Do games get announced as being Gold on weekends?


Oct 3, 2004
Reaction score
I thought that they only announced it during the week? Maybe monday if that's true.
They announce it whenever the hell they want, or simply whenever the publisher has sent it to the store shelves...
if i were a newsmaker, i would wake up in the middle up Armageddon, with
hurricane Ivan on top of me, class 5 tornados around me, earthquakes around me, and a volcano under me to bring a gold announment to the public
f|uke said:

Again, ditto.

Ditto once more (not F|uke), you need to shorten your sig. Mine was smaller than that a while ago and I was asked to shorten it

And I thought they can announce if it went gold whenever they want... is there supposed to be rules on announcing?
yay im in a sig :farmer:

and nay i dont think games are announced gold on weekends (friday excluded)
DimitriPopov said:
Your sig should be less ignorant :(
I'm really not sure where you're coming from, but ignorance doesn't enter into it. Its a simple math equation.
Half Life went gold on a saturday and was announced as gold on the Monday.
I still say Thursday the 21st... the one day out of the week when I'll be gone all day... they'll annonec it and I'll miss allthe excitment :'(
hi_ted said:
Half Life went gold on a saturday and was announced as gold on the Monday.

Well let's hope it did in fact go gold today :)

I'm saving up my excitement for the official announcement...
This is rumor, like anything else, but....

There will be NO GOLD ANNOUNCEMENT! The game will appear on shelves, and be activated on STEAM, without any special fanfare. keeping with Valve's "No Official Release Date".

No confirmation, and don't expect any either.

Rumor, but interesting.
I really don't give a damn when it goes Gold, Steam users aren't going to be able to play it until it hits shelves, which pretty much means we won't be seeing the game for some time still.

I don't see them going all ninja on the release date, so my "It could be released today" anxiety is diminished.
After a bit of researching I found out that Half Life arrived at stores 10 days after it was announced as Gold.
hi_ted said:
After a bit of researching I found out that Half Life arrived at stores 10 days after it was announced as Gold.

Yea, but they didn't expect the impact as much as it did. Half Life started off a sleeper hit if I can remember. They know what to expect from Half Life 2, so they're probably working on promotions, mass production, etc. I would expect the game on store shelves late November.
soccerdude21490 said:
I still say Thursday the 21st... the one day out of the week when I'll be gone all day... they'll annonec it and I'll miss allthe excitment :'(
Lets put that to a test. Be gone all day Monday. :E
I think Valve needs to sharpen up on their communications skills. Squash rumors quicker, announce delays sooner, etcetera. They should be checking new sources like every day, so they can respond ASAP with 'true' or 'false'. They have better things to do, sure, but it would help build respect in the eyes of the community.

The best community I've ever seen is BioWare. Here's to Edmonton developers! :cheers:
DigitalAssassin said:
I think Valve needs to sharpen up on their communications skills. Squash rumors quicker, announce delays sooner, etcetera. They should be checking new sources like every day, so they can respond ASAP with 'true' or 'false'. They have better things to do, sure, but it would help build respect in the eyes of the community.

The best community I've ever seen is BioWare. Here's to Edmonton developers! :cheers:
They usually post on here to quell the biggest rumours. Cliffe often helps out when some random persons comes on claming something huge.

So far he hasn't been sighted in attempting to squash this latest gold "rumour.