Do atheists still say bless you when someone sneezes?


Companion Cube
Sep 20, 2006
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I'm just wondering this, and are there any other references to God that atheists say unintentionally? Or Goddammit or the like??

I just got really curious about this.
yes ..I also say god damn, holy shit, jesus H christ, and finally Jesus ****ing christ almight godaaaaaaamn it mother****ing holy spirit and all his ****ing saints ..nuns too!!!
"God damn it" still gets some fair usage from myself. Same goes with any coarse language making reference to our savior, Jesus Christ.

Why wouldn't we? Such statements are rarely literal nowadays. They're pretty much just generic expressions of frustration, surprise. Their appeal isn't in their actual content, but more in the satisfactory way in which they roll off the tongue.
I thought it was funny. :) Granted, I think coming back as a tree is more likely than being raptured to Heaven, but still.

Truth be told, however... I gleamed more humor from watching the audience give wild applause when he used the word "Catholic", as if any of them could possibly be considered good practitioners.

Oh dear... I'm getting started again. :\
Who the **** is Dane Cook?

That was just awful comedy in every way. And all those people that paid to go see him :eek:

I still say bless you btw, purely out of habit. I was also kicked out of scouts at the age of about 7 for saying I didn't belive in god - which sucked, cause I didn't get to go swimming.
I'm an athiest and I saw "For God's sake", "JESUS!" "God damn it" etc all the time.
Saying "bless you" is just a nice thing to say when someone sneezes. In Mexico and Spain, the form of "bless you" literally means "health" in Spanish. It's like being nice to your neighbor: it's in the Bible, but for a lot of people it's just a common day thing that's nice.
I never thought Dane Cook was all that funny anyway.

I say bless you because it works better than a blank stare.
Saying "bless you" is just a nice thing to say when someone sneezes. In Mexico and Spain, the form of "bless you" literally means "health" in Spanish. It's like being nice to your neighbor: it's in the Bible, but for a lot of people it's just a common day thing that's nice.


I don't usually think of it as invoking God's name to help somebody, but just to be polite.
That's it. I couldn't think of the word at the time.
I say "gezondheid", but that's probably just because I'm Dutch. And I do say goddamnit, JESUS! and HOLY SHIT!
Dane Cook is a ****ing hack.

But back on topic - yeah I use religious oriented profanities still, I find them more fun. Goddammit, Jesus!, What the Christ!?, and Jesus ****ing Christ are all integral parts of my vocabulary. Actually, when I was younger and still considered myself a Christian I wouldn't say any of those ... it really makes more sense that atheists would use them than theists.

As far as bless you ... I don't say it much but it's more because I'm kind of an asshole and less because I'm an atheist.
Actually, when I was younger and still considered myself a Christian I wouldn't say any of those ... it really makes more sense that atheists would use them than theists.

I actually never thought about it like that. I forgot about the whole blasphemous aspect.
I find myself saying "God" and "Jesus Christ" a lot, although I try to keep it down on the "Goddammits" if I can. I still feel bad after saying that.
On Dane Cook:
On cursing: I say Jesus/goddamnit etc all the time, mainly because to other people it means I'm pissed. If it were a curse to say 'Saddamnit' or something similar I'd say it too. I don't say anything when people sneeze though.
I find this thread offensive.

I'm sorry, you don't have to read it. I was just curious, and I figured that since this place has the highest percentage of atheists that I know of, I would ask here.

Also, thank you to all of you who responded, I'm quite suprised I didn't get flamed.
I'm sorry, you don't have to read it. I was just curious, and I figured that since this place has the highest percentage of atheists that I know of, I would ask here.

I'm pretty sure he was being sarcastic.
that depends, if they sneeze in my direction when they are close by I say "curse you."
Who the **** is Dane Cook?

That was just awful comedy in every way. And all those people that paid to go see him :eek:

I still say bless you btw, purely out of habit. I was also kicked out of scouts at the age of about 7 for saying I didn't belive in god - which sucked, cause I didn't get to go swimming.

really?!? thats horrible

I find this thread offensive.

i hope your kidding
Well... Dane Cook sucks the biggest c*ck of the universe.
I'm a goddamn atheist. Jesus christity christ.

Also, I Think Dane cook is decent, but hugely overrated. He steals jokes. Bill Hicks FTW
Look, I don't believe in God. I know He's there, I don't see the need to believe in the ****er when he's got so many poor saps already.
I say it out of habit. It's not really polite not to say anything, and what else can you say? "Science bless you" doesn't work.

I also say "Goddamn it," "for the love of God," "Jesus Christ," etc. It's just part of our culture that those words and phrases are ingrained.
I usually say "****ing stop sneezing" or "shhhhh!"
Sweet juicy Jesus swivelling around on a stick and playing bagpipes, of course we do!
From the sounds of it, I'd say a good portion of people here are atheist. Interesting.
I don't really believe in god, but I would still identify myself as being part of the catholic church, if asked. It's a family thing.

But no, I don't say bless you when someone sneezes. It's weird imo - but then again, I am weird too.
yes ..I also say god damn, holy shit, jesus H christ, and finally Jesus ****ing christ almight godaaaaaaamn it mother****ing holy spirit and all his ****ing saints ..nuns too!!!

Don't forget those disciples; they're always getting into trouble these days.
No, most people just look at you and then look away quickly if you make eye contact
I say...however you spell it, kazoontite. Keeps the people who know who I am from yelling about me for not believing in God, and it keeps people who have no clue, still in the dark!