Displacement map blending?



I'm using blend textures on my displacement maps and i get this error when i compile to BSP:
Material NATURE/BLENDGRASSGRAVEL001A uses unknown detail object type coastline_redgrass02!
Material NATURE/BLENDROCKGRASS004A uses unknown detail object type coastline_redgrass01!

When i change texture to 'normal' textures on my displacement map then i don't get an error like that

I can paint alpha in Hammer and everything looks good but compiling gives this error and ingame it shows only 1 of the texture

anyone knows what im doing wrong ?
It's looking for an object, some materials can generate prop_details automatically (those tuffs of grass) this error is saying it can't find that particular object. So far I've not been able to find the grass props, apart from one kind, the much simpler kind I can't find, so its probably down to that?

See if its visible in the game, though it'll probably only be visible on Dx9
nope its not visible in game (im using dx9)
i only got 1 texture on the displacement maps, the base texture (that you don't have to paint)

would it work if you put an mdl file with the name of the models that hammer can't find in the models dir

doesn't work

anybody else having trouble with using blend textures or is it just me ?
Bsoul said:

doesn't work

anybody else having trouble with using blend textures or is it just me ?
Are you using enough blend? I think if its too faint it might just ignore it entirely thinking nothing has been changed.
yep, i also tried textures that don't use blend grass and invert alpha
doens't work

does it work for you?
Bsoul said:
yep, i also tried textures that don't use blend grass and invert alpha
doens't work

does it work for you?
most stuff don't even load correctly for me yet. None of the shader examples run correctly neither. :(
ok it works, you have to use a skybox/light_env and run vrad to see the blending

in sdk_vehicle they also put a nodraw brush under the displacement map, so they don't get leaks i think

thanks for the help anyways :)

try mat_fullbright 0 in console, sometimes when i load a map it puts fullbright on 1 automatically
Yeah - displacement maps do not block areas to stop your pc from drawing like brushes do. You're always supposed to put a nice thin layer of 'nodraw' brush underneath every displacement map you have.

Hope that helps :)

Do those prop grasses show up now? I didn't know this was automatic... thats pretty cool if it will work. Im kinda annoyed that valve left so much little stuff out (textures, models, blah blah)... gets in the way of mapping unless u want to supply all custum stuff (dont have the time lol)
nope there is no grass props, i still get the error
but the blending works, thats fine for now ;)