Do not worry my friends

I said on A message board. This is not nearly the first I've belonged to.

And true, I've been posting a lot, but my posts aren't spam.
I said on A message board. This is not nearly the first I've belonged to.

And true, I've been posting a lot, but my posts aren't spam.

do you get up to pee or do you have a little tube affixed to your wang .. :P
I've posted over 150 times in one day before iirc so that's not so bad. The site was a lot more active then though.
I think I will have some time out of the site

*<RJMC> walks away slowly while staring at everyone,slowly,slowly,slowly them runs away*
I mentioned before this is not about 'Play'

which is a great shame

I go to sleep for six hours and I wake up to this mind****.
did i miss something? Whats with all the spam???
In after spam!

Wtf is going on? I go to school for one day and when I come back my has several locked topics, several new decries, and people all in a riot. And Paris Hilton is banned. These are confusing signs indeed,
In after spam!

Wtf is going on? I go to school for one day and when I come back my has several locked topics, several new decries, and people all in a riot. And Paris Hilton is banned. These are confusing signs indeed,

I think it's the apocalypse. Save me Jesus / Allah / Vishnu / Superman / Flying Spaghetti Monster!
There are many here among us who feel that life is but a joke.
Save me Jesus / Allah / Vishnu / Superman / Flying Spaghetti Monster!

NO! I'll save you!

can someone actually give a friggen answer so people stop spamming?
Im pretty sure its just a spam fest. Nobody really knows whats going on.
That's because there isn't anything going on.

There's going to be live webcam feeds of the mods and admins isn't there? With a little scrolling chat bar.
OH noes! The HL2.Net has been spammed!
Hey guys, what'd I mis-HOOOLYSHITWTF.

Bad forums. Bad.

Goddamnit... I'll be back in a few days.
That's because there isn't anything going on.


While I am in similar :| spirits about the spam content of the current situation, I have to correct you - something IS happening... Sunday.

Looks like it's about time for somebody to make one of those periodical ' is on the decline' threads eh? Then we all rant on about the good old days? ;)

On a totally unrelated note, yay 2000th posts. Only took 4 years. :o
Well, my guess, lest it be censored, is at least a nameserver change on Sunday. But is that PST, or <gasp> vALVE time!?

a.m. or p.m.?

Inquiring minds want to know...
so the staff is going to tell us whats happening?
No. Instead, they are going to create a panic about something that's not real.

Oh wait.
If this surprise is anything less than a hooker on my lap, I will be very sore indeed.
Shit im gunna be in a airplane/airport most of sunday. Im gunna miss out on all the fun :(

EDIT: *checks papers* Oh wait, flight isnt until 7pm. WHOOO ALL DAY!
I... what? I leave the forums for a DAY and... wow. I'm a little qonfused.

[fake edit] * confused
What's happening? WHAT'S HAPPENING?