DM Neon


Apr 2, 2005
Reaction score
Hello again everyone id just like to post a few shots of my upcoming map DM Neon, set in a futuristic city environment the map is a large DM arena with several areas of play ...



... This is the ground level of the arena, filled with large objects for grav gun purposes. Accessible by using 2 sets of ladders, jump pads and of course by gravity ...


This is the partial indoor area, that can be accessed by 2 lifts/elevators, its very close quarters in here, there will be few physic objects but there may be a shotgun or 2.




... This is the main playable area where most of the spawn points will be situated, there are also several jump pads that will carry you to the roof area as well as lifts/elevators to take you back to the indoor area ...


And this is a single shot from the roof as you can see its a bit high.

The map is roughly 95% complete and should be released in the next 2 weeks, all critisism is welcome and i understand it does look VERY Dystopia but it wasnt intentional, infact i started this map long before i even heared of it.

wow real pretty
offer your talents to dystopia
they need good dystopian maps
As john3571000 said pls go and show this map-pics in the distopia forum here

They will love you for that amazing sh** you did.
I think I'd get nauseous living in a city like that...
Thanks everyone im glad people are taking to it well, it shouldnt be long before release and i'll post some URL's. A lot of people have said for it to be converted to Dystopia but its a pure deathmatch arena and wouldnt be suited for team based action, but i may show it to them at some point just to see there thoughts on it.

Raeven0 said:
I think I'd get nauseous living in a city like that...

LOL just wait til ya see the 3D skybox :p

Again thanks for the kind words, they help motivate me to get it complete :)
Real talent here. But hell, most of us have talent, the true test is in completing something so massive and not giving up half-way :p
I never start something i dont intend to finish :) Plus its took me 3 months to get the map to this point, so, as promised 2 weeks max :D
i dont play either very often but i find css alot better than hl2dm. hl2dm is just mindless killing theres no skill or tactics involved.
crackhead said:
i dont play either very often but i find css alot better than hl2dm. hl2dm is just mindless killing theres no skill or tactics involved.
Exactly why hl2dm is the better option. And there are few games that take a noticable level of skill these days. At least in the online fps style games, including cs:s. :sniper::dork:

Oh and great map, I can't wait to get owned like the n00b I am on it! :D
i wish though that mappers would put info nodes in their dm maps
that way you could have a bot match in garry's mod
As i said before the map just isn't suited for CS:S the layout is better suited for DM plus the map is so open it would be AWP whore heaven.

i wish though that mappers would put info nodes in their dm maps
that way you could have a bot match in garry's mod

I didnt realise Garry's Mod had bots, but if that is the case then i'll sure add info_nodes!!
Lol, exactly what I thought, Teddy.

Someooone's geetting taleent scouted!
WHY a CSS version? Why, why does there NEED to be one? gah....
crackhead said:
hl2dm is just mindless killing theres no skill or tactics involved.

When was the last time you played a real game of deathmatch? The most skilled gamers in the world play this type of game. Everything involves skill, and tactics is a HUGE part of hl2dm.
SixThree said:
When was the last time you played a real game of deathmatch? The most skilled gamers in the world play this type of game. Everything involves skill, and tactics is a HUGE part of hl2dm.
"This type of game". HL2DM just doesn't cut it for comps though.
Cool. I'm tempted to say you should submit this as a news item :)
downloading. Kudos. Thanks for the mention in Special Thanks. ;)
When was the last time you played a real game of deathmatch? The most skilled gamers in the world play this type of game. Everything involves skill, and tactics is a HUGE part of hl2dm.

there are no tactics in hl2dm and no the most skilled gamers in the world dont play this type of game.
crackhead said:
there are no tactics in hl2dm

I'm not even gonna argue with you on that one, as you obviously don't know what you're talking about.

crackhead said:
and no the most skilled gamers in the world dont play this type of game.

Ever heard of fatality?

Now get me some cheetos!