Discrimination of the sexes - conscription


  • Yes, I agree with Numbers - more hot girls in uniform

    Votes: 38 77.6%
  • No, I disagree with Numbers' totalitarian plans for world domination

    Votes: 11 22.4%

  • Total voters


Companion Cube
Jan 11, 2005
Reaction score
As most of you probably know, conscription, or draft, is the term used to refer to the policy of legally requiring citizens that meet the criteria to serve in the Armed Forces for a pre-determined length of time.

The strange thing is, in many cases, only males are burdened with the sacred duty of defense of one's country. In other words, women don't get conscripted (with a few exceptions, such as Israel, Cuba, etc.)

I think that women should be made to serve in the Armed Forces/Paramilitaries as well, for the legal 2 ~ 3 years, in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Combat/Civil Police, or other public services, depending on their physical condition.

The reasons are:

#1. The constitutional duty of defense against all enemies of the State is given to all citizens, not just males.

#2. This discrimination breeds the idea of male superiority among those who have completed military service, and regard women as inferior beings who requite protection.

#3. Women lack goddamn discipline.


On another note, Poland looks badass.
How about no conscription or draft...AT ALL :eek:

I know the thought of that frightens you Numbers.
How about no conscription or draft...AT ALL :eek:

I was just about to say that.

I narrowly avoided conscription, just because I had already passed the admission exams for the University. So technically I was supposed to be conscripted immediately after finishing Uni, but the laws changed a few months afterwards, removing mandatory army duty.

However I still had go to the recruitment center, and I had some fun with their psychological evaluation. I was determined to be mentally unstable...

No, I disagree with Numbers, please more hot girls in uniform.

Seriously, you would love Israel.
If we had women in the military, what reason would we then have to rape the local population?
I disagree with conscription in general, but I'm sick of statistics telling women that they can't do things (just because we think differently DOESN'T MEAN WE'RE DOING IT WRONG). If men have to do it, so should women. They're just as useful.

Edit: Why do women lack discipline?
I voted yes on the grounds that gender should have nothing to do with the military.
Hot chicks in military uniforms - yes
Drafting women into the military so they can get all the hot chicks in military uniforms killed - no
Hot chicks in military uniforms - yes
Drafting women into the military so they can get all the hot chicks in military uniforms killed - no

Hot chicks in military uniforms developing the same personality as many guys also in military uniform when they return back to civilian life - no

That being said, they should at least have the choice.
I'm totally in support of conscription of women. I was a volunteer, myself.
Edit: Why do women lack discipline?

Because they didn't complete their military service. :p

Of course, that'd mean that most males under 22 would lack discipline... and .. shit.

Acepilotf14 said:
If we had women in the military, what reason would we then have to rape the local population?

So... uh, it's a good thing, right?

See, the problem in Korea is that the extremely few females we have are all over NCO rank. Most are officers or NCOs doing paperwork and stuff. I find that highly disturbing. I mean, come on, North Korea has females maintain and operate gigantic AA guns. If we're queasy about having women serve in frontline roles such as infantry, etc., maybe we should at least have them operate AA guns and missile systems or something.

I want this implemented before they come for me. :p

A question for the US people here: Do they let girls do ROTC over there? Because we don't. :p

Also for Kaptain H: I'm not familiar with volunteering :)p); how do you volunteer in the US? It's interesting.
A question for the US people here: Do they let girls do ROTC over there? Because we don't. :p

Also for Kaptain H: I'm not familiar with volunteering :)p); how do you volunteer in the US? It's interesting.


We also don't draft. There is no need for one since we're not on the brink of war and there are no MORTAL ENEMIES JUST A LINE ON THE MAP AWAY.

Our current armed forces is entirely volunteers.

Basically you go to a recruitment office and say 'I want to join the army!' then they give you a physical date and if you're not retarded or incapable of lifting twenty pounds they ship you off to boot camp and then saudi.
Also for Kaptain H: I'm not familiar with volunteering :)p); how do you volunteer in the US? It's interesting.

You go up to a recruitment office and be all like "sup bro, I wanna shoot me some terrorists 'n shit, can you hook me up?" and then you're in the army.
Distinct lack of Asian women in uniform here.

Too lazy to find some, please provide them Numbers.
**** yeah Poland. Way to rock out with your cock out.

I am for it for both sexes.
No, I disagree with Numbers' totalitarian plans for world domination

I only voted no because it relates heavily to my paranoia.
I've discovered a new interest. I shall coin it "uniform porn".

Uniform is one of the most common sexual fetishes.

I must be misunderstanding what you're saying exactly.
Oh, I need to get out more. ...I see.

I just like how it rolls off the tongue. UNIFORM PORN


Of course yes.... shields are expensive.

Hmm seems strange that feminism would have completely skipped over this point in their quest for equality between sexes...
I think women are in the military as officers with technical disciplines that exclude them from the usual 'grunt' work on the ground. They talk to the men on the ground, but its the grunts that get the jobs done.

Simply because men are physically superior to women, and thats an end of it.

Men can do more physically. Not ALL women are like that of course, but theyre a rare breed that have some how added testosterone into their blood at birth. Breast feeding as a baby perhaps.
Of course yes.... shields are expensive.

Hmm seems strange that feminism would have completely skipped over this point in their quest for equality between sexes...

Hes talking about Korea bro.
I'm pretty sure that any country that has advanced enough to allow feminist movements has gotten rid of conscription already. Not only that, but feminism, at least in US, makes a huge deal about women being allowed in the military.
I'm pretty sure that any country that has advanced enough to allow feminist movements has gotten rid of conscription already. Not only that, but feminism, at least in US, makes a huge deal about women being allowed in the military.
Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Greece etc. aren't advanced countries?
I'm strongly against the notion of gender equality in the military and police. I just don't think they have what it takes to act appropriately when the bullets start flying. I've no military experience, but I have encountered women police officers quite a lot. For the most part they're as good as anyone else, but when the shit hits the fan or violence sparks off, they're usually just seen standing around not really knowing what to do.
I think women are in the military as officers with technical disciplines that exclude them from the usual 'grunt' work on the ground. They talk to the men on the ground, but its the grunts that get the jobs done.

Simply because men are physically superior to women, and thats an end of it.

Men can do more physically. Not ALL women are like that of course, but theyre a rare breed that have some how added testosterone into their blood at birth. Breast feeding as a baby perhaps.

Ok, but that still isn't a reason why they can't work somewhere less physically demanding, like transport.

I'm pretty sure that any country that has advanced enough to allow feminist movements has gotten rid of conscription already. Not only that, but feminism, at least in US, makes a huge deal about women being allowed in the military.

Or, you know, the level of advancement in a country has nothing to do with conscription, but other considerations, such as population and an existing military threat? Come on, if we had 300 million people like you guys, we wouldn't have an army of 6 million (proportionate 2% of population). We'd just wouldn't conscript. Or we would conscript and already have taken over the world. Or at least become the new USSR to your old US. :E

And lol. If anyone said "I want to shoot me some terrorists/communists." and tried to join the army, they'd prolly be rejected on the grounds of not finishing high school and being mentally unstable. :p
Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Greece etc. aren't advanced countries?

Sweden has conscription, too.

Also, the idea that an all-volunteer army is somehow automatically better is... well, a bit wonky. It's like with cops- you don't want to hire people who enjoy the idea of bullying others, ie they want to be cops.
I'm pretty sure that any country that has advanced enough to allow feminist movements has gotten rid of conscription already. Not only that, but feminism, at least in US, makes a huge deal about women being allowed in the military.

Ahh. Different countries I spouse there's nothing about it here. Also conscription has nothing to do with a countries level of advancement and everything to do with how much it needs a military.

HAHAHA Surely theres enough makeup in the navy already ;) ;)....... But really women should be conscripted onto warships and aircraft carriers. There are already women on them now I don't see why more jobs like these couldn't be found under a conscription based system.
Speaking of navies, I've heard that your Rudd's been building a giant navy for Australia. What gives?
Speaking of navies, I've heard that your Rudd's been building a giant navy for Australia. What gives?

And so the Australian fight for global conquest begins!
Because they didn't complete their military service. :p

Of course, that'd mean that most males under 22 would lack discipline... and .. shit.

So... uh, it's a good thing, right?

See, the problem in Korea is that the extremely few females we have are all over NCO rank. Most are officers or NCOs doing paperwork and stuff. I find that highly disturbing. I mean, come on, North Korea has females maintain and operate gigantic AA guns. If we're queasy about having women serve in frontline roles such as infantry, etc., maybe we should at least have them operate AA guns and missile systems or something.

I want this implemented before they come for me. :p

A question for the US people here: Do they let girls do ROTC over there? Because we don't. :p

Also for Kaptain H: I'm not familiar with volunteering :)p); how do you volunteer in the US? It's interesting.

Agreed all around. When I was at the language institute, I was regularly around a broad range of military types, as it was army-operated joint service base. I always found the difference between my disciplined and fit female friends in the army versus the red nail-painted airmen who couldn't do a push-up or take apart an M16 stark and disappointing. It was a completely different attitude, though I'd say it went for males as well.

But as was said earlier, we have recruitment offices where you can enlist. You go through some basic training of military fundamentals and show that you're "entry level" physically fit, and it's through the recruitment process that you take a battery of tests to determine what jobs you qualify for. At least, that's how it was before 9/11. Like, I took a test for language aptitude, went in as a cryptologic linguist, and after basic training, I received orders to learn Chinese.
I'm strongly against the notion of gender equality in the military and police. I just don't think they have what it takes to act appropriately when the bullets start flying.

Are you from the 50s?