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I recently downloaded high-res textures for DX2, they're awesome, give the game a much more gritty look
ub3rbr0k3 said:
HL2 is like HL1 with high-res textures and shadows. Really sad.

Fun fact: HL1 used to have shadows!

Anyhow, I hope this post was a joke
hiln said:
DX2 had great high-res textures and models early in development. But they ended up dumping the high-res in favor of x-box streamlining.


*flicks water on you and utters hebrew*
hiln said:
DX2 had great high-res textures and models early in development. But they ended up dumping the high-res in favor of x-box streamlining.

That did happen, but I think X-Box work was going on at the same devleoper as the PC game...so they tried to make it easier to release on both at the same time.

I think Valve is making HL2 for PC, then porting it to Xbox.
Ok so instead of just leaving things where they are (graphics, specular maps) whilst doing the source code re-write, they decided to TAKE THEM OUT putting development back another month and a bit.......GREAT logic there Sergio.

You still don't understand. I'll try one more time, after this you either get it or you don't.

You are assuming the game was completed, all the content finished including spec/bump maps for every surface, all before the game was delayed. And you believe what I am saying is that they went back and took half their work out of the game. This is not what I am saying. The game was obviously not complete last year. Gabe said himself that the delay was not due to the leak of the source code. They delayed because the game wasn't done. Why do you think there are still artists at valve working every day? Because the game content wasn't completed. What I am saying is they left their previous work intact, but the work they hadn't finished is getting less attention due to their rush to finish the game.

Now, I have said everything I wanted to say on the subject, and no one is adding anything that requires more input on my part. This is my last post in this thread.
Lobster said:

*flicks water on you and utters hebrew*

It was an ok game, people just put their expectations too high and couldn't enjoy the game, they focused on everything bad.
Shuzer said:
Fun fact: HL1 used to have shadows!

Anyhow, I hope this post was a joke

No joke man. I really feel that way. I just hope that the final outcome would prove me drastically wrong.

I just hope.
Sergio said:
It isn't a matter of belief. Those are screenshots of halflife2 that were released for publicity and advertising. This is what the game hl2 looks like, and was deemed accurate and complete enough by valve to release them to the public as a representation of what the game looks like. To assume that the game doesn't really look this bad, and that valve is just pulling a dirty trick, would be unreasonable.

Now let's dissect this post...
It isn't a matter of belief.
I'm afraid that it is, as both of us are using minimal evidence to argue opposite points.
Those are screenshots of halflife2 that were released for publicity and advertising.
True, that is what they are.
This is what the game hl2 looks like, and was deemed accurate and complete enough by valve to release them to the public as a representation of what the game looks like.
Conjecture. This is that 'matter of belief' you were discounting before.

-Have you seen the actual game as it exists today?
No, you haven't. This could easily be old material without you ever knowing it.
-Can you give the quote in which valve deem the screens to be current and up-to-date?
-Have valve denied that that the screens are old, or from a crap PC?
Again, no.
To assume that the game doesn't really look this bad, and that valve is just pulling a dirty trick, would be unreasonable.
It is unreasonable to assume that this is a 'dirty trick'.
However, it is fact that no magazine previews describe the problems in the screens. It is also fact that all older material has graphical features enabled.
It is fact that the low quality of the screens is not present to many who have played the leak.


You could be right, but ten videos, dozens of screens and firsthand witnesses (from the community and the gaming media at large) all say otherwise.

So please, stop spreading conjecture as fact.
Sergio said:
You still don't understand. I'll try one more time, after this you either get it or you don't.

You are assuming the game was completed, all the content finished including spec/bump maps for every surface, all before the game was delayed. And you believe what I am saying is that they went back and took half their work out of the game. This is not what I am saying. The game was obviously not complete last year. Gabe said himself that the delay was not due to the leak of the source code. They delayed because the game wasn't done. Why do you think there are still artists at valve working every day? Because the game content wasn't completed. What I am saying is they left their previous work intact, but the work they hadn't finished is getting less attention due to their rush to finish the game.

Now, I have said everything I wanted to say on the subject, and no one is adding anything that requires more input on my part. This is my last post in this thread.

Who says they are rushing, you? I don't doubt that it's a possibility that they might have done this, but I don't think it's very likely. Anyways, we'll see on in a couple days...
hiln said:
It was an ok game, people just put their expectations too high and couldn't enjoy the game, they focused on everything bad.

lol, i was just messing, the story was quite cool and the fact you could kill absaloutly every living thing in the game, or not hurt a fly, was a nice addition, I just wanted another Deus Ex 1 really.
It is downright moronic to assume that Valve would release publicity shots that are either from a 1+ year old build that looks like utter shit compared to the real game, or publicity shots taken with very low end specs that make the game look like shit.

Why not? Doom3 and Far Cry have both released low detail shots. Are they morons?

Now go buy PCGamer US and take a look at the review of Far Cry. A beautiful game now looks simply asstastic in those shots.
I can just imagine ATI starting up their HL2 demo then looking up at the screen going "What the hell??" :p

seriously though, pushing your beliefs on others, especially on internet forums, never, ever works out.
I know it can get very tense at times like this, whatever happens at E3 will probbally become the tone of these forums up untill the games release, and its difficult to avoid arguments when there are inconsistancies in media, and enough ammunition on both sides to keep this flaming for weeks.

Its gonna be a long day tommorow :S
pushing your beliefs on others never works PERIOD. For example
I don't feel like reading this whole thread, and sorry if this has been mentioned before, but can anyone decipher that stamped serial number type thing on the iRifle? That might be something good to discuss.
ElFuhrer said:
I challenge you to honor that statement.

Aww, but now we can't see how he reacts to the fact that, out of all the evidence so far, only six or so screens of indeterminate origin support his argument.

Humans say: Sergio = wrong.
Videos say: Sergio = wrong.
Few Screenshots say: Sergio = maybe.
Most Screenshots say: Sergio = wrong.
[SARCASM]Sergio must be right![/SARCASM]
Anyways, since he is gone, that sounds like a good plan up there.
Interesting fact:
The gun appears to be combine technology, but the letters on the side say USA. The combine technology is American!
Moto-x_Pat said:
I don't feel like reading this whole thread, and sorry if this has been mentioned before, but can anyone decipher that stamped serial number type thing on the iRifle? That might be something good to discuss.

Looks like

(i cheated)
Hmm, so the UNA... What could that be? United Nations of America?
It is the future, after all.

Perhaps a commentary about the war in Iraq? :)
to everyone that says you cant judge a game by screenshots,go take a look at doom and STALKER and weep.
But with Doom 3 and STALKER they've got their graphics on full, or least displaying the best of them. I'm just totally confused as to why Valve would show these screenshots compared to the ones released last year, which look much better
wayne white said:
to everyone that says you cant judge a game by screenshots,go take a look at doom and STALKER and weep.
That really doesn't make any sense... if they believe a game can't be judged by a screenshot, then why the Hell would they weep?!
I think the point of his sentece is that if you believe that looking at screenshots cannot give you a valid judgement of a games potential then you should head over to a web site with screenshots from either Doom 3 (presumably he means Doom 3, Doom is beginning to look dated) or STALKER and you shall have your mind changed by the sheer quality displayed there within causing such pain to your sense of mental wellbeing at being proved incorrect that you spontaneously weep.

I think the HL2 screens generally are incredible and a couple simply have poor timing with regards when they were taken, stuff like the combine being midstep.
exactly my point rupert,and do you people think that valve would release those awfull ss after this time just to look even worst in the eyes of the press?this game would have been cutting edge last september,not in mid 2004,sorry.
Rupertvdb said:
I think the point of his sentece is that if you believe that looking at screenshots cannot give you a valid judgement of a games potential then you should head over to a web site with screenshots from either Doom 3 (presumably he means Doom 3, Doom is beginning to look dated) or STALKER and you shall have your mind changed by the sheer quality displayed there within causing such pain to your sense of mental wellbeing at being proved incorrect that you spontaneously weep.

I disagree. Any ss could look amazing, it doesn't mean anything abou thte game. I truly believe that no, looking at a screenshot cannot give you a valid judgement of a game, just like looking at a single photo cannot give you a valid judgement of a person.
wayne white said:
exactly my point rupert,and do you people think that valve would release those awfull ss after this time just to look even worst in the eyes of the press?this game would have been cutting edge last september,not in mid 2004,sorry.
you're wrong.

look at this screenshot, from last year. : http://www.beyondhalflife.com/gallery/view.php?photo_id=39&screen=0&cat_id=7&action=images

now look at this one, from just recently : http://www.beyondhalflife.com/gallery/view.php?photo_id=106&screen=0&cat_id=15&action=images

what you're seeing in the second shot is water that is not reflecting, poor oversaturated lighting, low-res textures, and intense aliasing.

there's no explanation for that, unless the first shots were fabrications. there's a drop in quality, simple as that.
wayne white said:
exactly my point rupert,and do you people think that valve would release those awfull ss after this time just to look even worst in the eyes of the press?this game would have been cutting edge last september,not in mid 2004,sorry.
Rupert was being sarcastic.

Just because the screenshots are bad, it does not mean the game will end up bad.
The final product will have to look like the original screens, or there will be a scandal bigger than the delay. Therefore, it is unreasonable to expect a drop in quality.
All these screens indicate is a bad press release. They do not indicate final product.

If the game does not cut it for you, then why bother staying on a Half-Life 2 forum trying to convince others to feel worse about it?
Mechagodzilla said:
If the game does not cut it for you, then why bother staying on a Half-Life 2 forum trying to convince others to feel worse about it?

mechagodzilla, i heart u. :O
>No, I'd say it's more of a good example of how the HDR will work but
>not how HL2 will look in general. There are limited textures and
>objects in that demo.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: ****** [mailto:**********************]
>Sent: Sunday, May 02, 2004 6:24 PM
>To: Rick Ellis
>Subject: Best representation?
>Hi Rick, I was just wondering, is the Source HDR video the best
>representation of how HL2 will look? Thanks, and keep up the good work.

What does this quote mean? It's about graphics so it applies to this thread.
there's no explanation for that, unless the first shots were fabrications. there's a drop in quality, simple as that.

Most likely from a lower-detail setting rather than them inexplicably replacing all the high detail textures with low detail ones.
the implication that Rick is making is that HL2 will look better than the HDR video, because there was a lot of texture repetition and not very many objects in the demo.

the way i read it is that in the final game, there will be better textures and more populated environments.

It's tought to tell though. Rick is being very cagey.

Apos said:
Most likely from a lower-detail setting rather than them inexplicably replacing all the high detail textures with low detail ones.

that's my feeling, although then we get into the debate of "why on earth would valve release lower detail screenshots after almost a year of silence?"
Styloid said:
What does this quote mean? It's about graphics so it applies to this thread.

It implies that the graphics will look better than in the demo, since they were mostly showing off metals.

Then again, he could just mean that most of HL2 is not on top of a house.
to all fanboys go read the gamespot preview,and please dont tell me they are biased or some other nonsense.
wayne white said:
to all fanboys go read the gamespot preview,and please dont tell me they are biased or some other nonsense.

Perhaps you weren't listening:

me said:
If the game does not cut it for you, then why bother staying on a Half-Life 2 forum trying to convince others to feel worse about it?

I can fill in for you while you're gone:

me pretending to be wayne white said:
hello fanboys look at gamespot but not other opinions,they were only somewhat less positive i am not biased,i am not a fanboy all fanboys look at STALKER DOOM3.

See? You're not needed here.
oh wayne white you're just like that other guy Sergio, give it a rest.
wayne white said:
to all fanboys go read the gamespot preview,and please dont tell me they are biased or some other nonsense.
What would make it unbiased? The fact that it doesn't have any quotes, makes assumptions (that are incorrect), leaves out info that we've read of in magazines... it even complains about the game (driving off the cliff). It's as biased as anything that's pro-HL2.
Mechagodzilla said:
Rupert was being sarcastic.

Cheers for clearing that up i was just on lunch and thus could not fill everyone in on that.

I am in total agreement with Spiffae by the by, i think that screenshots are useful to keep up interest but do not translate the true quality of a game, i thinm i have posted on this elsewhere describing the photo effect, you can capture a single moment and it just looks bizarre but when you see things running in motion they look amazing.

Valve are not stupid they would have no desire to shoot themselves in the foot by creating this anticipated game and then screwing it up, it's a reported 36 hours long (correct me pleae, i'm sure that's wrong) over 12 chapters (again), it has a brand new engine, incredible physics and whole new levels of graphical wizardry, doubting it on the basis of some low rent screenshots is folly.
Rupertvdb said:
I am in total agreement with Spiffae by the by, i think that screenshots are useful to keep up interest but do not translate the true quality of a game, i thinm i have posted on this elsewhere describing the photo effect, you can capture a single moment and it just looks bizarre but when you see things running in motion they look amazing.

Valve are not stupid they would have no desire to shoot themselves in the foot by creating this anticipated game and then screwing it up, it's a reported 36 hours long (correct me pleae, i'm sure that's wrong) over 12 chapters (again), it has a brand new engine, incredible physics and whole new levels of graphical wizardry, doubting it on the basis of some low rent screenshots is folly.

Agreed on all counts, except the 36 hour part. It's between 36 and 48 hours, if I remember correctly, so the average completion time would be 42 hours.
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