dm_g-town Weekend map test before release



The bsp is available here:

and the server it is running on is currently here:


Thanks for taking a look and I hope to see you online!

oh yeah. Feel free to email feedback to: [email protected]
Sorry, couldn't edit...

Does anyone know how to make the server refer players to download the map from a certain website rather than off the server?

Put it in the server title.
I'm going to leave the server running all day etc but if anybody wants to scedule a time where we can try to get like 8 or so people playing it that would be great.
a55b0t said:
Sorry, couldn't edit...

Does anyone know how to make the server refer players to download the map from a certain website rather than off the server?


Set sv_downloadurl in your server.cfg file to your website folder. Here is an example (make sure that in that maps folder there is a maps folder with all the maps in it. When steam looks for the maps it will still look for a maps folder first.
The server isn't running well there are some bugs in the map.(the double door rotats throug the wall...)

Heh sorry if the server was running bad last night I was using a torrent. Won't happen again. :p

Thanks for the info Pro[pH]et. I am going to try and implement that now.

Also here is are some other things I will be working on for Monday.
- Full VIS
- Fixing the saloon and outhouse doors
- Making the train less sneaky
- Closing some terrain seams
- misc other things

Thanks a lot for the positive feeback and I'll try to fix it up best as I can this weekend.
Just a note that the server I was running will be down today (sunday) while I do my final fixes and big compile. I'm going to try and get it released for monday afternoon and then it will be back up.
I didn't know if I should make a new post for this but I am releasing the map today (.vmf included).

Info and downloads are available here:

I will be also running an 8 player server with this map all week at:

Let me know what you think.

very nice map :thumbs:

i just finished a smaller one, and this makes me want to start another one...

a55b0t said:
- Currently no respawn of destroyed or lost objects. Cycling this map every 10 - 20 minutes is recommended.

I had a look at your vmf file, if you want props to respawn after they're destroyed you need to use prop_physics_respawnable.
Yeah the barrels were that way but they don't flame correctly with regular respawn. I also eventually might make it so items respawn if they are tossed off the cliff etc.

Thanks for the comments. I will hopefully be starting another map soon as well. This was my first map and I learned a lot so I am excited to try again.
Make sure to start building your maps to the lines on the grid and not everywhere. I took a look at your VMT and there is a lot that could be improved like excess space that could reduce compile times if removed. Also add nodraw textures to faces that cannot be seen. These are just things you missed. Great map altogether though especially for your first try. Try to stick to the grids like I said you might find it a lot easier to make maps if you know where everything is (instead of trying to look through all of the lines on front and side view)
How come you decided to put in the DX7 water? I know there was is a small section of water but it would be nice to see the full effect water.
a55b0t said:
Yeah the barrels were that way but they don't flame correctly with regular respawn.

ive noticed something like that before... but i think theres more to it than just the entity type.

what i noticed was that when i started a map using a dedicated server, barrels wouldnt burn... theyd only explode. but when i started a server by clicking "create server" in hl2dm, they worked fine...

there were also some sounds in my levels that wouldnt work on a dedicated server...

of course this could just be my shitty computer finding another way to screw with my mind...
DrDevin -
Thanks for the tips. I learned a lot of that during the creation of this map but figured I would just be smarter next time around. I'm sure you also noticed my visgroups are horribly organized. :p

I think some of the excess space you see is actually filled with the displacments because I really bent a lot of them out of shape.

The reason a lot of the textures aren't nodraw is actually kinda wierd... there are so many texture functions (player clip, no draw etc) that it says I exceeded the limit and wouldn't finish the compile. I had to delete a bunch of them and make a lot of the ones that aren't visible into plain rock to reduce their numbers.

Dumb Dude -
Oops on the dx7 water. I didn't even know because the file names are too long to read the ends. I might not even have all the water detail set up on mine so I didn't even notice. I dunno if it is worth another 14 hour compile though. :p Maybe if I get enough feedback of things I want to change I will fix that in another build.

Thanks again for the comments everyone.
don't know if you know this (i only found it out recently), but when you turn a brush into a displacent brush, you can delete the sides of the brush you dont need.

you select the sides of the brush you dont want in the displacement painter mode, and then click destroy. that way your not wasting space on a 6 sided brush when you only need one.
WOW! 14 hour compile! Its not worth it man. Its a little bit of water anyways. It don't matter.
Just a note:

My server is having problems so I won't be hosting this map for a while but the website should still be working if anybody else wants to add it into rotation.
