Dirty Mugshots Thread "Not another one of these God damn things" Edition

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Why the hell does your thumb have such a strange curl!?
So I got the chance to meet old forum goer Deus Ex Machina yesterday. I was going to make a face for the picture but my friend taking the picture took it halfway through me doing so so instead I got some creepy ass smile of sorts.


Are you stoned in that pic? You look completely stoned!!!
As was said, it was his paedo face. He didn't have time to change it.
Wtf. Don't be stoopd Qonfused. There ain't no girls on the interwebz. She's the paedo behind her.
Well showing pictures of my penis is ok with me. Unfortunately the mods wouldn't let me. So not today :(
Mods read PMs. It's what they do in their spare time. And I'm trying to play hard to get with Sulk. Pasting my cock in plain sight of the mods isn't going to get me very far.
Wtf. Don't be stoopd Qonfused. There ain't no girls on the interwebz. She's the paedo behind her.
There are no paedos on the internet either. That idea is a myth spread by intelligence services like MI5 and the NSA, who want to scare children into staying away from the internet, so that their young minds are not affected at such an impressionable age by the delusional yet dangerous anti-authority ravings of geocities conspiracy theorists.

The greatest fear of the UK's Privy Council is that the next generation will grow up believing in the likes of kathaksung, and making their own websites about how jew lizards did 9/11.
They help spread such tales by taking on the lifestyles of paedos and collecting large amounts of child porn.
Should I be shocked you did a google search for "jew lizards 9/11"?
Should I be shocked at the blatant and unabashed racism going on in this thread?
Too late. He loves little boys, they make him feel so good.
I am a little boy. Have you forgotten all those times playing TF2 with me? I'M NOT A GIRL, I'M A TEN YEAR OLD BOY.
First a teenage girl, then a middle-aged bachelor, and now a young boy-child. You seem to change shape every day, and it is quite bewitching.
I guess you didn't have to dress up in a trilby after all then, eh, toaster?
Oh my God, yes. Do it Adrik. Please. For HL2.net.

For me.

One of the few good pictures of me. Notice the extreme facial fuzziness from being in the woods so long.

That's how man I am.
I had to look reaaawaaally close... and I stilll didn't see any fuzz.
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