DM_Dam2 (WIP)

omgz, another update.




Be careful for multiplayer - we don't want rocket-campers on top of the dam...
Clarky, I don't feel tht you're working quickly enough on this, would you please hurry up?
let him do his stuff in his way...
and clarky: next time you take some screenshots please put AF and AA on?
infamy said:
Clarky, I don't feel tht you're working quickly enough on this, would you please hurry up?

hehe, ill try lol, but I only get a chance to spend about 3 hours on it every 2 days.. i have other commitments so I cant really go that fast , plus if i rush it'll be shit.. 2x AA is on ill put AF on next time i take some screens, im doing the interior next.
clarky003 said:
I only get a chance to spend about 3 hours on it every 2 days..

I refuse to believe that you've done what you've done in 3 hours every 2 days - even if this is Dam #3 for you.
Clarky that is some awesome bit of work..

well done on you for getting back up on your feet and restarting.

looks better than the last one.. and even that was awesome.. take as much time as you need, as long as its a good map at the end i dont care :)
infamy said:
Clarky, I don't feel tht you're working quickly enough on this, would you please hurry up?

Is this your map? No

Stop ordering him to do things to your standards.
infamy said:
I refuse to believe that you've done what you've done in 3 hours every 2 days - even if this is Dam #3 for you.

then you really dont understand creating maps with hammer, if you want things to be right you have to test compile when you make fairly major changes to get it working and looking right, more so with large open maps where framerates and detail exposure need to be balanced, thats what takes up most of the time, if i didnt do that i would go faster but would probably get errors somewhere along the line that might end up being impossible to find if i didnt check along the way.
clarky003 said:
then you really dont understand creating maps with hammer, if you want things to be right you have to test compile when you make fairly major changes to get it working and looking right, more so with large open maps where framerates and detail exposure need to be balanced, thats what takes up most of the time, if i didnt do that i would go faster but would probably get errors somewhere along the line that might end up being impossible to find if i didnt check along the way.

I think I'm being mis-understood. I am astonished at what you've acomplished thus far. And I do understand creating maps with Hammer.

I'll leave you to your thread, with my apologies.

If you still need a server to beta-test it once you've reached that point, my offer stands.

Good afternoon.
Well thanks for the support, and everyone else with their comments too, I guess i must of misinterpreted you infamy.

I know you guys like different maps sometimes, and its also good practice for me and I get to hopefully play it with some of you when it goes into testing :) and hopefully see you enjoying it, and that is the main kick I get out of making these maps.
(omg whats wif me and the YAY thing?)
Edit: I think you sould add turrets on the top of the dam and some guarding towers in the singelplayer map....
since antlions attack this place!
Im looking at sending it out for beta testing in a week or two..

heres how its progressing








Even though I love this map, you should have added a danger to it. like the inside of the damn flooding once in a wile.
Clarky, any chance you could put a refraction shader on those windows, ala Doom3's distorted glass? Probably not possible, but I wuv the effect so :)

It's looking awesome.
those are some good suggestions, I may put both in :). for the danger I was actually thinking of flooding the back of the dam via a switch inside. but the curve of the dam makes that difficult ,, so If i do it will probably end up being certain rooms in the dam that flood.
you forgot to add water pipes to the dam... how would some of the water fall from obove and get down?
also make free use of the barrels I gave you.... they will very cool at the bottom
it will make it look abandoned!
the barrels and other models you gave me are cool (even though ive noticed they are from the leaked build.. lol), but if I release the map wouldnt it mean everyone who wants to play it would need the correct models installed aswell..? Ill most likely not be using leaked material, It makes it awkward for alot of people who might want to try it anyway.
clarky003 said:
those are some good suggestions, I may put both in :). for the danger I was actually thinking of flooding the back of the dam via a switch inside. but the curve of the dam makes that difficult ,, so If i do it will probably end up being certain rooms in the dam that flood.

Yeh, I was thinking that there could be fences that block you into a room and it floods, but there could be like air vents u could go through if you were fast.
I suggest adding more visual indicators aiming toward the dam. This should give a sense of urgency to head toward the dam and helps establish it as the key figure in your map. Your map is also lacking in color making it a little bland, throw in some props if you want, and possibly add more contrast in your lighting.

Also, don't make it just a dam, make it a Combine dam. On the outside, it just looks like a plain ordinary one. Throw in a few Combine gun emplacements and make the pods actually look like they're going somewhere. Right now, they look like weird Christmas ornaments.

Give some more cover to the stairs climbing up to the dam, you don't want them to die too quickly. Maybe even add monitoring cameras.Then there are the generic suggestions, more variety on textures, skybox, etc. etc.

All suggestions.
make it as a valy!
high mountains from both sides!
also add trees at the distance so it wont lok so empty!
Work out how you're stopping people from camping on the roof with rocket-launchers and simply pwning people running around on the flat-bed of the dam!

Although honestly it looks great already. I'd love to see some environmental damage, though...
OMFG!!, this map is getting better and better. PM me if u need a mirror.
Oh, another thing - you know that scene with the airboat coming into black mesa east? With the sunset and the fog? Whack a sunset skybox, some nice orange sunset lighting, and some fog at the bottom of the damn (the sprite based stuff), and it'll look awesome.
Where are you Clarky? C'mon, I know you don't have any life outside of, give us some news :D

Your original pictures have dissappeared somewhere.
oh dont worry about them,, Ill be releasing a beta this weekend...







and because I made you wait so long :P, im going to release a bonus map called dm_pitstop at some stage next week.

only when your going to release it
dont forget about the models
i cant put the models in. First of all, there leaked beta content. Second everyone would have to download them and install them correctly inorder for them to show up in the map. im sorry.
but I see you used some of the grass I gave you.....
thats a seperate model
and dont name the map b1
just DM_dam
the grass sprites are on the alpha texture itself, i havnt used a single model. I have to put beta on the end, so when the final one is released I can give it the proper name without beta on the end.