Dishonored - New game from Arkane with interesting pedigree.

The environments look lovely, but the characters are Ew. Especially the animation. Hopefully they're still working on them.

Gameplay sounds cool. Like hitman, but with magic.
I was very intrigued by this when I saw the first art work when I was at PC Gamer last year, just hope they can pull off a solid game with their ideas.
A new cinematic trailer has been released today, no in-game footage sadly but its still worth a look.

That looked swag as ****, even though it was all CGI. If it's at all representative of the gameplay I think we're in for something special.
If thats anything to go by the gameplay looks like it will be something of a mix between all those superpower games we've seen recently, and thief. Could be alright, if unoriginal in gameplay.
Seems cool. Could use some in game footage though.
Spiffy trailers always look spiffy.
Man this looks great so far. Definitely looking forward to it.

(Also wow, 5000th post. Makes me think how long I've been a part of this community)
New screenshots incase people have missed them.

Is it just me or does this first picture remind anybody of early HL2 concept art? The train looks incredibly similar to Razor trains, while I definitely remember seeing a train tunnel/station like that in some Raising the Bar concept work, not to even get started on those large...metallic....walls....


Yes it does remind of me Half-Life a bit...but that is probably because a Half-Life art director is working on this :p

New E3 Trailer.

Still really interested in this. Hopefully there will be a demonstration of some kind at E3 next week.
A good trailer, but totally disappointed in the lack of demonstrating weird-powers they mentioned.
That was a terrible trailer.
The only game I'm really interested in getting in the foreseeable future, honestly.
Suddenly I'm much more excited for this game seeing all the experimentation that's possible with these powers.

My only complaints are that some things could use a little more polish (a grenade that was supposed to stick to the tall boy got suspended in mid air), and some of the textures looked very low quality up close (though the art style was quite nice).

Fix those things, and add some AA options for PC and I could definitely see myself picking this up for PC come October.
The huge amount of times that Blink is being used makes it look waaay too overpowered and easy, along with all the conveniently placed ledges makes me kind of wary for this. Will have to see what reviews/VT says.
The only thing I don't like is that the textures look very low resolution and blurry. I understand they are going for a stylized semi cartoony look but that's no excuse to have washed out textures...
The huge amount of times that Blink is being used makes it look waaay too overpowered and easy, along with all the conveniently placed ledges makes me kind of wary for this. Will have to see what reviews/VT says.
This. It may be a cheat they were using for demo purposes, but his "mana" meter kept regenerating just enough for him to use another power. Thats some casual-mode shit right there.

All in all, it looks more like a game I'd pick up on a steam super discount than anything I'm excited for. Depends on the plot. Gameplay looks decent enough, but not original enough for me to get hyped over. Setting seems overly crowded which I dont like, and I'm not a fan of the visual style really. If it has a great story to it though, then we might be in business.
Maybe a cooldown is needed for powers, the more you use them the longer the cooldown lasts (like a bigger scale version of L4D's melee cooldown).
Shut it, slags, ur havin a larf. These preorder orange peels take the proper michael and no mistake, what. PATRONUM!

Yeah, it's highly irritating but this was looking more and more like a discount buy for me anyway.
I was going to buy this but all those pre-order bonuses just disgust me. Great move, Bethesda. Might buy this for 5€ during a Steam sale.
TotalBiscuit: I can adjust the FOV, game of the year.
I might preorder this, I really like the look of the environments and the setting seems really neat. It looks like Human Revolution but in a better world and with no shitty boss fights.
TotalBiscuit: I can adjust the FOV, game of the year.

Laugh all you want, but adjustable FOV is a serious problem in most FPS in recent years.

Also 85 maximum FOV in the options menu is not enough. In Borderlands 2 I have it set at 110 and it's great.
110 is a little much for me, but I can't play anything under 90 up close. Low FOV is designed to be viewed from a couple of meters away, which is why console games usually have a FOV of around 60, which if were to be viewed on a pc would induce headaches and eyestrain.
Laugh all you want, but adjustable FOV is a serious problem in most FPS in recent years.

Also 85 maximum FOV in the options menu is not enough. In Borderlands 2 I have it set at 110 and it's great.
That depends whether it's a vertical or horizontal FOV. But I'm not sure if a vertical FOV of 85 would be high enough without seeing it for myself.
Totalbiscuit tweeted this tonight -

"Sounds like Green Man Gaming has Dishonored 25% off with the code GMG25-EVFWS-4Z4ZN at check out till Friday. "

edit: seems like this goes for any PC game on GMG.

edit 2: just pre-ordered for $45 US :)
I played a bit of it last night when it unlocked. Seems pretty good, but I can definitely see the player being way overpowered. I started the game on hard and I'm already considering turning up to hardest. The very first "vision" power you get lets you see through walls, AND see enemy's fields of view, and there's two more upgrades to that power still. Stealth seems like its going to be child's play.

Thankfully they give you the option to turn off the shitty "hints" on the UI which just point to stuff. I mean, seriously, theres this thing you get that helps you find runes that let you upgrade your ability. Its a heart with some kind of light on it that lights up when you're facing the right direction, and the heart beats faster as you get closer to the rune. Thats all fine and dandy, except for the fact that by default, when you equip the heart a big icon shows up on screen telling you EXACTLY where the rune is. Its not even on a minimap or anything, just right in the normal HUD like a waypoint. What the **** is the point? On the PC thankfully you can turn this sort of bullshit off (you can turn off almost all the indicators) but if you can't disable them on the consoles then thats ****ed.

Gameplay seems like it should be pretty fun once all that crap is turned off. Still, as I said, its probably going to be really easy. I'll probably end up not using any of the powers except a few I dont find totally ridiculous. The atmosphere of the game is pretty cool, and the plot could be good. The art style is cool, though some of the characters are just weird looking. I'll post more impressions when I get further into it.
Sounds like a "hand-held" game. At least you can cut the hand off.