Do Ghosts exist?

so how do you explain skeptics ..people who dont believe in ghosts who have had supernatural experiences ?
since they dont make the ghosts in their brain there should be no way for them to have a supernatural experience.
"Well, I'm torn on the subject. Being a rational, educated, generally scientific guy, I know that, due to lack of evidence, they shouldn't exist. But that's not stopped some undenyably crazy stuff happen to me over the years."
absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
ive never seen one . but i recall waking up one night the sky was a lit up kind of weird for that time of night and i heard this sort of rining like the ringing in the movie "mission to mars" i woke my sister up to verify what i was hearing was actually real. thats the weirdest thing that happened to me not necessarily supernatural but yeah. just sharing .
I once was taking out the garbage. I headed outside from my garage door (not the big sliding door, the small normal door) and took out the trash, returned, shut the garage door and turned off the lights and went to go grab another trash bag to put in the kitchen trash.

I forgot to take out some cardboard boxes from my brother's room, so I got them and headed back to the garage. Opened the door into the garage and I felt numb, the lights were on and the small garage door was open. (Note, it was night at the time, so my spook-o-meter went blazing high).

Did someone open the door and turn the lights on while I was away? Unlikely, I was alone at the house. I shut the small garage door after coming back from dumping the boxes and started looking around my garage with a flashlight, nothing was there. I shut the lights off and shut the door, and went back to my PC to start playing Doom 3 (the Delta Labs parts, ooo boy, scary stuff).

Doesn't beat Angry Lawyer's story though. Burnt matches! I mean, there's nothing scarrier than walking in a room and your first thought is "how am I gonna clean this up"...
I've never had a ghostly experience... but there's no reason why they can't exist and ghost stories are so entertaining anyway... :)
i think ghosts are just like a 3-d recording (or think of it as like one of those hologram things from star wars) of something wierd or special that happened a long time ago. Like a ghost never pays attention to people that are there, they just carry on doing the same thing over and over again. It is just re-enacting history kind of thing.

That probably made no sense, but i tried to explain it..:dozey:
I don't believe they exist, I think its all in the brain, but as some have said, you can not say they DON'T exist or they DO exist.

I guess we might all find out one day.
Some people think they are spirits from other dimensions breaking their way through into our plane. (or something)... we dont know enough to proove or disproove, same with the existance of God, other life in the universe and such and such.
KoreBolteR said:
yeah i used to like that show.. first series was the best.:)

Agreed, but I've stopped watching it, so i cannot judge if the newer ones are better
I should've seen one by now shouldn't I?

Think of all the people that have died over the... Oh, I dunno... ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND MILLION KAJILLION YEARS?

To me, the idea of god is laughable.

Doesn't mean anything to all them christians out there.