Displacement Map Tutourial


Jan 5, 2005
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I made a small 17-minute vid tutourial on using displacement maps to make cliffs as in d2_coast for a friend, and he suggested posting it on some tutourial site. im not too sure where to go for this, any suggestions are welcome. it was my first tutourial. if any of you would take the time, as well to watch it, i wouldn't mind some critisism to go on if i make more tutourials. the link is yousendit.com, so it will only last a week. thx for your time. THE TUTOURIAL :cheers:
I saw it. You should have been a bit more advanced, though. (Maybe showcased a final cliff on the otherside, which you worked on for maybe an hour, to show people what you can do with what you showed?!)

It was still very good. Not that I needed the tutorial, personally.

While I'm on it, what letter tells me if it's an alpha texture? So that I can filter. I never learned that one :)
hey thanks for watching. i'll take what you said about the other side into consideration in my next tutourial. do you know that there is a key that filters alpha textures? if you figure it out that could be helpfull. If there is not, one way to tell is if there is the word 'blend' in the name of the texture. As a further note, are there any other details of hammer someone would like a vid tut on, post it and i'll consider. i'm still learning of coure, so don't expect me to make stuff like ichi's. :cheers:
71 views and no comments? is 60 mb too much of a download for you all... :(
Usually is, even though I put in kind words... :/
It was *really* lengthy for 60 mb too :)
Very good tut Deleter, thanks. 60 MB is perfect for me, it could have been 300 and it would still worth the download :) More, more, more...
cool. and yeah, i wanted to get it down further, but i couldn't find a codec which would do so. any of you know a good compression codec?
3DBuzz uses DivX, there is also Xvids. What will be your next tut?
divX was what i tried first, it was 130 mb unzipped..... i'll look into xvid. as far as my tutorial, im not sure yet, if you have any requests, I will consider them.
Well if you can get a working garagedoor (Not folding but moving blocks, up the wall... you know...).
DivX has alot of compression options! You can use the two-pass method. There are also some programs that can analyse the final size you want to have and then tell you what bitrate you should use etc.
i see, i'll look into it again, and any other suggestions, this garage door will take a while cuz im still figuring it out.
thanks, glad you like it. :) any suggestions on what i should do on my next one? The garage door is going to take a little while, so it'd be nice to have something else to work on.
I've never seen any video tuts on special tool textures, like hint/clip/nodraw etc... And at the same time, tricks on how to optimize the map for faster compiles and better fps.
yeah, im reuploading now. if i could find a permanent place, it'd be better :flame: anyway, should be up in about an hour or so. :)
Ahh, 65.4 meg.. : p

If you could divx it or make it a .wmv (for some reason they can compress alot) i would be a happy 56ker.. : p

Also many video tuts made it so it took like 5 fps....: p

Making a smaller file gets you a bigger audience. : p

BTW, i like these ": p"

best part of the video was when you clicked the pause button to skip through the boring parts :) nice tutorial.
Nice tut, I learned quite a few useful things from it! That was def the best tut I've seen on displacements.


It just hit me, after seeing the techniques I saw you use in making the displacements. I have since gone thru my map and deleted all my displacements and I'm starting fresh.

I now have a complete new found confidence in map building that I never had. This seriously helped me alot more than I thought it did when I first posted.

I just might have to try this tut stuff eventually when I have something to contribute!

Thx again, will be looking forward to seeing new tuts from you for sure.

cool, glad i could help :) I thought of a way to make a garage door, it might take a little while to implement though.also, i sent an email to halflife2.filefront to see if i can get my tut hosted there. thanks for the feedback guys, its been helpful. :)