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from what I can tell its a "fire and forget" style missile launcher, as well as an incindiery (I know I didnt spell it right) grenade launcher.
SMT said:
Locked in 5...

uhhh, this screenshot is linked from gamespy... it's even branded with theyre logo... its legit, I see no problem with posting it
old stuff i've already seen this some time ago
The friggin leaves? Are you serious?

Oh , and doesnt this dispute what gamespot said about there being no new weapons at all? Im assuming theres the previously seen RPG launcher and now this hand held SAM. Thats definetly new.
i feel like such a nerd for saying it, but the game is just beautiful.
uhh gamespot just said that there weren't any new weapons at the build they played
Shuzer said:
What do you want us to discuss? lol

the leaves, I guess.. and the gun..!

ugh, I just can't take how bad those leaves look...kill me. There is bad graphics, and then there is unacceptable...

but cool gun? eh!?

or have I made my first spam post in nearly a year :thumbs: ;(

http://media.pc.gamespy.com/media/492/492830/img_2119656.html what about that one ey?? sorry to change topic ): but these are kinda sweet
DimitriPopov said:
The friggin leaves? Are you serious?

Oh , and doesnt this dispute what gamespot said about there being no new weapons at all? Im assuming theres the previously seen RPG launcher and now this hand held SAM. Thats definetly new.

GameSpot didn't even take that screenshot.. one of the many given out by VALVe for sites to post. It was in PCZone awhile ago
Well, the leaves dont look nice, but i cannot imagine how to do them any better.
I assume the gun is the granade launcher (flare gun), we have already seen in the "tunnels" video, but it looks a bit different this time.
First thing I noticed: The green truck has wheels, and may be driveable.

Second, the clip on the rifle looks like it can act as a shield limited.

Third, it looks like it can hold upwards of 80 rounds, total. I'd guess 10-20 per clip.

Fourth, based on this and on the bink tunnels, primary fire is long-range straight shot, and second is closer-range grenade shot. Much like the OP4 squidgun.

Fifth, the gun fires a bullet not unlike those that the gunship and strider do, so it is likely combine technology.

Sixth, it's made in the USA. (!)
Sai said:
uhh gamespot just said that there weren't any new weapons at the build they played

The recurring theme in that preview was "OMG NO NEW GUNZ" "SAME OLD SAME OLD"
uhh am i the only person that noticed that squad following bar on that screenshot
now that's something to discuss!

The recurring theme in that preview was "OMG NO NEW GUNZ" "SAME OLD SAME OLD"
actually the thing that gamespot stressed more than anything in that preview was that the build was too short to judge then entire feel of the game over
I bet the nade gun can hold all sorts of nades, like gas, or pheromone, or incendiary etc.
I bet the nade gun can hold all sorts of nades, like gas, or pheromone, or incendiary etc.

why do you say that, it just looks like a more stylish version of the rpg to me
I know what Gamespot is coming from. When I saw Star Wars I thought lightsabers were cool. Then in ESB the same old lightsabers! Then in ROTJ more the same lightsabers! Then in TPM and AOTC nothing but same ole lightsabers!
Sai said:
why do you say that, it just looks like a more stylish version of the rpg to me

the barellish shape of it, seems to hold alot of things... maybe secondary is a nade select.. idk
on the squad following bar....
do you guys think that they need a bar to indicate that a squad is following you, i mean is the a.i. so good that they hide from you when they're on your trail and try to ambush or sniper you or something?
the barellish shape of it, seems to hold alot of things... maybe secondary is a nade select.. idk

may be it just holds a different type of rocket, like one that shoots stuff out, yea i don't know either
Sai said:
on the squad following bar....
do you guys think that they need a bar to indicate that a squad is following you, i mean is the a.i. so good that they hide from you when they're on your trail and try to ambush or sniper you or something?
It looks to me like it will fade out over time... as in, it will show up when things have been changed but then get out of the way... since it's in the same spot where the ammo/gun pickups show up.
I think it's YOUR squad. You seem to be part of the resistance, so it's your crew backing you up. It's just saying what they're doing, it might change to Squad: holding Position.
Personally, I'm gonna have mine on Squad: Destroying the enemy, while I sit back and watch the show. (Yeah right...!)
Uhg *pukes* wth, that screen is easily one of the worst in this new batch. It honestly looks like it is Source running on the ps2. The leaves? The entire tree is embarrassing. Look at the texture on the gorund by the tree, just green and orange blurs. No detail in the ground texture at all. The orange blobs are supposed to be leaves, but they are just ruddy blurrly blobs. The shadows at work are horrible. But, shadows aren't exactly Sourc's strong point are they? Why does the first vehicle cast a sharp shadow and the green truch casts no shadow at all? Source is stock full of these inconsistancies that really bring the graphics down. The gun doesn't look right due to the high amount of reflectivity and plasticy-ness of it. What the hell is it made of? Polished ceramic? Certainly doesn't look like metal at all. The design doesn't do it for me, but thats just a personal opinion.

I don't see how any self respecting hl2 fan can look at this screenshot and not cringe. Are you in denial? I know graphics aren't the main event of hl2, gameplay is what will make or break a game like this, but I have had hl2 fans say to me that Source can rival Farcry and Stalker, and even Doom3. This doesn't even begin to compare to them. This looks on par with Q3 engine generation graphics, no better.
The graphics seem to have taken a turn for the worst since we first heard about Hl2...I really hope they somehow magically pick up.
well this is a seriously delayed game, and may be the editors are testing the game in an older graphics card or something
I'm starting to feel a little sad because of this. The grahics are good. But not as good as when we first saw the game. Maybe it's just in our heads, but I don't know. I'm gonna e-mail rick or something.

All that aside, these screenshots give a feel of realism. I'm mostly refering to the urban scenes here, but everything just looks 'right'.
yea i bet the graphics aren't as good just b/c of games that have come out like ut2k4 and far cry, but according to the ign preview the graphics look a lot sharper and more aliased from what they played
Sai said:
yea i bet the graphics aren't as good just b/c of games that have come out like ut2k4 and far cry, but according to the ign preview the graphics look a lot sharper and more aliased from what they played

Surely you mean less aliased.
Anyhow, go back and look at old shots, we've not been jaded.. it's just these latest shots don't look as good
You're all assuming that they're doing all the shots in the same graphics modes, with the same machines, resolutions, etc. The enw guy just turned his stuff down cus he's running it on his vic20.
It's all about the specs, there's no way such a engine or project has gone downhill graphically over the course of a year. Just look at the second pic! It must be at least that good. Of course, not every texture or environment will be equal in detail, but they can't be shoddy either...can they?
the graphics are good? wasnt this suposed to blow away all other games? farcry looks 100% better ,get ready for a big letdown mates.
wayne white said:
the graphics are good? wasnt this suposed to blow away all other games? farcry looks 100% better ,get ready for a big letdown mates.

I bet it's just valve trying to be a tease. Even to the extent of comically low-res placeholders for things that are gonna knock you on your ass in a couple a days... you watch.
TechnoHippyChic said:
I bet it's just valve trying to be a tease. Even to the extent of comically low-res placeholders for things that are gonna knock you on your ass in a couple a days... you watch.

I really hope that's true :)
BTW, are you the THC from fazed? I'm not registered there, but I'm a daily browser
Shuzer said:
I really hope that's true :)
BTW, are you the THC from fazed? I'm not registered there, but I'm a daily browser

Not familiar with fazed... what, does this person go by the exact same handle?!
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