DM Map 'killbox' is retarded - stop the insanity

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I thought I'd give a map other than lockdown and overwatch a go, and I saw this 'killbox' on a few servers.

Let me just say that its the most mind-numbingly inane thing I've ever seen in any videogame anywhere. Good lord people, I'm all for mods, but lets try to have some standards here. If I took a crap on my mousepad, I wouldn't try and release it to the public and pass it off as a mod.

Lets keep these experimental maps off the public servers for now eh? We'll gladly wait for your mod to privately evolve past a giant empty grey cube with little interspersed mini-cubes before it sees the light of day. That'll save the rest of us from wasting the time it takes to download it, and the server space that could be used for other, non-crappy endeavors.

Please, someone recommend a DM mod map that doesn't make me want to secondary pulserifle myself in the head.

My 2 cents.
Yeah let's stop people from mapping whatever they want and concentrate on pleasing you.
I agree. It's annoying to join a server and be downloading a custom map for 5-10 minutes, only to have it turn out to be a complete piece of shit.
Well here's an idea, only join servers that you want to play in...
What a host does with his server is his business, not your's.
He has a point though. People are releasing beta's and "WIP's" of their awful, fullbright, sorry excuses for maps... It's really annoying.

The good maps are coming, I assure you, with the $5000 competition, it won't be too much longer before you see the very high quality maps.

And beyond that, croperz is right, we just need to find a server that's only willing to host some decent maps, instead of the crap we see on Joe Schmoe's Server of Doom.

Anyways, random link.
Yes, I can't wait for the maps that emerge from that contest. But for now I think the topic poster should get aquainted to the word "filter".
come on, killbox is a classic. i loved it on hl1 dm, and its even better on hl2 dm. i love falling from high places and seeing my body being tossed around. i must admit it is a cheesy map, but fun
I couldnt believe it when i played the barney_gulch map. OK the layout is the same as the bloodgulch map of halo but becuase there were no textures apart from the purple and black chequered, i couldnt play it as i got a massive headache and it took me 3 mins to dload it as well, thats y i never go on servers that have the maps that say beta on them lol.
dm_docksidebeta is as close to a final product as you're likely to find.
Sorry, but killbox is a classic. Get a few mates together, load up vent or team speak and join a server.

If you don't like custom maps, why do you download them? Or rather, why not wait untill decent maps appear. you will see them because people will talk about them. Untill then, stick to the default ones...
dockside was a little buggy for me, but overall, i'd say i was pretty impressed. 2 thumbs for dockside.
*****Public Service Announcement*****

Killbox was/is the biggest, smelliest, brightest piece of total and utter bullshit ever concieved as a map. The author should be pushed off something at least as high as his map. Twice. Anyone that has done a remake should be pushed off something at least twice as high as the map. Twice. Anyone that has this map on their hard drive should delete it immediately.

*****Public Service Announcement*****

I agree... I wish people wouldn't put up early early betas as maps...

I mean, it's alright if they're just testing it out (like a server with one person, that says "MAP TESTING" or something) but I mean...

well for example, I saw a map on a server (dm_357), and it sounded really cool. In my head, the map looked like a map and not a big grey floating box with two revolvers. To me, I imagined it as a nice looking deathmatch arena or an urban setting, or ANYTHING with some revolvers laying around (enough for everyone to make some good old fashioned shootouts) but nope. Sure enough, grey box.

However, I also disagree... some people might like killbox, I know I don't, but it is the server admin's choice and quite simply... go somewhere else.

I have now made a new policy for myself after downloading 30 shit maps and 4 good ones, that I will no longer download them off of steam, but from somewhere where I can see screenshots.
This is actually a 2 part problem:
1. There are way too many gamers that started by playing CS, and think that CS is the way Halflife was intended to be played.
2. Lack of reading / Lack of titiling maps with a "beta" or "testing" tag.
Slainchild said:
Killbox was/is the biggest, smelliest, brightest piece of total and utter bullshit ever concieved as a map.
Well, at least Hourences was trying to make the worst map ever concieved ^^

Oh and an honourable mention goes to: Thorns

Edit: Oh and just to point it out, SomethingAwful ripped into a bunch of HL2 maps recently... link
The clue to killbox is in it's name: a box in which kills take place.

The only problem I have with it is that it is always played on incredibly laggy servers.
killbox is my favorite map. Insane fun. Simply amazing. Both on HL and on HL2. I remember playing killbox on LAN with my friends on HL1. It's just so cool. It's extremely fun. Best map ever. I sacrifice virgins in the name of killbox!
I played this magical killbox for the first time today... what a boring map... there's hardly anything to use the grav gun with lol

it's a very simple map where people find eachother really quick... it was fun.... but not as much fun as the sick little map I'm working on.... oh yes.... wait till you see ... it...... it'll probably suck the big sucking suck-stick, but... it'll be better than killbox at least!!... twice as good!... no, 2.5 times as good!!!
Killbox is a nasty map.

I hope that Valve picks the top 10 maps in the competition and makes them part of a Steam update.

I would rather play the same two maps over and over than put bad maps on my server.
Pro[pH]et said:
I hope that Valve picks the top 10 maps in the competition and makes them part of a Steam update.
This appears to be the likely scenario. I think the Terms and Conditions state that once you enter your map, it's their property to put it any product - free or retail - they like. It's all win-win really: Valve get to flesh out a product that has very little content, the designers get greater exposure (not to mention the thrill of seeing your own work become endorsed by the makers of a damned well designed product) and we, the player get some top quality maps automatically installed on servers and clients alike.
Jan 15th is the deadline and maybe a week or two to choose a winner?

I dunno if 2 weeks is long enough to choose a winner. Will they play every single map? They can't just go on screenshots and what looks the best. They gotta look at how well the map flows and stuff.

Doesn't sound like a fun job to me.
I'm guessing they'll all just take a few days out to relax and play some HL2DM, then discuss which ones they liked and announce the winners.
Dockside is the best custom map there is no doubt about it. I give the guy who made the temple and that other map some credit because frankly, I can't do maps like that. But truth is, I'd rather play Dockside than those other two maps.
You hate it yet it sounds like you played it for a while.

If you load a map that you think sucks, here's a tip. Disconnect.
Killbox is the first time I had any fun on HL2 multiplayer. It's hilarious. I wish he would turn it into a CTF map with two bases.
I love killbox.. the map is halarious fun

Oh, too right, it is unbelieveably fun, I was sooo tired today at work cos I was up till 4:30am playing this one map!! :rolling:

If you dont like it, dont play it, but i think it is immense fun :thumbs:

I wish he would turn it into a CTF map with two bases

Please never say that again, I don't think I will ever go to work again if that happened.... :O
Lol, well i aint played Killbox for ages, and i played it again last night and reminded myself what I was missing! I never really knew what the general opinion of the map was, didnt realise it was so frowned upon? Who cares tho?
No one, so don't raise year old threads about it from the grave :p
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