Disturbed - 10,000 Fists


The Freeman
Dec 1, 2004
Reaction score
Didn't like Disturbed too much after listening to The Sickness...
But holy hell, This album is actually very much kick ass... I especially like Stricken & I'm Alive. :D

I'm going to see them live on Friday, can't wait. :bounce:
This album has been a pleasent surprise for me. I wasn't sure whether Disturbed could pull things back together after the up-and-down tracks of their previous albums. It's not as heavy as Sickness, but not as light as Believe. It's a mesh in the middle, and that's probably why I like this album so much. There's no filler tracks, no songs you feel like skipping, all are well done.

The cover song, Land of Confusion, I especially like. There's something about that song that works really well. I'm not sure whether it's the vocals or whether it's the old-fashioned sounds of the instruments, but I think it's one of Disturbed's best.
I like The Sickness....

I wasn't too keen on Believe, but I have heard many positive things about Disturbed's new work.

Definetly going to check this out.
I like this album a lot. I loved The Sickness, but found Believe to be nothing special. 10,000 Fists is excellent, however. I really like the couple of guitar solos they have, and just the general sound of the whole album.
Holy shit, I got back last night...
That was a ****ing insane concert.
Never heard them live before, so it was a nice surprise.

There was a crazy amount of moshpitting when they played 10,000 Fists, Stupified, Down with the Sickness, and Stricken.
I had fun.
I recommend seeing them live if you can.
Surprisingly I actually like this album. And Im an old school / European metal fan (Iron Maiden, Priest, Helloween etc), I hate most nu metal.
I never really listened to Disturbed until my brother had this CD on in his truck. I have been listening to it ever since. I literally have this cd on repeat, and it never leaves my computer. I listen to it whenever I'm really bored.
Disturbed...yeah there awesome I listen to them a lot. I think believe is their best but the other 2 are also really good (I especially love the new one- and their new song "Sons of plunder")
i liked the sickess personally, and they are a pretty good band. haven't checked out their new stuff yet but i will sometime.
Muffin Man said:
i liked the sickess personally, and they are a pretty good band. haven't checked out their new stuff yet but i will sometime.

Do it.
You definitely won't regret it.

10,000 Fists is really their best album yet.