DM_Derelict_Twilight - WIP Screenshots


Dec 21, 2004
Reaction score
Map Name: DM_Derelict_Twilight

Author: Highlander

Release Date: Public Beta #1 ETD: Next Week

Number of Spawn Points: 8


Highlander's first map outside of the Quake universe, DM_Derelict_Twilight is set in an abandoned industrial zone among predominantly early 20th century architecture.

The map's action centres on a 3-story warehouse building with a large-ish open area out front. Traffic flows along several paths, and across several vertical levels, to weapons and power-ups. Gameplay is average-to-fast on an 8-person server.

There are one or two good (but not too good) sniping spots, and a handful of surprises, too.


Like any map with a large amount of open space, frame rates were an ongoing challenge. Rates are included in the screenshots for your reference. We will be anxious to hear how it runs on larger servers. This map may end up being limited to 8-12 person servers. We've certainly learned our lesson, the next one will be better.

While an early version was tested on Linux, subsequent versions have not been. We see no reason for any compatibility issues (fingers crossed).


Some custom textures, fully functioning elevator, doors, windows. A cool trap and some shocking surprises.


We'd love to hear what you think, and we can't wait to share the map!


Looks great. My only question is about those towers in the background of shot #3. They look like they're supports more then antennas, but they have nothing on top. It's nit-picky, but when something looks good, it's worth picking the nits.
Ah - the fault I believe lies in the angle of the shot. They are, in fact, supports (good eye). In fact, they're what's left of the supports to the front of two silos, which has collapsed.

It's an interesting point. When I have this sucker up on my server I'll be sure to drop you a line and see what you think of them in-game.

I suspect that I'm just a crummy "screenshot photographer".

It *is* a bit dark. And as it turns out, it's too dark. So that was first on the list of edits.

BUT! We have a very big list of edits, and we've got some great ideas, so stay tuned.

I'm still running the map in my regular rotation, and it's quite well-liked, so I have big hopes for the final.

I'll see if I can find your server sometime in the near future to test it out.
