Do I need to play HL1 to appreciate HL2?

i just finished replaying hl1 in the last 3 days and its awsome.
high poly models from blue shift. aniso filter. 4xaa smooth like hell on my 2 year old pc.

its very very good.
go and play it while there is still time.
u can download it via steam if u have a hl/blue shift/gunman/cs retail key.
g911turbo said:
If I knew for sure that hl1:source was coming out within say a week or so of hl2, then i would wait... play hl1:source, then play hl2

Don't wait! The chances of HL: Source coming out before HL2 are slim to none. And you really should take the time to play it. I quit Farcry before the end to play Doom3, and then quit Doom3 halfway through to go back and play Halflife (a 6+ year old game that I have already beaten 4 times)! And playing Halflife reminded my of why I have finished so few games since it came out.... Simply put, Halflife is the most fun I have EVER had in a single player game -- Bar none, and this is still true. So go play it (and if you ordered silver+ through steam, it is free, so why not)?
It's interesting to see how many people first played HL1 in 2003/2004, and still thoroughly enjoyed it. It's something that can't be said for most games, especially so FPS games.

And yeah, no one can really explain what's good about HL1 to someone who hasn't played it. One can mention the storyline, the good monsters, interesting level design, etc., but you really need to play it.

To anyone playing for the first time - TAKE YOUR TIME! If you're a hardcore FPS vet, you'd probably be able to complete it quickly even on the first time playing through - but so you would waste the point of it. So take your time. It's a week till HL2, I'd say 3 days is about the ideal time to complete HL1.
How to be sure and finish Half Life before 16th?

When you get to Xen, noclip is your friend. I hate to admit it, but I only did ever those jump puzzels on my first two run throughs.
You should definitely play HL1. However, I warn you, after playing it you will become completely hooked on the franchise and play all of the expansion packs, etc. I have only ever known one person who didn't like HL1, and he was an ignorant dumbass.
I have only ever known one person who didn't like HL1, and he was an ignorant dumbass.

OR.. he/she simply didn't like it.
[ play HL1... it's gonna be worth it ]
You don't have to, but if you want to know whats happening, and follow the storyline, I think you should play HL1. If you don't want to play HL1, try playing HL:Source, if you bought Silver or Gold.
Yes, play HL1 first! I've been playing on and off for a few weeks, I'm currently in the Lambda Core. I intend to finish before next Tuesday. :)
Won't it give the same graphical update as cs source did over cs?
No Graphcis updates for HL: S.
HL:S is a simple port that will just have the water affects, physics, and ragdolls of source.
CS:S is a bigger port that takes a few months to design and make. HL:S only took probably..maybe a week?
redrain85 said:
I even liked Blue Shift, though it's definitely the weakest of the three. And there isn't really anything in it that would help you understand HL2 much better. Though it was cool to play as Barney.

well, its kind of cool to learn more about the teleportation in Blue Shift. In fact you learn that initial contact with Xen was because of teleportation...interesting. i had always thought it was because BMRF was trying to contact aliens or something.
I found Blue Shift to be a very entertaining game, and would be truly fantastic if it was much longer.
I would play it. And since I am getting Half-Life 2: Collectors Edition, I will be able to play Half-Life with the Source Engine(Half-Life:Source).
I would say you don't need to. I mean, nothing really carries over from HL1, save Barney, the creepy G Man, and a few scientists. The story kind of explains itself to you, as do most reviews.
Heck yeah

Yes, I JUST TODAY finished Counter-Life (Half-Life with CS weapons) and I had a grand ol' time with it.

Be sure to finish it to the very end, if only to meet the G-Man. It left an impression on me 6 years ago, and has kept me hungry for a sequel to this day.
I'm almost debating whether to play HL:Source before HL2.

Just as a "refresher course"
g911turbo said:
Ok, don't hate me... but I've never actually played through HL1.

Bought HL1 mainly to play CS (got addicted to it), and now bought CS:S and with that HL2.

Should I go back and play through HL1 BEFORE I play HL2? Is it necessary to play 1 to understand the story of 2?

And if I DO need to play HL1 first, when does HL1:source come out? Because if I did need to play, I'd rather play with the updated graphics engine...

Thanks for any opinions :)
Yes. Go play and beat Half-Life 1 right now.

(I haven't read any other post in this thread)
g911turbo said:
Ok, don't hate me... but I've never actually played through HL1.

Bought HL1 mainly to play CS (got addicted to it), and now bought CS:S and with that HL2.

Should I go back and play through HL1 BEFORE I play HL2? Is it necessary to play 1 to understand the story of 2?

And if I DO need to play HL1 first, when does HL1:source come out? Because if I did need to play, I'd rather play with the updated graphics engine...

Thanks for any opinions :)
I would say yes, play hl1 if you have the time. I don't think that HL:S will come out untill HL2 is released.
You got NO idea what a game actually is supposed to be before you have played through Half-Life. Sure it only won best game like 50 times.
don't cheat yourself from the experience.
ZombieBudgie said:
I found Blue Shift to be a very entertaining game, and would be truly fantastic if it was much longer.

yeah me 2. especially that "riddle" with the barrel and the detonator cable :thumbs:
PLAY THE GAME! Just play it. No 'if' 'but's or 'maybe's - just play the game. You know it makes sense.
The running gags from barney in HL2 requires you to play HL1 to appreciate them.

Comon he still owes you that beer for christ sakes
Well, where is the playing report?
Where are you now?
Come on! Report damnit. :)
Wildboyz said:
hl1 is so damn long :/
im sure he wont play hl1 before hl2
he'll get sick of hl1 at some point

At least get as far as the Xen jumpfest anyway. :afro:
g911turbo said:
Ok, don't hate me... but I've never actually played through HL1.

Bought HL1 mainly to play CS (got addicted to it), and now bought CS:S and with that HL2.

Should I go back and play through HL1 BEFORE I play HL2? Is it necessary to play 1 to understand the story of 2?

And if I DO need to play HL1 first, when does HL1:source come out? Because if I did need to play, I'd rather play with the updated graphics engine...

Thanks for any opinions :)

Hls comes with hl2. Yes you need to play hl1 to understand the story. So i highly recommend you play through hl1 or hls.
my take on this: you need to play HL1 to appreciate HL1.

it wasn't given a 11/10 in a mag for nothing :)
pc gamer's 97% ain't too shabby either

hey, i stopped reading pc gamer after 2000, was another FPS given 97% since then?
trizzm said:
my take on this: you need to play HL1 to appreciate HL1.

it wasn't given a 11/10 in a mag for nothing :)
pc gamer's 97% ain't too shabby either

hey, i stopped reading pc gamer after 2000, was another FPS given 97% since then?

Half Life 2 received a 98%. :)
I had 'started' Half-Life Many times in an attempt to beat it... and never finished. About a month ago when I got steam, and my ATi Voucher, I got all the games. I played the HELL out of it, and even saved right before the final battle to get the alternate endings. I REALLY loved that game. It was so cool that it felt like you could just....turn around, and go alllll the way back to the beginning! ( I mean, techically, you couldn't... Nevermind.)

Anyway, I'm sure HL2 is going to have Many different references to Half-Life 1, and there is no reason why you should not play it. Being of the highest rated games... ever.
Yeah, you don't need to finish Half-Life, but it'd be a good idea to. I just recently did for the first time, so I'd know what's coming.
Comon he still owes you that beer for christ sakes

People has to stop saying that, I know that it ruin some of the magic but THEY never meet!! (if you play Blueshift you know), is sad but true ;(

PD: They probably meet in some other ocassion, one we never play !! :cheers:

Good game, a lot of stuff thats been copied and beaten to death over the years by every other fps out there. Kinda sad really. The g-man is creepy.

And whats up with the choices at the end in relation to hl2?

If you refuse, technically you die right? so how could you be alive in hl2

and who the hell is the "g-man" exactly -- and where exactly did he get that name from (did i miss something in the game, because i did go kinda fast)?

seems like an open ended ending
g911turbo said:

Good game, a lot of stuff thats been copied and beaten to death over the years by every other fps out there. Kinda sad really. The g-man is creepy.

And whats up with the choices at the end in relation to hl2?

If you refuse, technically you die right? so how could you be alive in hl2

and who the hell is the "g-man" exactly -- and where exactly did he get that name from (did i miss something in the game, because i did go kinda fast)?

seems like an open ended ending

1. HL2 assumes you accept the offer at the end of HL1, obviously, otherwise you'd be dead.
2. No one knows who the GMan is, there is only speculation. Something more on him will be revealed in HL2.
3. The name comes because GMan is often used to refer to a Government Man. GMan is also the name for him used in the HL1 files (model, sounds, source code).
ahh i c

government man... clever

his voice acting was awesome in my opinion (you can hear the flem in his throat at then end for christs sake - kinda freaky)

"Time to chooooose"

but yeah, whats up with the sounds quality in general?

is it just me or does it seem kinda muffled, etc.?
Overall sound quality was OK for me, though at one time I did get a glitch when sound would suddenly become muffled, was a driver issue for me.

GMan's voice acting was great, I'm glad that the same person is voicing him for HL2. The elongated s letters, pauses in unusual places and the gasps... it makes him even more special. Great character.
thats the word i was looking for... gasps (not really flem lol, that's AC/DC)