visual improvements. SM 3.0 has more functions and supports a higher instruction count than SM 2.0. I want to see developers use better or more advanced shaders in a game. I want them to give me a reason why SM 2.0 is better than SM 3.0 besides telling me that I could gain an extra 7 FPS with a game that already run 60 FPS on 6800 hardware. :/
As for ATI cards and SM 3.0, I expect we will have to wait till the R500 for that and if rumors are to be believed the R500 may support DX 10.
I can believe that.
Longhorn will have dx10. Its released in 2006.
R500 will probably be released summer of next year.
So befor the end of the R500 lifetime dx10 should have been released.