Discuss Alyx’s fate thread.


Jan 17, 2005
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Well, we do have a 'I love Alyx' thread, and after my Argumentative Rant about why you shouldn’t post bad thing a about Alyx in a thread that was made to talk highly of her, Rennmniscant did make a valid point.

Talk of 'how Alyx survives' doesn’t belong in the 'Because we love Alyx' thread.

But now you can.

Personally? It’s very unlike valve to show something so critical to the plot like months before release, and they have been know to ‘throw us for a loop’ before, with one of the Episode 1 media releases making you think something horrible happened to DOG.

Which brings me to my next point. As we do indeed see Alyx dangling what has to be quite a few feet from the ground, there is no denying that, What we don’t get a glimpse of is how exactly she gets pulled to safety. ( I do think the Vortigaut holding Alyx and her seemingly falling from the pipe and little of nothing to do with one another.) If anything Gordon simply crawls over and saves her much like he did on the train or DOG himself jumps in out of nowhere to save her.

He always seems to show up when Alyx is in most dire distress.

Now what befuddles be is how exactly they get out of the way of a nuclear explosion, because as far as I could tell they where hit by a rather large blast even with them being so far away. And to my understanding little or nothing besides cockroaches can survive a nuclear blast from that range.

Perhaps yet another Vortigaut Intervention? Would explain why it was carrying her, as Vortigaut powers seem to knock people unconscious for some time and he simply carrying Alyx to safety after -Bamf-ing (For lack of a better word) her and Gordon away from the train.

Alive! It will be how Episode 2 begins, but she won't fall. If she does, Dog leaps out of nowhere to rescue her. :p
She lets go and one of the pods fly under her and catch her and ten she jumps off when there is land but she twists her ankle so the vortigaunt carrys her to somewhere to lie down and sleep.

Gabe told me.
She doesn't fall as the trailer shows but one of those combine little walkers disables her later on, the vortigaunt takes her away so him and his buds can bring her back, finishes with her waking up
I don't think Alyx dies, but is temporarily injured. She doesn't fall (well maybe), the scenes were linked like that just to fire speculation, that's my guess. When the vort says "This is more than anyone can bear" I think he means the war in general maybe, not that Alyx died (unless you want to take the scene at face value). I could be wrong though.

The scene where Alyx is about to fall could either be the beginning of the game, or perhaps near the end. Who knows?
Alyx gets the news that no one has any tampons and none to be found, and her PMS is More than Anyone can Bear, so a Vort trances her into a sleep for a while so Gordon again is a Freeman...

... ok sorry I'm gonna go back over there now
Max35 said:
The scene where Alyx is about to fall could either be the beginning of the game, or perhaps near the end. Who knows?
I think it's in the beginning. If you listen at the end of HL2: Episode 1 when the screen go black but before the credits roll, you can hear her say "Gordon" exactly as she says in the Episode 2 teaser when she's hanging.

And it should make sense. That blast probably blew the train off the tracks, and yeah well... Alyx... hanging... a "few" feet over the ground. :)
I think Alyx does indeed fall and dies. But the Vortigaunts can bring her back to life. The relations between Gordon and Alyx are so strong, it will make him (the player) feel the need for vengeance.

Was the Citadel's reactor exploding a nuclear explosion? These were 'particles yet to be named by human science', so perhaps there will be no radiation... OR Alyx gets radiated (Gordon has HEV to protect him) and that's why she needs help from the Vorts.

Blah, we can speculate, but we won't get any close to what Valve has planned anyway ;)
I'd rather not have Alyx resurrected by the Vortigauts, atleast not returning in the traditional sense (if it were to be done at all).
Alyx will be injured and not return 'till the end of the episodes, when she finally stands on her own legs, swaying and saying "I knew you'd make it! My heeero!" :p
From the looks of it, Alyx gets knocked out in what's now revealed to be an abandoned missle silo where Eli and Dr. Kleiner are at. Since this won't be until near the end of EP2. I theorize that Alyx suffers no falling damage and than she has a nasty encounter with an Advisor instead near the end.
Alyx falls, Dog sees and throws a car to catch her. The car catches her but she gets nocked out.

Notice she didnt die in my theory.
Falling down a cliff and landing on a car would do more than knock her out. :)

It does look a little too dramatic to just suddenly be all "Oh! Whew! It's all cool". I doubt they'll kill her off, they've just got her role picking up a bit. If she did die, I think she would come back some how... hmm... perhaps through some sort of sacrifice (a sacrifice larger than "yo, I'm a random vortigaunt that nobody gives a crap about, and I'm gonna give my life so she can have hers back. *poof* Alyx lives)?

I dunno, I'm crappy with this kind of stuff.