Dissapearing Guns


Nov 17, 2004
Reaction score
Ok, what's the deal with CS:Source. While playing maps like Iceworld or Poolday the guns dissapear like 5 seconds after the start of each round and if you get a gun it doesn't get any ammo to reload with. WTF is this shit. In 1.6 the guns never dissapeared and you got secondary ammo. Why the hell does every fy map have dissapearing guns and no extra ammo. Is the Source engine unable to support weapons lying on the ground because it's just ridiculous!:flame: :angry:
Its because of the recent update........i'm suprised you havn't heard this.
I dont play CS and i know about it.
ya i hate it to especially when ppl host servers on fy maps with buy time
yeah im surpised they didnt fix that a few updates ago, its really annoying cuz in my server iceworld is a popular map but its jus annoying having the guns disapear.
BrimStone04 said:
yeah im surpised they didnt fix that a few updates ago, its really annoying cuz in my server iceworld is a popular map but its jus annoying having the guns disapear.
It's a feature not a bug ;) I believe it has something to do with removing the guns dropped from the last round or something. Best fix is to set your mp_freezetime to 0 although it doesnt totally fix it helps. You don't get secondary ammo beacuse source has sensible coding and makes it so you have to pickup your ammo. Not sure why this applies to fy_ maps but on one of the maps I played you got secondary ammo for the TMP so I guess it's the map designers fault for not setting up the guns correctly.
really the fy maps are just de maps but with guns that spawn dissapear and some of that agret i have no idea what u said
Iceworld has it's buy section in the middle; you buy quick at the end of the round. The disappearing guns are completely intentional.
R to the Sizzle said:
Iceworld has it's buy section in the middle; you buy quick at the end of the round. The disappearing guns are completely intentional.

No they're not. Maybe intentional by Valve to stop people having fun on fy_ and aim_ maps. But the only way to get weapons to spawn in maps at the moment is by including a weapon entity, and these disappear after a few seconds. The TMP having ammo seems to be just a bug. All the other guns dont come with ammo. I wish Valve would fix this, it's an insane restriction to put on mapping.
sometimes during in-game, I see a team member shooting, but without the gun model in their hands. Weird.
R to the Sizzle said:
Iceworld has it's buy section in the middle; you buy quick at the end of the round. The disappearing guns are completely intentional.

No, it's not intentional.
Definately not intentional that the guns disappear, in the older versions of CSS they remained. The map hasn't been updated only the game.
It's intentional to stop people from playing crappy maps.
How do you figure socK? Iceworld aint crap it's good for practicing with diff guns.
They fixed this in the last update. Play an aim map and see.
Slip777 said:
They fixed this in the last update. Play an aim map and see.

Yeah - I know that the guns have disappeared since an update several months ago (I was really disappointed with this change), but since the recent 'big' update, the guns stay where they spawn - very handy as I play on aim maps a lot. :bounce:
Guns dissapear in people's hands everyonce in awhile for me, not when they are on the ground. :sleep: ;(