

Party Escort Bot
Sep 20, 2003
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I was wondering if there's anyone who owns a turntable or does any DJing/mixing, digitally or with analog stuff. I'm thinking about purchasing a turntable and start it out, I have a great passion for music and it'd be fun to do and mix triphop and such

If there's anyone who has any knowledge on this, I'd love to hear, perhaps you could share a few advices or tips on what turntable to get and some tips on mixing, I'm trying it out abit with Cubase SX but it's very hard finding songs with slightly the same BPM and beat..
:dozey: Vestax, Technics. Try out an MPC 3000, hehe.
if you want to be really cheap and just mix on your computer I have an excellent program for that (does auto beatmatching and you can scratch)
Evil^Milk said:
google for fruityloops

Pretty cool for making loops but I can't compose full drum tracks on it :P
synth said:
if you want to be really cheap and just mix on your computer I have an excellent program for that (does auto beatmatching and you can scratch)

That program is absolutely fantastic, thanks for the link!

I love it, got all neat features like X-fading and stuff, gonna play around with it for a while :D
My brother used tracktor for a bit before he got his decks, he said it was pretty cool
Don't get a belt driven turnable, the slight fluxuations in the belts tension will ever so slightly cause the record's tempo to change. You could match the beats on 2 records but would have to switch it over to the next song rather quick because they would eventually not be in synch.

If you get a direct drive turntable, you could match 2 records, go get yourself a sandwich and come back and they will still be in synch.

I reccomend techniques 1200 because they have been in the industry forever and won't have to worry if your turntables break after a few years only to find you can't get parts because the company doesn't exist anymore.

Nothing beats the feel of mixing vinyl. I own 2 techniques 1,200's and a dual cd mixer. Mixing CD's is cool because you can mix your own creations but nothing gives you complete control like a needle and a piece of wax. :D
Sweet alehm, yeah I've noticed that belt drive isn't that popular, and that Technics 1200 seems to be the shiznat. :)

I'll try and check out if there's anywhere I can get them here in sweden, or I might have to order them on the internet. How much do they cost (in dollars)?