Direct X 9.0c


Jun 8, 2003
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Hey, i wanted to know what peoples reactions are to Direct X 9.0c. I was wondering if there would be any compatibility issues w/ it and my comp (sig) cuz i dont wanna get it and find out it raped my comp sorta like SP2 did. Thanks for the input.
DX 9.0c is good. No problems with it at all. I've heard some slight speed increases in games too.

Make sure you download/install DX 9.0c seperate from SP 2. SP 2 is the devil as far as I'm concerned.
:laugh: Well DX9C comes with SP2. But if you're going to do a DX9C loner download, I don't think it would hurt.
Nope, that directx is only directx 9.0c, no SP2 in there. Btw, I have a question about SP2. I have it, I don't have any problems with it as far as system instability or anything, but I do have problems downloading video codecs. In Windows Media Player, I was trying to watch a video and it said it had to download a new codec so it took like 2 seconds and it downloaded the codec, but then all of the sudden I got something saying something along the lines of "Windows has blocked something something from being installed." It didn't even ask me if I wanted to install it, it just blocked it right away automatically and I couldn't play my file. I can find the codec and download manually I'm sure, but is there a way to fix this?
that would be windows firewall messing with your computer.

Since I don't have SP 2, I can't tell you how to fix it.
9.0c has run on my comp very smoothly
no problems........................................ yet
i downloaded SP2 and, windows wouldnt even start, right before the enter your password screen it gave me an error and restarted the comp. so, once, by chance it started, and i was able to uninstall it.
:laugh: Take a look at your system, should have told you this before damn it. SP2 and the AMD's have problems.
ailevation said:
:laugh: Take a look at your system, should have told you this before damn it. SP2 and the AMD's have problems.
I haven't had I problem yet and I have both!
Since this got hijacked to SP2.

I dont have any problems what so ever, the popup blocker is emaculate.

System runs more stable, and i feel like i got a slight performace boost.
I've got dx 9c. Don't really know what it does to improve my comp. I only downloaded it cause I needed a DX on my comp, and that was on the frontpage of m$.com.
SP2 is very annoying it messes up loads of things even some games are affected by it.
My whole windows installation got curropt. It said that hal.dll was curropt, and I had to replace it. Anyway I replaced it (copied it from another windows install) and it gave me the same error again. I reformatted since I had just formatted and installed the windows update. This time around, no SP2 installed and everything is working peachy.