DM_Depot_RC2 Released (needs mirrors!!)


Jul 17, 2003
Reaction score

Well guys here it is! After 3 months of hard work tweaking and optimising and bug squashing I think I have a version of Depot which really represents what was my original vision of the map.

This version has been optimised up the yingyang and now performs much, much better, but I'd still say needs a half decent machine to play it on full detail.

Improvements can be found throughout the map and any of you who were familiar with RC1 will appreciate how much better this version compares to the last.

Anyway for now I have hosted the map on my server but I have no idea how long this will hold out so please please can someone provide a mirror and admin, could you please replace the my link when a mirror is found?

Enough babbling - and enjoy!

Oh and one last note - The reason that I have named this RC2 and not just Depot is that I realise there still may be bugs in the map due to it being such a huge update and therefore this will be the final RC and any bug will be fixed for the final.

Thanks again
Really? While I'm at work?


Beyond that...


Edit: It's up and running. And will be all day. I can't wait to play it!
Thank you! I've been playing rc1 ever since I found it. This is a great map. H-U-G-E!
Please let me know your first impressions of RC2! :)
brisck1 said:
Please let me know your first impressions of RC2! :)

Wow! What an update.

The two most noticeable improvements are the addition of walls and the map is now much brighter. Most dimly lit areas as before are now replaced with either objects, a wall, or beautifully detailed space.

Some areas have been changed around some, too, which is mostly for the better. No more getting stuck in tight spaces, no more train that comes by once too often, and no more getting stuck at a random spawn point.

You added a lot of new things as well. Cars, foliage, rearrangement of weapons and Health and SUIT chargers, and a lot of manipulatable objects. This makes for a much funner experience. You've also changed a lot of subtle things around. Too many to list.

Overall, I like it. I have no gripes about what you've done. It looks fantastic.

I like how you changed the little huts/sheds, too. Now, instead of crowbarring the door down, you'll need to break the window to get inside. Nice touch. Good idea.

Now, the greatest and biggest addition you made...


I love you for that. :)

I'll let you know if I discover any bugs/glitches during play. Thanks again!

BTW: Why weren't you one of the HL2DM contest winners?
Thanks alot Joule, Im so glad you like the changes and improvements I've made! Makes it all worth while! :)

I also added a crowbar somewhere in the map for those combine Team DM who prefer the crowbar over the stun stick ;)
That is f*cking beautiful.

brisck, got time for mapping for a mod? Since City13 seems to have gone under and the few WIP shots we had in the private forums of the map you were working on for the intro were godly.