do people still want gmail accounts?

Alright, I know this may sound n00bish, but what is gmail? Sorry if I sound like a dumbhead =]
AlaskanStewie said:
Alright, I know this may sound n00bish, but what is gmail? Sorry if I sound like a dumbhead =]

Google's email service. You get one gigabyte of space, and everyone seems to want it. It's in beta right now, and google is slowly increasing the group of beta users by giving out invites to their users for them to distribute.
noooo!!!! i stop reading the forums for a few days and look what happens!!

oh well, if anyone else has any.... *prod*
Wow...I just got 6 more invites.PM me for one!
2 invites here, check the rest of the thread to see if they have all gone by the time you read this before you PM me (PM name and current email)
I would edit above post if I could, but its been too long,
anyway all my invites are gone so no more PM's :)