The Grim Reaper
Originally posted by Fenric1138
Out of interest, would there be anything stopping someone writing a pixel shader 3.0 for their HL2 mods.. Or wont the source engine handle it atall.. Valve commented on how it will be easy to upgrade and keep up with new gear and possibilities. But will it stretch to things like that or will Valve be forced to release a new version to cope with it.. reason I ask is I'm sure some will begin to make use of the new shaders after learning the current 9.0 ones. And if HL2 is capable of making use of them, then the nVidia route would in theory seem like the best choice
Also could someone point me to a url that goes into detail what DX9.1 is capable of, particularly the shaders.. Or isn't that information currently publicly available?
PS and VS are done in HW, so until PS3/VS3 HW comes out you can't utilise either one. I don't think there's even a final spec for VS/PS 3, not sure though.
I've not seen a single link to any kind of info regarding dx9.1(except for the site mentioned in the begining of this thread), not even on nvidia's site who would have had it plastered all ove the place.
Until I see an official statement from MS with a detailed list of additions on top of dx9, IMO the whole issue is pure BS.