Divinity II: Ego Draconis Midweek Contest

Hectic Glenn

Site Director
Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
Reaction score
Thanks to our new friends over at CDV, Divinity II:  Ego Draconis is now available on Steam and that means we have 5 keys to give away.  2010 is going to be a good year for our faithful followers. The contest if you dare decide to play is:
Build your very own ultimate fighting creature. Conjure the spirits to bring to life a creature made from body parts you have collected during your battles. This creature’s power is literally the sum of his body parts; Once you are able to assemble this abomination, summon it to support you in combat
An idea from the game it self! We want you to post an ultimate fighting creature (pictures please!). One entry per user, the staff will judge who are the lucky 5 winners, contest closes midnight on Friday 15th (GMT). Good luck.
Maybe I'm a little thick... what do we do here? Draw some fighting creature that may or may not be something like the game? I don't even know what's in the game nor do I have the ability to draw... I guess I lose...

Meet the Gryphon, powerful, visceral yet the beast can be very helpful when in a pinch or can be used heavily as a demon of sorts. Its weight alone could crush a man, its claws could kill a bear with one strike, and any other animal would have a tough time against it. Known for its powerful flying abilities a gryphon could also drop a man behind enemies lines; its stealth is unmeasurable. On the land this beast can take out swarms of enemies with its raging charge, massive overbite and lengthy claws. Also if injured it can fly away to safety and can call out for help with its massive scream. You will want to sleep with both eyes open if a gryphon is hunting you down during the night. Hands down the scariest beast out there

Combination of some fat homeless guy.
I was half expecting some sort of abstract artsy drawing from you ZT.

This is much better :LOL:
yeah that shit is way too good

edit: i found my new wallpaper i was looking for!
heres Mine


"The ELECTOmonstrosity Box !

a Box that is has Unlimited Power of Sucking any Thunder . its is said that it was a Weapon used to Create The element of Thunder and it has unlimited power for those who Found it in the old Age ... its has ben said that the Box has a life of its own !!(so maybe its just a Weapon. . .who knows . But there is an Endless Possibility Inside of it . that's The real Mastery) :imu:

but no one knows what is Inside of it . but no one Ever Dears(in the old Age) to know what was in it !"

yea I know The name in the pic is kinda misspelled .. but at Least I'm trying . I wonder if I'm gonna win for this :D oh well . later
I'm not interested in this game very much, but now I just want to submit an entry so I can be the first to post a creature that actually follows the bloody guidelines of the compition: It's a creature made from different body parts of other creatures you silly billies!
I'm not interested in this game very much, but now I just want to submit an entry so I can be the first to post a creature that actually follows the bloody guidelines of the compition: It's a creature made from different body parts of other creatures you silly billies!

I'm still trying to figure out how we're supposed to know what these "other creatures" actually are since I don't have the game. As far as I can tell from screenshots it's just dragons and people so I guess we just draw Trogdor.
I think the idea is to use your imagination and take parts from any creature you want:
Pikachu's head, a bear's arms, Chuck Norris' beard, a stripper's body and duck legs for example.
On my quest to conquer this thread, I so far encountered many abominations of hell (read: TEH INTERWEBS).
Alas, I worsted them all. Only to form my pet monstarr:
I think the idea is to use your imagination and take parts from any creature you want:
Pikachu's head, a bear's arms, Chuck Norris' beard, a stripper's body and duck legs for example.

So this contest is actually just "Draw Something Weird".

Well ok then.

This little furry animal is known as the Eross. You can recognize them by their slow walk through the woods while chanting: Happy Trees!

Don't let this little bugger catch you sleeping in the woods. You don't want to wake up in the morning with a bit of Vandyke brown on your face!
Right OK, well the idea for Bluewolf's contest is that you throw together a mixture of body parts to make something you think would be fearsome. Awful jobs using mspaint are acceptable.

Things like: a lions head, a rhino body, a giant scorpion tail and a silverback gorillas arms. You can go mythical too with dragons if you wish.

I think the previous entries have missed that point a bit. We will give away 5 copies of this game for good entries. It's a £30 game and is currently on the front page of the main Steam store site.

Since the entries so far are shockingly awful someone could pick up this £30 / $50 game for absolutely nothing in a really quick edit. In fact the first person to get this back on track with a proper entry of some value will instantly win a copy.
Right OK, well the idea for Bluewolf's contest is that you throw together a mixture of body parts to make something you think would be fearsome. Awful jobs using mspaint are acceptable.

now I gotta Agree with Glenn on this Point . to tell ya the Truth . I tryed to Create a "Particle" without Using the MsPaint but I failed . now I'm sorry Glenn that i haven't Try ed even more on the subject. the image in my head was Cooler for my Creation here that I just Posted . "I just want to Participate once for a try-and-error and Hopefully gets something Positives point (the Story is Uniqe at my Point but the Drawing of mine didn't put much into the Point...

now I'm not Trying to say "I wanna WIN so Much that I decided to Post Randoms" . it was fun when I created something Different . Even if it doesn't had everything the Contest wants to or even the good looking...

. like I said I tried and Posted . and thats all man .:)

P.S : The story I created just reminded me of Dragon Age :Origins .:LOL:
Ok then here's my first attempt / placeholder. It took two of my favorite creatures and combined them with a bonus.

Behold, the Gorillator:

A second limited time iteration:

The upper body strength of a gorilla is virtually unmatched in the animal kingdom. A mature male gorilla could crush your head and rip your arms off without breaking a proverbial sweat. Yet they lack the large jaws to be a top predator. The addition of the head of an alligator would add ridiculous bite power in addition to the ability to rend prey into pieces with its sharp teeth. The mobility of the gorilla with the predatory instinct of an alligator would be a devistating combination alone, but I figured, hey have some wings... because what's more terrible than a alligator-headed gorilla beast? One that can swoop down from the trees and take you out. They'd of course only glide as the immense weight would make flying impossible, kind of like the flying squirrel. They would be indiginous to moist jungle regions and swamps, staying near water to prey on thirsty critters. I imagine their size ranging from that of a large dog to near natural gorilla size, with the latter having grown too large for safe gliding and relies soley on either water based, or ambush techniques for food.

Well... hope you enjoy that as much as I did. It's fun to imagine crazy things sometimes.

edit: Paint is fun.

edit 2: I made one in the spore creator... it's late too but I tried to rush it so it would at least look better than paint. Too bad I uninstalled Spore so I had no cool parts.
My custom Chimera: Please excuse Horrible photoshop ability


The Ballnocerous!

My dragon like creature, extremely deadly (ability to: stomp enemies with giant legs - creature is 20 feet tall, deadly trample, pick your eyes out, swallow small animals, strangle with its tail, and mesmerize with extreme beauty) and very uesful to fly me over great distances.

Edited my description a little bit (didn't have time first time).
Well I totally forgot to draw a better version today and by the time I get home tomorrow it will be over... so I guess you can just enjoy the little deal I have up now...
Well, the mods are freaking out because only 3 people took the competition seriously, while there are 5 prizes.

So right now Glenn is like "OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD", and some other mod is like "Why don't we give one to ZT? His entry is hilarious, and he could write us a review?" and Glenn is like "BUT I ****ING HATE THAT KID, I HATE WHEN HE WINS"
Bleh. If there is an extension into next week I might enter. I have an idea but I don't actually want the game. :|
Ditto, I know what I'd draw if I felt like displaying my hilarious artistic ability.
Yep two great winners, thanks Aaron. Also Starbob wins a copy for his improvement of his creature using Spore. Impressive initiative since your paint picture is so hideous!
Yep two great winners, thanks Aaron. Also Starbob wins a copy for his improvement of his creature using Spore. Impressive initiative since your paint picture is so hideous!

are you still giving away the other two keys??
I've already ebayed them for a healthy profit which has gone into completing my pokemon card collection. I only need Charizard and Vileplume.

But yeah...we will. I'm not sure how yet but we will. Perhaps we can do a HL2.net quiz night in the chat room one evening or tonight? They are usually popular.
Fatbubba should have won.
But yeah...we will. I'm not sure how yet but we will. Perhaps we can do a HL2.net quiz night in the chat room one evening or tonight? They are usually popular.

I just came back from AvataR (second time ... if only iMAX was in my town ...) and hurray I won :)
I liked the premise of this contest. I think the deadline should have been longer, though.
Fatbubba should have won.
Too bad my entry didn't fit the qualifications. Though I understood the rules perfectly and would have done exactly the same thing if I could do it again. I like to keep things simple ;)

Oh well, better luck next time. Congrats to the winners :)