Do black guys in japan ?

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Oct 3, 2003
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If black guy is walking down the street with beautiful japanese girl on his arm, does he get waxed by yakuza?
Somewhat related: What is up with the anti-black sentiments in our part of the world?
Not only the Japanese, but the Chinese and us Koreans; I mean to say, i get the xenophobic nationalism, as I am an avid nationalist myself, but even those who are seemingly "moderate" are afraid or downright disgusted by black people. This seems to be common in eastasia.
Anyone remember outpost nine? The black school teacher in Japan? Damn, this was some funny stuff.
^ Yeah. Lol students constantly sneaking a grope of his penis.

numb3rs said:
Not only the Japanese, but the Chinese and us Koreans; I mean to say, i get the xenophobic nationalism, as I am an avid nationalist myself, but even those who are seemingly "moderate" are afraid or downright disgusted by black people. This seems to be common in eastasia.

Humans have a great capacity to hate things that are different (diversity) and fear what they don't understand (culture).

I just looked Xenophobia up and that's basically the same thing, in a word. I thought it was fear of aliens :embarrassed:
And don't forget, Xenophobia is pretty much ingrained into Asian national consciousness...nesses.

I mean, I'm still talking with all these guai lou. I'm mad.

China = Zhong Guo = "Middle Kingdom", i.e. "Middle of the world".
Don't we ALL just wonder if black guys in Japan?

I mean, sure, if he walks down street with his arm around girl, he may get waxed by Goku.
If black guy is walking down the street with beautiful japanese girl on his arm, does he get waxed by yakuza?

Wow....A new level of stupid has been reached on

Somewhat related: What is up with the anti-black sentiments in our part of the world?

When I was studying in Japan, one of the modules we could select was Cultural Anthropology. Much of the syllabus was about Roppongi 'yellow cabs' and how much they love to have black guys stretch their vagoo. I mean this stuff was in the readings for the course, lengthy quotes from Japanese women about how they love... 'accommodating' black guys, and about how much more romantic they are than Japanese men.

That said, any outsider suffers a good degree of alienation in Japan, and as Numbers hinted at it's worse for black people through much of SE Asia. I got a lol from an overheard snatch of convo in Kyoto once: a bunch of Japanese people walking past, talking animatedly, and one of them pointing out that 'black people are the MOST scary, you know...'
Well, I'd hope I'd do a black guy in Japan. That sounds VERY exotic.
Wow....A new level of stupid has been reached on

Mr Fusion sort of has a long history of making nonsensical/silly/ridiculous threads.

We don't mind him.
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