Do koreans own white dudes?

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Drum and bass ftw.

I think the idiotic pseudo-political discussion going on in the Comments section is more amusing than the video itself.
Asians of any type will always be better than Americans when it comes to videogames. It's a known fact.
Because... starcraft is a measure of pwning? The koreans looked like white dudes anyway.
It's rare to not find that under a youtube video.

Amen. I found one of the opening to A Clockwork Orange, and people were arguing over whether or not the naked statues were explict, or something like that.

Had to be done, it just had to be. :)
Amen. I found one of the opening to A Clockwork Orange, and people were arguing over whether or not the naked statues were explict, or something like that.

It's ridiculous. The comments under the Bush video singing the "Sunday Bloody Sunday" are all about either how Bush sucks or how liberals are ruining America.
wow..if that's all they can own others with: get a life.

They have huge competition/tournies over there and leagues of sorts. They make money while playing games on TV! I mean, christ, they have video game celebrities over there!
That's not all koreans can do. I bet numbers could martial-arts anybody's ass into the ground. With his foot.
They have huge competition/tournies over there and leagues of sorts. They make money while playing games on TV! I mean, christ, they have video game celebrities over there!

Sounds like my kind of country!

*Packs bag*
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