Discuss anything that isnt about the hoax...

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Oct 6, 2003
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ok, So everything bad that coulda happened to Halflife2 almost did, i think the only thing worse is another code theft. What do u guys think Valve has left to do before the game is finished and ready to be purchesed?
Well.....what do they have left to do....hmm....tough.....

I KNOW! Finish the game! Seriously what are you asking? Did you make this thread to just talk about any topic other than the hoax? If so, this is retarded.
Also what did Chris Bokitch a Valve Employee mean by this:
Also, patient is not a word I would use to describe people's manner of waiting. Understandable -- I'm pretty excited about it myself.
I personally think the only thing left is Cs:s. I think that Hl2 is bug free, like they said before. Now, they said cs:s is coming with hl2 so they have to make that bug free. With the public beta, it shouldn't be much longer.

Now, why isn't the full game preloaded then?

1) In case of some crazy bug that screwes up source, although i noticed most of the bugs in cs:s arn't source problems so that dosn't seem like a big deal.

2) so curious people won't "accidently" ruin the game for others.

I can see the game going gold anytime now.
Yea theyve got to fix any bugs they come across. But they will stumble upon new bugs all the time. So they have to work as hard as they can to make sure there are no artifacts in the game.
It looks like Chris is as pumped for the game as us.

At least there's never a dull day in the life of a hl2 fan. We've literally been through everything and anything. You'd be hard pressed to find another game that has been this interesting to follow.
Awesome horses are scary, but besides the point I think the only thing we can do is be patient, pray that no new bugs are discovered and just prepare for school really, everyone starts it soon and i know ill be pressed for time when Halflife2 actually does come out because my computer table will be littered with books and not games ;)
I went to Target to get school supplies with my dad.

And my kitten is hungry, so I will feed her. Mmm...she loves that Max Cat. :p
Yeah school seems too sooN, at least if halflife2 came out in the begining of the summer I would of felt some kind of accomplishment :)
Gajdycz said:
today i went to the horse tracks with my dad

except with my uncle.

and they were greyhounds.

but it rocked! :)
D@Linkwent said:
Yeah school seems too sooN, at least if halflife2 came out in the begining of the summer I would of felt some kind of accomplishment :)
Yeah...I know. That's why I love the guys at id for releasing Doom 3 a month before school starts. Now, I have a month of anytime-play.
But for Half-Life 2, I doubt I will even have a whole free day of play (excluding weekends and holidays).
But I still love 'em. :cheese:
Well greyhounds are much faster and smaller so its a trade off between huge stomping horses or fast on crack dogs who chase a small Wabbit :p
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