DM_Subway 2, dev Screen shots


Jan 6, 2005
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DM_Subway 2, dev Screen shots
Hey, since the contest is over i have been working on a new version of DM_Subway, Here are some screen shots of the smaller platform,

DM_Subway 2 platform 2


for more DM_Subway 2 images click here

comapir to the original
DM_Subway v1 platform 2


and compair to a real NYC Platform of similar style

for more info go to

If you have played DM_SubwayV1 please give me some feed back on what you liked and disliked, I realy want to create a fun level, and I know i cant do it with out your help

Allso let me know what you think of the new look.
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

Looks really good compared to the first one. Can't wait :thumbs:
3rd station a good idea?

Thanks, some people are asking me for a 3rd station, i have considered it my self but im affraid that it will dilute the players further, and couse the minimum number of players to go up. What do you guys think of that?
I think you need to make sure that there is a subway train that passes by the tracks everyone once in a while, so then you can get hit by it. That would be savage like cabbage.
there is

I think you need to make sure that there is a subway train that passes by the tracks everyone once in a while, so then you can get hit by it. That would be savage like cabbage.

The current version has a high speed train that runs over people, its a NYC subway that has been converted by the combine and carries human pods on it, plus there is a real functional NYC subway that takes you from station to station. You can check out the video of it on web site linked above.
Savage, too bad I don't play HL2DM because the pings are terrible, but oh well.
If you have a 3rd station I think it would be best if it weren't on a straight line to the other two, you know? Have a turn in there. Probably help optimization too. But I don't know how well that'd work ingame, seeing as how theres a lot of jitteriness in a straight line
So I'll bet it would be pretty much impossible to remove the jitter from the game huh. Multiplayer network programming to blame? This level would be like #1 in my book if it were possible.
Limpet said:
If you have a 3rd station I think it would be best if it weren't on a straight line to the other two, you know? Have a turn in there. Probably help optimization too. But I don't know how well that'd work ingame, seeing as how theres a lot of jitteriness in a straight line
Yeah meatbad, i'd have to agree with limpet here. If you can make it not a staight line, that could be cool. However it turns out, you can expect me to test it again. ;)
Very nice map, maybe you could do port onto CS:S because i'd love to see this in that because it would own everything :D
MuToiD_MaN said:
So I'll bet it would be pretty much impossible to remove the jitter from the game huh. Multiplayer network programming to blame? This level would be like #1 in my book if it were possible.

I think so, it might be becuase source doesn't predict "live" objects when it doesn't have to. Thats just a guess.

Does the map remind anyone else of the trainstation in Silent Hill 3?
Limpet: I dont know if the curve would be possible becouse then each car would have to be a seprorate train, and knowing the dm bugs, the cars would eventualy loose sync and seporate or go throught each other LOL, not cool :).
Yeah i hope valve can fix that jitter other engines dont have a elevator jiter in multi play. Considering they made a such a cool engine this seems like a small fix.

Deleter: thanks for testing it last time ill let you know when the betas are out, thought it may take a while as im spending a lot of time on detail.

Hells Angel: Thanks, yes thats actualy in the plan, i realy think this map will work great with CS as CS offers a slower paced more calculated type of game play.
Hey I got a question.. How did you create the gloom-type effects on the lights? The lighting is friggin awesome :)
Using the env_glow entity, i think its called that, i put to of them on each lamp and played for 6 hours trying to make it look right. If you want the values let me know and ill get them for you.
Oh speaking of light, if you want to get really detailed and picky maybe you could use a light_spot and light combo for your lights. Have the light spot set at a fairly high radius/angle which would be your main source of light. The light entity (not light_spot) would be set about 1/4 of the way down from the ceiling to the floor and be set a lower brightness than the ligh_spot, but all it's really doing is softening the shadow that should be around the fixture. Kinda odd to not have a shadow where one would logically be.