Discussion about Realism Mods


Dec 17, 2003
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I’m just wondering where everyone stands on the issue of all these realism mods.

As for where I stand on the issue, I honestly do not mean to come across as a dick for pointing this out, and I surely do not mean to insult the efforts of these hard working, talented people, but why do so many people choose to work on all of these carbon-copy realism mods?

I mean, just throwing more exotic assault rifles and vehicles into a mod that is basically counter-strike doesn’t make it any more exciting than the same played-out generic no-brainer good guys vs. bad guy FPS game.

What do you guys think?
Wrong Section - Realism Sucks.
Moved. This belongs in our General Editing Section, with other mod discussions.

Morganhahaha said:
I’m just wondering where everyone stands on the issue of all these realism mods.

As for where I stand on the issue, I honestly do not mean to come across as a dick for pointing this out, and I surely do not mean to insult the efforts of these hard working, talented people, but why do so many people choose to work on all of these carbon-copy realism mods?

I mean, just throwing more exotic assault rifles and vehicles into a mod that is basically counter-strike doesn’t make it any more exciting than the same played-out generic no-brainer good guys vs. bad guy FPS game.

What do you guys think?

I think there are two reasons

- Realism is popular
- They want to make the next CS so they make a clone
If games were ever truly realistic.... they would suck.

ExhibitA- aliens != realism. There go a huge portion of great games.
ExhibitB- 1 man armies do not exist. WWII games, goodbye.
ExhibitC- Damage. Some people just don't care for bullets. They'll take a clip to the head and be fine.

If games were completely unrealistic.... they would be retarded.
Ummm, take the opposite of before.

I digress, but thee are exceptions to the examples.

Basically, All games have to strike a balance between the realistic and unrealistic. Games tend to lean towards the realistic because what hapens in the game COULD happen in real life. A bit of unrealism (if thats a word) keeps the games fun.

When you address the issue of CS clones, theyre the same. Well yeah! Tats why they're clones! There are still countless genre possibilities for realistic mods, the difficulty is making one that will tear the CS fanboys from their screens.

I think I only half-answered the question, but you get the idea.
Realism is like the holy grail of mod-making.

It's impossible to have 100% realism, so everyone is trying thier best to get as close to that 100% as possible. Trying to acheive the impossible.

Also, realism often creates immersion, which = good.

Plus, realism removes the need for troublesome things like concept artists. :)
Feel I should say something on the whole realism in games matter – as I’m currently developing a mod for HL2 that will be forced into the genre…

The term ‘realism’ has become very broad when talking about games/ mods. People like games that look ‘realistic’ as they can relate to their surroundings/ environments. Gameplay is a very different matter all together though – lets take a number of examples, all under the whole war genre -
Counter-Strike looked realistic (well, at the time anyway), allowed you to play real looking characters in real looking environments, but running up ladders at 20mph, jumping off buildings and taking a whole mag to the chest without being killed certainly isn’t realistic – but this arcade approach appealed to mainstream/ casual gamer just as much as the hard core HL fan. They had a winning formula – looked realistic, but didn’t play realistically – sacrificing realism for faster passed arcade action.
Now take Rainbow Six 3 – the PC version. Visually once again the game focuses on realism – although gameplay wise it also attempts a certain amount of realism too. Weapons react as they should, AI is very intelligent and you’re lucky to get away with one shot let alone 20!
Although if the game was TOTALLY realistic it would be a very dull game indeed – i.e. when the SAS assaulted the Iranian embassy in London a total of six terrorists had blockaded themselves inside – on average you’d be up against 20+ terrorists in R6. This is unlikely to happen in the real world.
Red Storm had to allow for a certain amount of unrealism to create an enjoyable game – even games like the bloody hard as nails almighty godfather of realism H&D2 has to allow some room for ‘unrealism.’

Personally, I want to make a ‘realistic’ mod – that will be flamed to hell and back in these forums for being a CS rip off until someone plays it and realizes – yea it looks like CS (hard not too - seeing as the characters in CS are human too!) but it plays more like H&D2 – thus it would be unlikely to appeal to console-esk casual gamers, instead an entirely different audience (notice the way a dumbed down version of H&D2 wasn’t ported to the consoles, home of the casual gamer, the less spoke of RvS on X-Box the better!) – but this is the kind’ a game that I enjoy playing, and I know other people do too.
But, much like R6, it can only be realistic to a point – after that it becomes dull – as MechaG said it's impossible to have 100% realism. The aim of this project is to push the feeling of realism up to the point before it snaps and becomes dull! LOL – to get closer to that holy-grail than anyone else would dare. :D

Food for thought - and yea, means I don't have to draw as much either! :bounce:
*Lookout for Reinstatement btw – site will be online this weekend! -Shameless plug*
realism is just another way of playing a game
it can be fun, just like an err.. unrealistic game can

balance and everything has to be there for it to be fun
Because some people like me only like realism games/mods, so we need some next-generation ones that go above the usual for future games for us realism gamers to play.
I don't really care what the genre is, it's more about the gameplay and eyecandy for me.

The catch is, it's easier to have better gameplay and more eyecandy in a fantasy world than say, in the desert in iran/iraq/sudan/etc
I don't like it when realistic-looking games don't ACT realistic, because I would expect them to... So CS is not my style of game. It's either un-realistic looking and un-realistic gameplay or realistic looking and realistic gameplay for me...
What you need, is the write balance between realism and fun.
Adrien C said:
What you need, is the write balance between realism and fun.

Creating that balance is the hard part..
Morganhahaha said:
I’m just wondering where everyone stands on the issue of all these realism mods.

As for where I stand on the issue, I honestly do not mean to come across as a dick for pointing this out, and I surely do not mean to insult the efforts of these hard working, talented people, but why do so many people choose to work on all of these carbon-copy realism mods?

I mean, just throwing more exotic assault rifles and vehicles into a mod that is basically counter-strike doesn’t make it any more exciting than the same played-out generic no-brainer good guys vs. bad guy FPS game.

What do you guys think?

I feel that there are a few kinds of people out there who voice opinions on this.

There are people who really dislike tactical shooters in general, and say that anything with an ak-47 and an m-4 is a CS clone. People like this say that all shooters are alike because they all have a common theme they dislike.

A non game related example would be people who don't like SUVs and say that they're all the same.

It's obvious that they're not, if you care to look closely. Same goes with these "realism" mods.

I think that if you're one of these people who doesn't like them, ok, fine whatever. Everyone has thier own tastes. But theres no reason why you need to go into, say, newsposts and say "oh, jsut another CS clone". If you cared for the details, you'd know that it's not. But you don't. And saying that it's a CS clone isn't contributing to any discussion.

And, for the sake of argument, if you haven't noticed.... a real crap load of people like realistic mods.
When i look at the top 20 most played games on the gamepsy stats page they're all completely unrealistic. The closest thing to a realism game is Americas Army.

While i'm not denying there's a huge market for them.....the stats kind of tell us the truth. I'm not giving up on realism games. I'm sure one day i'll play one that is addictive.
realism mods.. ahh..

well, just like some people said before, to call a realism mod a CS clone is just making yourself look silly. because, first of all CS IS NOT a realistic mod...yes it has real weapons, and human characters... but thats as close to relity as the game gets. (not putting down CS, i used to play a lot.. but it got old after a while...)

I dont know hwat else to say.. its late and i cant be bothered to think anymore...

just one last thing.. A toast to all those brave souls out there that are determined to make a good realism mod, and are not affraid of any CS clone tags!. Cheers!
Mr-Fusion said:
When i look at the top 20 most played games on the gamepsy stats page they're all completely unrealistic. The closest thing to a realism game is Americas Army.

While i'm not denying there's a huge market for them.....the stats kind of tell us the truth. I'm not giving up on realism games. I'm sure one day i'll play one that is addictive.

Well, in the top 30, there are 5 realism games specifically, as well as hl, and most of thew hl servers are cs servers, so I guess you could say that's 6. There's also 8 WW2 games, which people generally slam on as well. So outta the top 30, there are 14 that are realism or WW2. That's alot for 2 measly genres.
Yeah the whole definition of realism is very subjective.

When i see CS, MOHAA, CoD etc i straight away call them unrealistic. I play CS jump from a 4 m high wall hit the deck, zoom with an awp and pop a guy in the head in a matter of seconds. It's not realistic at all.

When there's features like gun jamming, breaking limbs, limping from broken limbs, loss of flexibility after proning for too long, bleeding, stamina, ironsights, bullet drop, etc i start to call it realistic.

I personally love some realism elements. Realistic textures, gun authenticity, animations, models, maps are things i love and get really annoyed if something is screwed up in that area. It's the player movement and physical effects of movement which is where it gets tricky. If your aiming to go for realism do you also choose to omit all things like a HUD? A minimap (or radar)? I think that's when you go too far and when it starts to really impact on enjoyment.