Disappearing Gordon.

Automatic Kafka said:
They just assumed that like everyone else in the ****ing world that Gordan was spending his time in refuge camps and hiding from the Combine.
That's what I said. Twice. Seems like people don't like reading long posts. :p

And it's Gordon :)
Puzzlemaker said:
Wait... How did they get his HEV suit?

Good question. But I don't think it was Gordon's original suit. There were other scientists wearing them as well. Perhaps Kleiner built another one or something......or something.
Skaadi said:
Eh, your probably right. Now to explain all this.
It's most likely NOT his suit or at least the one he was wearing during the Black Mesa incident. It was almost certainly one of the other suits in the lab, that he also wore during testing just not that day.
It's another one, HL2 has mark 5 and HL1 mark four. Plus if it had been the same, Dr Kleiner wouldn't start about the changes he made to it. The Gman probably has his suit.
The G-Man either gave it to Kleiner, or left it where Kleiner would find it, or it's a different suit as suggested.
No they were differnt versions because Kleiner updated things on it loke being compatibale with the combine healers and shield generators, no it still could have been his suit because we still don't know where the Gman fits in saving the Earth as said by Dr.Breen "Didn't you know that your contract was open to the highest bidder?" and the fact that on the coast the gman was talking with Cammbage suggest that the gman and gordon were recruited by the former scientist hence the reason he was there at all, and (it seemed like everyone was expecting you sooner or later including) the resistance. Anyway the Gman could have given Kleiner his other suit and Kleiner could work his magic over it and made all the changes need before the gman made him come back.
calscholar said:
No they were differnt versions because Kleiner updated things on it loke being compatibale with the combine healers and shield generators, no it still could have been his suit because we still don't know where the Gman fits in saving the Earth as said by Dr.Breen "Didn't you know that your contract was open to the highest bidder?" and the fact that on the coast the gman was talking with Cammbage suggest that the gman and gordon were recruited by the former scientist hence the reason he was there at all, and (it seemed like everyone was expecting you sooner or later including) the resistance. Anyway the Gman could have given Kleiner his other suit and Kleiner could work his magic over it and made all the changes need before the gman made him come back.
Different versions isn't the same as updates. You can't update, say, a car from WV Buggy to Ferarri. Mark V looks different, has many new functions. I have my little doubts, because after all, Kleiner had 10 years to "update" it. But why would he update it visually? He's a scientist, he doesn't care how it looks, he cares how it works.

I'd say it was one of the only things he "saved" from Black Mesa. Say, a HEV in test. A beta version if you will. And he finished troughout Gordon's absence, maybe added a thing or two - "I've modified your suit...".

So no, it's not an updated old HEV. And no, it's not Cammbage, Cabbage. I'd find more with what to disagree, if I'd understand most of your post.
Interaction with Gordon and the rest of the world is meant to be thought of by YOU, the player. You speak for Gordon, and the rest of the world reacts.