Dishonored - New game from Arkane with interesting pedigree.

I'm sure there's a journal somewhere which reveals more about the plague and the various degrees of mutation and where they fit in. If I knew I'd say, if you find out put it in the thread with spoiler tags.
Just finished with low chaos ending. The outcomes were way too black and white, it's pretty silly. I don't think it was too short, pretty good length for a game like this.

Damn I hope this game gets DLC, though.
What's funny is that I didn't do a 100% nonlethal play through on any level. On the last few levels I got bored of playing nice and went on a killing spree, yet I still got the "low chaos" ending.
Just finished with low chaos ending. The outcomes were way too black and white, it's pretty silly. I don't think it was too short, pretty good length for a game like this.

Damn I hope this game gets DLC, though.
It is. Apparently you play a new character.
Just finished with low chaos ending. The outcomes were way too black and white, it's pretty silly.
Really? I got the high chaos one (I think I did at least, I decided "**** honorable" after a certain point and killed everyone) and it was pretty... not bad.

It was like "oh, people just say Emily did her best, and she'll always remember you even if nobody else does". Then it showed me the boat guy in a big wave, even though I sliced his neck and threw his body in the ocean when he told me to get out of his boat all snide-like.
I wonder if there are more than two endings. I watched the high chaos one on youtube and I don't recall seeing the wave scene you mentioned, but something else regarding the same character instead. Can't confirm right now though.

The good ending just felt extremely happy, confetti and champagne everywhere, the plague gets cured and everyone is happy ever after. And the bad one was basically people killing each other and plague everywhere.
I want to play as Slackjaw in the DLC.
He lacks the... subtleties of an assassin akin to Corvo. Love the man, though.
I want a DLC where I get to kill that asshole, the outsider.
What's funny is that I didn't do a 100% nonlethal play through on any level. On the last few levels I got bored of playing nice and went on a killing spree, yet I still got the "low chaos" ending.

I wonder how that's calculated. I also didn't do a non-lethal playthrough - I basically tried to only kill those guys that I thought deserved it, so I spared the regular guards that didn't know any better (unless I heard in a conversation that they were assholes) and murdered the shit out of assassins.
Finished hours ago. Very enjoyable game from start to finish. Only problem was with how dumb AI could be and that the endings were too goddamned black and white.

Song at the end was really nice.
Mixed Feelings: The Game.

I am on the third (or forth) major mission in the game. The game is good, but not great.

I think the praise for this one is a little high so far. My first issue is the balance between lethal and nonlethal combat. Lethal combat is nauseatingly easy. Especially when you can stop time, I'll even say lethal combat is boring. "BUT ZT, WHY DON'T YOU JUST GO NONLETHAL, DUH", well, stupid jerk, nonlethal combat isn't varied at all! The nonlethal options are extra boring! Sleep darts or choking while feeling up their bum. Yawwwn (pun intended)
DE:HR did a good job in offering a lot of fun and interesting nonlethal options.

My other issue is the story. While not terrible, it is pretty underwhelming. To be fair, partially because I just came from Borderlands 2, which has had some of the best writing since Portal 2.

Things I like:
-The world, obviously.
-The Outsider/Occult/Religious backstory stuff.
-The heart
- The art
- When you use the night vision mode, a voice in your head says "Roll some diceee" because he knows Corvo likes board games.
Time for Mission Power Rankings. Not including the first one because it's just a tutorial.
House of Pleasure > Lady Boyle's Last Party > The Royal Physician > Loyalists > Return to the Tower > The Light at the End > High Overseer Campbell > The Flooded District
Time for Mission Power Rankings. Not including the first one because it's just a tutorial.
House of Pleasure > Lady Boyle's Last Party > The Royal Physician > Loyalists > Return to the Tower > The Light at the End > High Overseer Campbell > The Flooded District

I agree The Fooled District is the worst level in the game
My other issue is the story. While not terrible, it is pretty underwhelming. To be fair, partially because I just came from Borderlands 2, which has had some of the best writing since Portal 2.

...what? I already heard someone else praising Borderland 2's story here, but I don't get what's so great about it. To me it's just some plot used to keep the quests together (and you can just jump in an out of it at different points, if you're playing co-op, which breaks the little immersion there is, and you stop really following it then) with some silly subquests thrown in. Yeah, Handsome Jack is a positively twisted villain and has some good monologue, but is that it or is there something I'm not seeing? I admit, I haven't finished it (I'm level 20-something), but I doubt the story will suddenly get so much better. It's the most 'gamey' game I've recently played. The game itself is alright, but how some can say the story is great is beyond me.
...what? I already heard someone else praising Borderland 2's story here, but I don't get what's so great about it. To me it's just some plot used to keep the quests together (and you can just jump in an out of it at different points, if you're playing co-op, which breaks the little immersion there is, and you stop really following it then) with some silly subquests thrown in. Yeah, Handsome Jack is a positively twisted villain and has some good monologue, but is that it or is there something I'm not seeing? I admit, I haven't finished it (I'm level 20-something), but I doubt the story will suddenly get so much better. It's the most 'gamey' game I've recently played. The game itself is alright, but how some can say the story is great is beyond me.

It's not deep or complex, but it's well done. It's a typical theme told in an unusual way. The world, its characters, and the events unfolding are well written and memorable.
Even many of the side quests have better writing than 90% of RPGs- The mission where you find a robot's AI. The long mission in The Dust between two enemy bandit factions. And even smaller quests like checking on Handsome Jack's Grandma for him.

The game is ****ing genius. It's easily Valve quality.
The game is ****ing genius. It's easily Valve quality.

I agree the game is very good. Personally, for immersion/atmosphere/story I would recommend playing the game alone rather than in co-op.
I'm on the mission after the Boyle Party (I'm not sure how far I am) and haven't fully explored every level, and I'm currently at 13 hours.
I personally really enjoyed
The Flooded District level, it felt like a real journey back to where you belonged at the pub. All the different areas of it were so enjoyable for me. Especially the bit in the sewers with Granny Rags and Slackjaw. Loved that confrontation.
It's not deep or complex, but it's well done. It's a typical theme told in an unusual way. The world, its characters, and the events unfolding are well written and memorable.
Even many of the side quests have better writing than 90% of RPGs- The mission where you find a robot's AI. The long mission in The Dust between two enemy bandit factions. And even smaller quests like checking on Handsome Jack's Grandma for him.

The game is ****ing genius. It's easily Valve quality.

I know this thread is about Dishonoured but I couldn't help agreeing with this. The plot is nothing revolutionary, but the quality of the writing and the strength of so many characters meant I actually wanted to find out what happened next (in contrast to the first game, I cared so little about the story that I never reached the end of the game). Definitely put it up at around the quality of the writing in Portal, maybe a bit lower.
Easily one of the most underwhelming and abrupt endings to a game ever.

After the betrayal, things get REALLY good. You learn a little more about the outsider and a little bit about his direct connection to the plague, with the weird occultist rat pentagrams and such, but they didn't go far enough. The game feels unfinished
Agreed, wasn't expecting the end to be so soon after that.
I was expecting a new character for the DLC.
Upon further reflection, I feel like this game had a lot of wasted potential. There's a lot of cool elements to it that just were not utilized well. The whole whaling thing, the rat plague which totally didn't feel like a plague, the machinations of the scientists etc. The atmosphere of the game could have been so much more emotional and interesting if they had capitalized on the cooler parts of the setting that they pretty much glossed over for the most part. When I listen to this song for instance, I get a very different vibe than what I experienced in the game.

I know what you mean, I would have at least liked to walk around a whaling boat. I started getting those vibes towards the end of the flooded district though.
Yeah, but as soon as the oppressive and sad atmosphere started setting it, the game ends. I think it probably got cut down a lot to meet deadlines.
Just beat the game, my feelings as of now:

Pros: Interesting world, great level design, some interesting powers and fun combat, the heart item that tells history of people and places, and a pretty decent story.

Cons: Not enough non-lethal weapons or options (I would of loved to have been able to switch out the sword for maybe a fist weapon or shield, why do I need my sword always out if I am going non-lethal?), I didn't feel that my choices made much a difference in the end, just the amount of people I killed affected the ending it seemed, and I felt that the endings should of put into account more of what you chose to do instead of being simply black and white.

I played the low-chaos way for the the first play-thru, so I am definitely going to try it again with the high chaos ending and make some different choices. Overall, I enjoyed it very much but, I wasn't in love with the game. The aspect I liked the most was the world and I thought it was extremely interesting with it's mix of mysticism and industrialization. I would love to return to Dunwall or any of the neighboring islands someday.

Upon further reflection, I feel like this game had a lot of wasted potential. There's a lot of cool elements to it that just were not utilized well. The whole whaling thing, the rat plague which totally didn't feel like a plague, the machinations of the scientists etc. The atmosphere of the game could have been so much more emotional and interesting if they had capitalized on the cooler parts of the setting that they pretty much glossed over for the most part. When I listen to this song for instance, I get a very different vibe than what I experienced in the game.

I find it terrible that song isn't even in the game.
Anyone catch the bit about

The Outsider being a Leviathan/whale and whales being creatures of magical origin due to their bones and blubber's unusual properties when crafted into runes, charms and oil? Because that's a thing in this universe.