Discrepancies with "real" zombies


Space Core
Aug 22, 2004
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After reading The Zombie Survival Guide I feel a little less immersed when watching videos of Left 4 Dead. First, Zombies are incapable of running. This is because when a muscle is worked in a human, it is stretched or teared, to which the muscle will heal itself. Zombies have no regenerative abilities in that they are dead. The fast running of a zombie would surely ruin any chance of it moving after.

Second, I don't like the fact that shooting a zombie in the chest will kill it. The only thing that makes a zombie a zombie is the Solanum virus affecting it's brain. A zombie can survive without a body, so why are they dying from body shots?

This isnt meant to be taken seriously by the way, Im bored on my lunch break :)

cant wait for the game
Zombie Survival Guide is shite. It will not prepare you for a real zombie outbreak. In a real zombie apocalypse scenario, Max Brooks would get devoured first.

At Zombie U, everyone who owned a copy of that book had to burn it out in the quad.

And then they got pelted with tomatoes.
I disagree, the zombie survival guide is all we have. It is the single most important piece of literature ever. Mankinds future depends on it...
the ZSG overestimates the performance of the .22cal, underestimates the performance of 12g shotguns and machineguns, and overestimates weapons such as katanas

while 22s 'can' as he puts it, bounce around inside the brain cavity, at longer ranges they are just as likely to be deflected by some of the thicker portions of the skull.

He also underestimates the main advantage many more powerful rounds have, which is that in the event that you miss the head and hit something else, a more powerful round has a better chance of maiming some muscle group and incapacitating or slowing a zombie, where as a 22 does very poorly when it comes to pure tissue damage.

Also he seems to forget that almost all machineguns can singlefire and are actually quite accurate provided you are not spraying. On single fire, many can fire for a long peroid of time before needing to switch magazines, which is an important issue when you realize that reloading is something you do not want to spend time doing when being chased or closed in on by zombies.

As far as katanas, they will get you killed more than anything. The last thing you need is a weapon that can get stuck. You are better off with a pipe or a bat. If you are hell bent on slicing, go with a machete, as they don't require as much maintenace to remain useable since most of their power comes from their weight and leverage rather than actual sharpeness.
I can tell Flyingdebris also studied at Zombie U.

Weapons major, right?
Left 4 Dead infecteds are not zombies.... they are infecteds. As far as we know, the infecteds are still alive just... infected.. I think the keyword in my post is: Infected
A: Zombies Are not real.
B: Jesus was a zombie.
These zombies are not Max Brooks zombies, they are just crazy infected people.
zombie, infected, same difference

provided they are now not in control of their own actions, agressive, and seemingly contagious is all that one needs to belong in the zombie genre.

being undead is only secondary as more and more artists and writers try to come up with more plausible zombie style scenarios.
being undead is only secondary as more and more artists and writers try to come up with more plausible zombie style scenarios.

Yeah, the scenario with the rage virus in 28 days later is frightningly plausible. Although that virus doesn't exist in real life, that doesn't mean some nut jobs aren't working in a lab to make something similar.
Yeah, the scenario with the rage virus in 28 days later is frightningly plausible. Although that virus doesn't exist in real life, that doesn't mean some nut jobs aren't working in a lab to make something similar.

Rabies :p
L4D would be shit with the slow run of the mill zombies. I'd wather be charged at and beaten to death than be clawed at by retards.
Yeah, the scenario with the rage virus in 28 days later is frightningly plausible. Although that virus doesn't exist in real life, that doesn't mean some nut jobs aren't working in a lab to make something similar.
Soooo not true.

Only not true in a couple ways...

A virus capable of destroying all self consciousness and exacerbating some homicidal urge to an immense degree is so powerful that it'll kill you shortly after these effects occur. This also makes it rather likely that you'll be so weakened by the strain that you wont be capable of much damage anyway.

Viruses, being lifeless protein canisters designed to inject DNA into a matching host cell, lack any form of consciousness and self control. Meaning: people infected would be just as inclined to attack one another as a healthy person. Not even if the virus was keyed to only target nerve cells would it work. It would simply destroy your brain rather than 'rewire' your consciousness.

Even positing a virus with such a complex insertion mechanism that it would only target specific nervous cells, we lack the knowledge of exactly what cells you'd have to target and what kind of cellular changes you'd have to make to wipe out a consciousness and provoke homicide. More likely than not, such a thing would kill a person. Scientists are having trouble designing benign viruses that would simply inject a single gene. At this point, Borg-esque nanomachines are about as likely.
Personally I feel the 28 days later zombies are far superior to max brooks, "undead" zombies. It seems so much more plausible and much less cheezy to have the zombies infected by a virus (which can be absorbed through the eyes, nose and mouth, or a bite) rather than some odd voodoo magic requiring the zombies to kill you or otherwise eat your brains.
After reading The Zombie Survival Guide I feel a little less immersed when watching videos of Left 4 Dead. First, Zombies are incapable of running. This is because when a muscle is worked in a human, it is stretched or teared, to which the muscle will heal itself. Zombies have no regenerative abilities in that they are dead. The fast running of a zombie would surely ruin any chance of it moving after.

Second, I don't like the fact that shooting a zombie in the chest will kill it. The only thing that makes a zombie a zombie is the Solanum virus affecting it's brain. A zombie can survive without a body, so why are they dying from body shots?

This isnt meant to be taken seriously by the way, Im bored on my lunch break :)

cant wait for the game

I have 4 words for you.

Might want to write these down if you can.
