DirectXXx 9.0b fixes AA Issue ?



According to inofficial information about the recently released DX Version, issues with AA in HL2 besides other bugs should have been fixed. Does anyone have further hints or the desire to ask Valve about that? :bounce:
Sounds bogus to me since Valve blamed the problem on HARDWARE itself, not Direct X 9.

They said they might be able to fix the problem for current ATI cards, but they don't see any chance for the current Nvidia cards. Or at least not right now.

So I have high doubts that A new version of DX9 will fix this problem min itself since it''s supposedly a hardware problem...
I read somewhere it was 9.1 that would "fix" it (meaning demand on hardware to be able to do it). It might be a DirectX fixable bug though, dont know.
It wouldn't be DX9 fixing it, it would be the hardware manufacturers (ATI and Nvidia) fixing it on the hardware itself. DX9.1 will probably come out around the same time those new "fixed" cards come out though, to accomodate it.

And by the way Direct is not horny... :p , it only needs 1 X.
They said it´s highly likely that only hardware might fix it, not that it´s impossible. :p
Btw dunno why subject got 3x, just typed 1 but horny might be transferable. :naughty:
I don't think its a problem with the hardware as such, its a problem with the directx using the hardware, Valve commented on what a driver fix for the cards may do, they doubted nvidia could correct it. Directx is what they needed updating afaik
If it was a problem with DX9 and not the hardware they would have clearly stated that, and they would have said that an update DX9 would fix the issue.

Clearly they did not say that, instead they clearly stated that it was a problem with hardware most of all... unless they were wrong about it
Well from what i've read on these forums, is that Ati's cards have everything they need to correctly implement AA but it needs to be enabled (centroid sampling). So I think that it is a hardware related problem and that maybe new drivers will fix it? For ati that is.